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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10500745 No.10500745 [Reply] [Original]

Please help. My wife found out about me buying bitcoin and ethereum. She is demanding I cash it all out right now. I am so tired of not being able to make more money. I work as a car salesman and I've been doing really well this year. I won't go into how much I made but I had heard about bitcoin last year and had missed the big run up.

I had worked alot of extra hours lately putting in the time to sell alot more cars so this spring and summer. I had saved up around $23,000 extra from these past few months of working and had wanted to buy bitcoin. So I decided I would read about how to invest smartly and discovered dollar cost averaging. Over the past month or so I've been slowly buying in and I've done fairly decent.

My average buy in price is around $7300 so I'm quite happy with how its gone up recently. I had set it all up smartly and was going to suprise her later on in a few years after it had gone to 60k+. One day when I was at work and my wife was at home she discovered my laptop and searched my history and found my cointracking.

I'm really fucking angry here because even though she is a good mother to my one child and works hard as a stay at home mom should she have the right to tell me what to do with the extra money I make? I've paid for all of our bills and taken care of all our needs so I wanted to put in the extra time to begin investing.

She's extremely upset I didn't tell her and is wondering what else I'm hiding. I tried telling her that it was supposed to be a surprise for us so we could hopefully buy our first home in a few years but she is still demanding I cash it out or else there will be trouble to pay.

Can someone please tell me what my options are here? And don't say "oh just get a divorce" I have a kid with this woman and I love her dearly. She works hard as a stay at home mother but she is wrong about bitcoin. I know this is the bottom for btc and if I just hold for 5 years we will be good. I could really use some advice guys.

>> No.10500757

Lmao that’s what you get for marrying a retard roastie

>> No.10500782
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>Falling for the marriage meme

>> No.10500786

>She works hard as a stay at home mother
kek, my favourite part of this larp gave me a chuckle.

>> No.10500801

Sit her down and explain your investment strategies and goals. Explain why you chose the coins you did and what you think the future will be like. Don't make grandiose claims, don't hype it up. Just explain the process. If she doesn't get it then you need to teach her how to be financially literate. Ask how she would feel if you had put all that money in your 401k/IRA.

Seems like a lack of understanding to me. If she doesn't see why financial investments are important for your future, try counseling.

>> No.10500819

marry the roast, your bitcoins are toast

>> No.10500827

Nothing you can tell her but, "it's my money". I once told my gf I spend a few grand on it and she's like ARE YOU SERIOUS. Yeah, fuck you too.

>> No.10500831

easy cash out 10% tell her that's all, put the rest in monero

>> No.10500834

Tell her to shut the fuck up because she doesn't bring home any money and your family is still being taken care of

>> No.10500844


>> No.10500849

Op you're such a faggot you deserve your roastie wife shoving you around.

Be a fucking man, look at that bitch in her eye sockets and tell her to STFU and suck your dick.

>> No.10500863

kill her and eat the child

>> No.10500875

>I'm really fucking angry here because even though she is a good mother to my one child and works hard as a stay at home mom should she have the right to tell me what to do with the extra money I make?
Nice larping, but you should have written 'she's a good mother to her son'.

>> No.10500878

unironically tell her to suck your dick

>> No.10500918

Exchange $23,000 of your bitcoin for gold coins and put the other $1400 you'll have left into LINK.

>> No.10501020
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>he fell for the /pol/ muh marriage meme

You reap what you sow.

>> No.10501126

You approached it wrong ...


learn to reverse things to make her feel bad about herself ...


>> No.10501211

>I tried telling her that it was supposed to be a surprise for us so we could hopefully buy our first home in a few years but she is still demanding I cash it out or else there will be trouble to pay.
It's incredible to me how some guys let themselves be manipulated. Tell that woman in no uncertain terms that you are going to be in charge making investments and she should trust you.

A big warning sign is that she doesn't seem to trust you. You shouldn't trust people who don't trust you. If she thinks you are "hiding" things form here, she is probably hiding a thing or two from you.

90% chance she is acting with malice already planning something such as a divorce.

Absolutely tell her no. Women will usually feel more attracted to guys who don't let themselves be manipulated. If she leaves you because of this, its because she was going to leave you anyways.

>> No.10501306

You're a moron. How do you know this OP faggit isn't a complete tool, which is why she might not trust him with their life savings?

>> No.10501376



congrats on failing to be a man op. your wife treats you like a child and you allow it. now she will cheat on you because you fail every shit test and act like she is in charge,

you are the man, you are supposed to be wearing the pants in the relationship. its going to be difficult now because you should have been wearing the pants all along.

>here is what you do

>> No.10501392

>epxlaining shit like a submissive cuck
she doesnt need an explanation, she needs a real man for a husband. not a child she can order around.

women are like dogs, they get nervous and act weird when its not clear who is in charge, women are most comfortable when the man is in charge. ops wife is probably going out of her mind having to be in charge while her man is basically acting like her son.

>> No.10501394
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>> No.10501420

i mean retards like you don't deserve to be rich so who really cares?

>> No.10501597

back in the day wife talks shit like this you could just backhand her. nobody would give you shit about it, we all understand that women need to be reminded sometimes of their place. but now, you get arrested. and women arent happy, because if she doesnt know her place, she starts to panic. women crave discipline sometimes, they want you to seize control. but at the same time the feminist voices in her head will tell her to call the police if you exercise that control she desperatly emotionally needs you to exercise. im not saying punch her or cause damage thats not acceptable, you dont beat her or injure her or bruise her, no bleeding. just a quick backhand and if thats not enough you divorce her.

>> No.10501648

My wife found out about me buying bitcoin and ethereum. She is demanding I cash it all out right now. I laughed in her face like it was all a big joke and when she kept nagging me i gave her a swift backhand and she ran away crying. And that was the last I ever heard of it. She even mentions crypto I give her a warning look and she shuts the fuck up real quick. Once a month or so she might press the issue because she craves the back of my hand and I give her what she wants and then she can relax again for another month secure in the knowledge that she is not expected to be in charge here.

>> No.10501888


This is very true.... it’s a skill really.