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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10503011 No.10503011 [Reply] [Original]

Normies got crucified during December/Jan bull run and will never return because of it. Good job on ruining the future of humanity. We could’ve been freed from this debt system that claims all our souls but you chose to sell ultimate freedom for a little short term for profit. I hope your kids get raped every single day when the only jobs left in the future are personal sex slaves.

>> No.10503030

They got crucified in 2014 too. It'll take a while, but there was every bit as much hype at the height of 2013 too but only a few years later 94% of people had forgotten about crypto and set the stage for the next bull run.

>> No.10503042

This will be a 2 year long bear market and stay down forever.

The top wallets hold WAY too much coins to even remotely reclaim the possibility of cashing out at higher prices we see today.

Normie money pumped in December/Jan and they all got burned, never to return.

Maybe in 4-8 years when zoomers are old enough we can dump our bags on them.

>> No.10503050

man o man I need 3 years of bear to make it

>> No.10503062

This. Last generation fucked us. Only choice is to fuck the next gen.

>> No.10503064

I remember Adam Johnson constantly shilling Bitcoin on Bloomberg in 2013, despite not even knowing the basics. He bought some paper with bitcoin loaded on it to gift to his co-hosts and showed the private key on live broadcast. This shit never changes, just a new crop of suckers each time.

>> No.10503080
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>> No.10503134
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Nigger, I..

>> No.10503143


You peons need to stop comparing 2014 to 2017.

The total crypto markecap was like 15 billion at its peak back then. Random shitcoins like tron and ada in 2017 had a bigger marketcap than the entire 2014 market.

>> No.10503199

Top wallets aren't interested in cashing out. Satoshi is dead and Vitalik doesn't care about money.

Most of the OGs holding top wallets have already cashed out enough to live luxurious lifestyles and wouldn't bother dumping anymore and risk wiping their entire investments. Cash is worthless at this point and the stock market/real estate is at record highs so once you have enough play money and a nice house paid off there's no point in selling until buyers come back. If anything they will start buying once prices get too low to protect their investments and not let people lose any more faith than they already have.

>> No.10503265

doesn't that seem concerning to you? That complete garbage projects that had a few code monkeys working on it were worth more in a few months than Bitcoin was worth after 4 years?

>> No.10503614

>2 day long bear market
>stay down forever

>> No.10503631

Just like the stock market crash put normies off of stocks and they never got back in and Stocks became a thing of the past.

Oh wait.

>> No.10503645

that's not how it works

>> No.10503651

Conventment TGE will free us all

>> No.10503658

You underestimate the greed of humankind.

>> No.10503686


>> No.10503687

Unironically I laughed and feel the same way.

>> No.10503705

Cernovich is still in profit. Cernovich is a Jewish intermediary between boomer normies and mad lads; until BTC goes below his buy in point ($700) you can be sure the trend-setter normies are still in profit.