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10504335 No.10504335[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10504357

he's an SJW who's tweeted about muh refugees so no. but he'll make a lot of nazi spergelords rich I guess.

>> No.10504363

>that smart contract that causes a trustless holocaust
Truly a man ahead of his time.

>> No.10504400

No, he could set you up to be if you were so inclined

>> No.10504424 [DELETED] 

The link delusion continues. Imagine being the person who believes that a gypsy russian with a philosophy degree and no programming experience is going to instantiate a global, paradigm shifting economic system where banks and other entities are going to willfully funnel hundreds of billions of dollars into and sit around idly while said gypsy russian and his family of neet fags take profits.

Now imagine being the person who believes that the worlds banking cartels, with arguably some of the most brilliant computer scientists out there, are going to sit by and let a gypsy russian take profits they could have had by using a simple JSON parser.

Consider this snippet from the following article:

"No wonder that Spread Networks, the company building the fibre-optic connection, proudly boasted: “Round-trip travel time from Chicago to New Jersey has been cut to 13 milliseconds.”

And HFTs were willing to pay through the nose to use it, with the first 200 to sign up forking out $2.8bn between them."
These fucking jews spend billions of dollars just to get a 13 millisecond improvement so their algorithms can get the data faster. So you're telling me that if there was any money in the chainlink area these guys wouldn't be all over it? Get the fuck out of here.

So explain to me why this is going to work again? Or is it just a PnD like 99% of other crypto's out there.

>> No.10504480

>an social
enjoy ur b&

>> No.10504502

Are you serious? This Russian tweeted in favor of nigger refugees?

>> No.10504530

Yes, he is also supporting refugee organisations and donsting a lot of money for NGOs in the medit. sea. good guy sergey!

>> No.10504546

Are you fucking serious? Please.... tell me you are making this shit up.

>> No.10504560

nice fud, keep it up

>> No.10504563
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>> No.10504601

kek no. just scroll through his twitter acc, posts should be from april or may I think

>> No.10504617

I thought he hasn't made a twitter post in over 9 months. Quit fucking with me you senile faggot

>> No.10504619

whats so bad about this? link needs good reputation, so I liked his refugee posts

>> No.10504629

He's so great he'll make Adolf look like a man who gassed 6 million tribesmen

>> No.10504698

Is he a failed angsty and edgy loser with no career prospects who threw an ideological tantrum and led an entire nation of losers to an even worse defeat, a horrifically and comically pathetic failure, causing irreversable catastrophic damage to his country, wasting everbody's time and resources, then killed himself, going down as the most villanous loser of history, embarrassingly continued to be admired by the losers of losers generations later?

>> No.10504942


>> No.10506054
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>> No.10506105

>still can't find anything actually about chainlink to fud except ad hominems spouting random bullshit

>> No.10506588

>paving the way for communism

>> No.10506634


fag jew

>> No.10506748

Back to /pol/ guys.

>> No.10506832

>la creatura

>> No.10507214

Its true. He compared refugees to einstein etc.

>> No.10507227

>importing shitskins to replace whites is a good thing
Get fucked faggot

>> No.10507376

They're going to steal such good shit that they'll be famous for it?

>> No.10507383
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Blaster of asses,
linker of chains,
sir gay of nazarETH

>> No.10507571

Einstein was a refugee so that means that all refugees are super smart or something.

>> No.10507593

They were smart enough to leave their shithole country at least.

>> No.10507664

My problem with his idea of smart contracts is what if one of the parties involved wants to dispute the contract? Disputes happen all the time it’s normal and part of the legal process.

>> No.10507830
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>> No.10508748
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Stupid enough to think we wont kill them

>> No.10508813

Actually they were smart enough to know the people in power would not only let them live, but also give them handouts. They purposely leave the countries that don't give handouts. They know what they're doing.

>> No.10508883

>going where you get free shit is smart enough
not really, just basic instinct, even cats and dogs know this shit

>> No.10508931
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