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10502992 No.10502992 [Reply] [Original]

i'm looking to pick some up when the market stabilises a bit. it looks like one of those shitcoins that pumps hard af and induces a lot of fomo

>> No.10503014

kek, people bought this at >$4
i didn't buy at $1 cause it's a scam but turns out you can x4 your money with scams, so go for it

>> No.10503019

pumpED, past tense

>> No.10503024

>shoudl i buy this worthless ERC20 do nothing token

>> No.10503025

Decent price right now

>> No.10503053

Yes, better than good. Buy a significant amount if you can.

>> No.10503094
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>when shills change tactic
You're not gonna make it Pajeet

>> No.10503150

is mercatox a legit exchange?

>> No.10503414

Load up while you can. Do your own research, always -- but yes, this coin is the future. First minable token, delationary, interacts with smart contracts unlike Bitcoin, immutable and holds value unlike Ether. With Lavawallet will be able to transfer tokens while using token balance to pay for gas.

Check out the discord for any questions you may have, friendly community.

>> No.10503763

>when you realise you're holding a shitcoin

>> No.10503783

not sure if pajeet shill or retard

>> No.10503795

didnt the hashrate go to 0

>> No.10503820

yeh some chink miners pumped and dumped it. now unprofitable to mine.

>> No.10503885

The real question is how could I make a complete shitcoin that pajeets will flock to?

- Did the dev pay you via Google Play gift cards?
- Did a person with a female profile picture tell you to shill this and tell you they will have sex with you if you spam this on biz?
- Is this token being used at a one-star hotel chain?

Please let me know. Thanks.

>> No.10504325

>immutable and holds value unlike ether
please explain
eth is down less from its ath percentage wise than this shitcoin is
and if eth isn't immutable neither are the coins on its chain!

>> No.10504362

This thing is actual garbage. Just an erc 20 token with no added purpose or value.

>> No.10504395

and that is exactly why it will out-perform most tokens this year. no roadmap, no false promises, no pre-mine.

get in or stay poor

>> No.10504410

hell no it isn't
this coin coney has 40 btc volume and 90% of that is the exchange wash trading, none of the orders show up in the books and are processed instantly

>> No.10504464


Ether is inflationary and its monetary policy is still completely up in the air. An example: https://www.coindesk.com/120-million-vitalik-proposes-cap-ether-cryptocurrency-creation/

0xBitcoin is already completed. The contract out of which tokens are issued is locked forever; it is immutable, with a hard cap of 21 million. Furthermore Ether was ICO'd, which means devs could essentially dump the price at any time. 0xBitcoin is mined, ensuring a more equitable distribution and preventing excessive centralization of held tokens.

>> No.10504555

you post doesn't change the facts I stated in mine
how does your shitcoin hold value better when it's down A FUCKING SHIT LOAD MORE from its ath than eth is?

>> No.10505049

It goes through pumps and dumps sure, but the floor is always higher than the last floor. Pretty organic growth all things considered; can't really do much about the FOMO, sometimes it just moons for a while and then crashes. As long as it crashes to higher than before we're good. Coin has good fundamentals and a whole wave of good news coming its way (Lava network, King of the Hill relayer implementation, and perhaps most importantly the 0xBitcoin Foundation which will allow for increased media access, an info/media pack, exchange negotiations, howey test security designation opinions, etc). Also formal translations of the whitepaper are in the works for Chinese, Russian, Korean, Japanese, and Arabic users. Internationally they love mineables so this should catch on like wildfire.

It's not super legit but people have been using it safely for months. If you're concerned about security try and get on IDEX and Enclaves.

Discord is great, highly recommend. It's almost surreal going from a pajeet filled shithole to a discord with real people, real devs, and real passion for a truly community run project. Discussion is usually high level, and moonboy bullshit is kept at a minimum.

Hashrate is pretty low right now (nonzero but low) due to some pump and dump organized by Chinese miners, but fortunately 0xBitcoin is both death spiral immune and 51% attack immune. 0xBitcoin would work just as well if nobody mined a single block for a year.

What this guy said here >>10504464
Ether is both inflationary (and expected to remain so for its lifespan) and unclear in its terms. 0xBitcoin has transparent monetary policy, same as Bitcoin's. Ether is just not suitable as a store of value while 0xBTC is.

>> No.10505170


How about you two answer my fucking questions.

>> No.10505261

No, no, and no. But if you want to have a real discussion instead of calling people pajeets for fun please feel free to join the discord. The more people learn about 0xBitcoin the bigger the community grows!

>> No.10505298
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I don't know if you've noticed, but most coins, including Bitcoin and Ether, pump wildly before crashing anywhere from 30-90%. "Store of value" does not mean "stablecoin." If that's what you're looking for, I would encourage you to buy Tether, Dai, or USD.

Pic related are the worst Bitcoin crashes. It is still a store-of-value because it is deflationary, immutable, decentralized, and possesses utility. 0xBitcoin is the same, but on Ethereum and thus can interact with smart contracts.

>> No.10506002

> Thinking that "store of value" means "retains USD value"
The state of 0xBitcoin FUD

>> No.10506084

For short term, yes. Sell it right after u double your stack or x5

>> No.10506252

>moving the goalposts
kek. bags getting heavy ain't they you "first mineable ER912 token" cuck?

>> No.10506323

Store of value/currency on Ethereum has been the 0xBTC line since always...

>> No.10507071

5x is the minimum this will pump just from it being "Bitcoin on Ethereum". I don't buy this store of value narrative since Ether will probably still be considered the currency within Ethereum (the inflation on it isn't enough to override its first mover advantage in this ecosystem) but 0xBTC will still moon in the next few months to $5. Maybe $10-20 depending on how legit this 0xBitcoin Foundation is.

>> No.10507742

can someone pls give me dogecoin DGsZMQvLDmyH2P6MtTw9KCiHyDhTdAGWe9

>> No.10508419
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I would definitely consider buying at least some of this token while the prices are this low. The main aspects that contribute to the price of a cryptocurrency are the fundamentals and the hype potential, so let's have a look at these two things.

1. It is the first PoW mineable token on Ethereum, making for a fair distribution and establishing a price floor at the cost of mining. There are no devs to dump on anybody or to exit scam. The smart contract has been deployed, anybody can have a look at it and make sure there are no holes in the code. You will not have to wait for any roadmaps, announcements of announcements or other such things typical with ICOs. With 0xBTC, you know exactly what you're getting.

The creator of 0xBTC is also working on the Lava Wallet - a way of transferring ERC20 tokens without having to hold ETH. Instead, you submit a "Lava packet" to a relayer, who pays the ETH for you and completes your transaction. You pay the relayer for this service in the same tokens that you are transferring. This is a huge advancement for the ETH network, since figuring out gas costs and keeping a minimal supply of ETH in their wallet for transactions is probably too hard for most normies, with the Lava Wallet, however, this issue is resolved.

Now, the Lava Wallet can be used with any ERC20, so you might as, why does this make 0xBTC more appealing? The thing is, that mining 0xBTC contributes towards the governance of the Lava Network. If everyone would be able to relay lava packets and the Lava Wallet would have a lot of users, it would quickly get messy and clog up the ETH network, with most transactions being reverted. A free-for-all system would be inefficient, so the deployer of the 0xBitcoin contract has created the King of the Hill smart contract. Basically, whoever mints a 0xBTC block is appointed the King of the Hill. The Lava Network checks to see who the KoH is and gives him the sole privilege of relaying lava packets. (cont)

>> No.10508436

If someone wants to earn money by relaying the lava packets, he has to mine 0xBTC. If the Lava Network gains a widespread use on the Ethereum network, then this would be a pretty lucrative business and attract a whole lot of attention to 0xBTC. In addition, the KoH can be given any sorts of special privileges. For example, you could have a community vote lasting 500 (or however many) blocks of 0xBTC and every time someone mints a block, they can cast a vote as KoH. This way no one can abuse the vote by creating 50 accounts or just deleting their cookies and voting many times over. This whole concept is still very new and I'm sure if it gets enough exposure, then brighter minds than me can think up many more interesting use cases for it - it's programmable mining!

2. If this thing gets off the ground, then the FOMO will be massive. How much potential do you imagine something like dentistry or gambling on the blockchain might have? Definitely at least some, but nothing massive. I can't really imagine someone fomo'ing into Dentacoin thinking it will take the whole dentistry business by storm, but despite that, it has a mcap over $100M. The new store of value on ETH - fast, cheap, scarce and not susceptible to the death spiral or 51% attacks against it - might have people scrambling to buy like madmen. I'm not deluded enough to think 0xBTC will ever overtake BTC, but the price markers set by BTC will definitely play a psychological role in the way people look at this token in the future. It is just barely over a $2M mcap at the moment and only listed on a few DEX's and on shady CEX. The 0xBitcoin Foundation is going to be incorporated during the next few weeks and will begin looking into new listings as well as getting the marketing side of the project going.

If you've read this massive wall of text to the very end and want to know more, then I kindly suggest to check out the 0xBitcoin whitepaper, Discord and reddit, all of which can be found at 0xbitcoin.org