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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10495582 No.10495582 [Reply] [Original]

Why am I so weak? I swear I only get FOMO with LINK. I put half my monthly paycheck into it cause the FOMO is real. It's fucking with my balls.

>> No.10495589

told u

>> No.10495596

You’ll be fine. Iron hands.

>> No.10495604

You must be new, now what u need to do is sell at a loss, then u will be one of us.

>> No.10495608

Don't act too smug, the entire market is down.

OP, just hold. All crypto is worthless is bitcoin is

>> No.10495624


>> No.10495633

u better sell now cause link is going to 10cent

>> No.10495637

Holy fuck, i refuse to believe that someone actually put money in that PnD

>> No.10495642

Some time within 777 days, you will look back at this and laugh. You will have the hottest girl you’ve ever seen sucking sloppily on your cock not entirely believing that you bought ChainLink at 32 cents, but not really caring because you’re rich nonetheless and she badly wants your seed inside of her.

>> No.10495650

hahaha I unloaded my bags to you dumb 4chaners. cant wait to load back up at 10 cents

>> No.10495706

Cool, no one cares. Most of us already have /madeit/ stacks and don’t need to watch the chart every day trying to get a few thousand Link here and there.

Good luck though Anon. Anyone as irate and hateful as you seem to be probably is in a bad place. I hope you make it and find peace and happiness in your good fortune. It feels good to be fren, no bully.

>> No.10495739

Cheered me up a bit desu

>> No.10495767

Just be careful. In a perfect world, you could ChainLink a nuptial agreement so she can’t all of your wealth.

But I think many marines will achieve a serenity of being able to be their true selves and will only attract beautiful, noble, loyal LinkLadies.

Good luck Marine. We gonna make it.

>> No.10495820

you'll be ok op, dollar cost avarage it. I fomod in in late april @ 50 cents.
fellow anons, I have a question. is it reasonable to take a loan of 1300 euros (that is the minimum), to buy chainlink? will slowly pay back for 3 years. (poor eurofag here, so I know it is not too much, but with that stack I'll be closer to my 10k goal)

>> No.10495857

Ass blaster has been right about everything except dates.

>> No.10495858

at what interest?

>> No.10495874

No one can see the future. I’m risking a lot of money on ChainLink because I believe it is a unique opportunity. But it isn’t a guarantee.

I also have some friends with connections to the team that I unfortunately cannot share here, but it makes me feel extra comfy.

>> No.10495894

Don’t worry, link $1000 EOY

>> No.10495931
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just got some more :)
now at 6k... I won't be able to get to 10k by september so I kinda hope they need more time testing etc before the singularity hits

>> No.10495942

Give us some hint, anon

>> No.10495948
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Have patience...don’t sell before I dump mine

>> No.10495968

interesting I have some close friends with connections to the team (new team members, not Sergey or Steve) and they have the exact opposite impression. I sold most of my position after hearing what they had to say a few months ago.

>> No.10495983

Lmao people were saying few days ago that what difference does it make if you buy 25c or 35c. Nigger the percentages don't lie. You can buy high but that's not me, still gonna wait for link to drop. 0.20 or less is proper buy window.

>> No.10496041

it baffles me how some people don't understand that the difference between buying at 1 cent or 2 cents is the difference between ending up with 1 million or 500k

>> No.10496048
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It's okay... Link has a few new partnerships on the horizon. Stay tuned.

>> No.10496062
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The interest rate is a bit high (15%), but there is no problem paying it back. I have a solid job. My salary is not high, but stable. the problem is that I don't have the money now, and I don't want to wait till mainnet.

I know, no one knows and it's okay. I do not base on the 4chan shill, and sorry, I do not belive in these kind of "connections", but somehow I have the feeling that CL is a bit more than the other cryptos. The team is dedicated (and utterly professional), there are some good connections and the whole utility of the token is more than in other networks. I'm feeling comfy with the project, if they deliver (I tink they will) then it will moon hard....and I don't want to miss this chance cuz I was pussy and had only a stack of 2k.

>> No.10496075


>> No.10496076

12% of LINK is on Binance right now and there's essentially no trading volume. I'm not sure what's happening. I'm not risking what I've got for 10-15% gains.

>> No.10496078

Whats your /madeit/ stack?

Got 12k Link, 7k RLC. Wondering if I'll make it (7kk$).

>> No.10496089

thanks for buying my bags boyo. i plan on buying back at about 20 cents so be a good lad and do sell then

>> No.10496113

if you can effortlessly pay the loan back even if LINK goes to 0, then I'd say go for it. There are no guarantees about anything, but taking shots like this is how people make it. Sure, it will suck paying the loan back if you will have nothing to show for it, but think about not taking the loan and watching LINK moon. No reward without risk.

>> No.10496117

I really can’t because I know how biz is and it is hard to trust people here.

>> No.10496134

Fuck taking a loan out, just buy what you can with the money you have and dollar cost your way in every week/month.

>> No.10496148

Not sure what you’re implying, but I just got some news this past weekend that influenced me to throw $4k more into Link. Half at 28 cents, half at 32 cents...and I’m super comfy even if it goes back to 20 cents.

I really don’t want to sound like a typical LARP though. I’m just speaking for my personal moves.

>> No.10496155

You tell them your friend's favorite muffin and they'll be posting pictures of his great grandfather riding a dolphin by the end of the day.

>> No.10496167

85k right now. Hope to get to 100k soon. I think there is a good chance Link (and BTC) will dump this month.

I just don’t care to risk losing any Links by trying to trade.

>> No.10496197

Exactly. I have really exciting screen shots and other info from a source I trust, and I’d gladly show anyone in person, but I’m just happy I’m being trusted and I know that if I shared it, there’d be several threads about it and my source would see.

>> No.10496259


>> No.10496272

yeah, thinking about the same. I would kms if that would happen and I think it will. can't say that the payback is 100% efortless, it would take 15% of my salary, but it grows ~10% every year, so it would be ok.
godspeed anon and don't forget to talk about it to your family and friends.

>> No.10496323

I don't know about this stuff and I don't want to be larping but look at my other post, I bought because this morning Sergey whispered something into my ear when we were spooning that made me so fucking comfy, it could drop to 0$ and I wouldn't care because of the implications that his message brings.

>> No.10496335

fuck that dont be stupid

>> No.10496350

I’m unironically trying to secure a loan for $100k USD to dump into Link. I tried to get one when it was 18 cents, but needed to show business financials for six months. Really annoyed right now, but think I may have found a friend who will let me take out a loan in his business’s name and I am going to agree to pay off the loan.

Wish me luck.

>> No.10496394

Fuck me, these cringe worthy threads. How many to make it.. I just dropped a pay check in. No-one cares. If you need your hand holding this ain't for you. Link is a solid fucking hail Mary, let's be honest. You just gotta have a greater attention span than 5 shitting minutes and some intuition about the future of industry and tech.

>> No.10496418

I mean, if you can think of some kind of way to contact me where I can be sure that you’re not recording our interaction in any way, I’d happily share with you the info I have. I’m a believer in this project and I want others to make it. I don’t like the mentality of trying to kick others down so you can benefit even more. If everyone had that mentality, I think lots of us wouldn’t have even discovered Link.

I really just don’t want to share stuff because my source literally said to me “you can’t share this info anywhere, especially biz.” I think it would mess things up for him also.

>> No.10496423

I get you, but let's calculate: let's say mainnet in 2 months. To that point I can buy ~1k, maybe 1.5k.
If the moon missin starts, I will be standing with 4k. That's more than nothing, but enough for what? I don't want lambos and whores (jk), just an aparment here in Budapest (maybe to move to Berlin), and a passive income to not work 5 days a week. I don't want to retire now, I just don't want to wagecuck for the rest of my life, and the stack of 4k wouldn't be enoguh for that imo.

>> No.10496438

Yet here you are, 40+ replies in, trying to glean some sort of information to make yourself more comfy.

There are filters you know.

>> No.10496463


did the same thing except for $10K. yolo

>> No.10496483

Blowjobs are gross. I don't like the sucking sounds that girls make. The sound of suction and swishing saliva. Disgusting. Like macaroni being stirred in a bowl. Makes me want to gag

>> No.10496533

>you'll be ok op, dollar cost avarage it. I fomod in in late april @ 50 cents.

This. My average is $0.32 but I keep buying more with every wage cuck check. Just dollar cost average in to lower you average buy price. It will also help my fellow burgers who have weak hands. If link succeeds you will likely want to wait at least 1 year to sell for long term capital gains rather than short term. continuing to accumulate will mean that even if you faggots sell early at the 1 year mark from when you first bought, you have continued buying and must wait 1 year from each purchase to sell. Thus, you weak handed fagots will not run out of link before the true moon mission

>> No.10496569

Different strokes. I enjoy this. I had a thot in Chicago that gave me the best blowjobs I ever had. The way her mouth coordinated with her hand. The wetness, The slurping. She was a real pro. Maybe I’ll post pics of her.

>> No.10496582

I understand what you're saying but be realistic, no one knows for a fact that main net is coming out any time soon.
You say lets be calculated but then you completely ignore the charts which show a bear market as btc hasn't beaten its 200 day moving average. From the previous trend you should see that we don't see any wild price increases for the next year. I bring up BTC as you would see a correlation in sales as it is need to buy the token.
btw 15% is massive.

>> No.10496602


How you fucking idiots don’t understand boomer-tier basics like “dollar cost averaging” is beyond me.

>> No.10496723
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For the last fact, yes 15 is massive, but I just got out from uni, first job, low salary, no goods to be pledged (don't know is this the right expression) and the most important: i would take only the minimum loan. If I would take ~5-10k euros and would have let's say an apartment or a car it would be ~10% or less. That's because of the risk the bank is taking. (I think...I don't know because I'm an engineer not an economist lol)

For the first fact you're right with the btc correlation. I'm a noob but I think if it takes off, partnerships pop up, the price will shoot up even if we are in bear market and btc is decreasing in price. We saw the accord pnd. With bigger, real "partnerships" and a working product (so a real adoption), I think it wouldn't be a pnd but a new floor for the price.

>> No.10496908

both larp.

>> No.10496953

No Larp. Just want to help if I can.

>> No.10496968

hi Astro

>> No.10497138

How to spot the virgin. You realise in real life it doesnt sound like that at all?

>> No.10497181

Okay, go into the these banks then and speak to them in person, see what they can do for you. With such a small amount you might be better off getting a credit card because typically you can get 12months interest free providing you don't miss a payment. When you speak to them make sure there isn't an restrictions on what you can buy with it, an example of this would be in the UK you cannot buy currency(btc/eth/ltc) on most exchanges(coinbase/coinmama) with most credit cards as of around February.
If you can get a bigger loan and you have this much faith in chainlink, why not do it for a lower interest rate.
Heads up though, debt is not something to play around with, it can all go downhill VERY fast. Best of luck fellow engi bro xoxox

>> No.10497187
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Heh nothing personal kid

>> No.10497213

it's personnel, kid.

>> No.10497236

pls be bait

>> No.10497263

>Jonny is his housemate
>" Yeah dude totally link 1000 eoy Sergey told me for reals"

>> No.10497368
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Did they really anon? Just bought 10k more.

>> No.10497816

kek phaggot

>> No.10498260

lel i already did this with a $3.5k loan
im not too concerned over it. losing it wouldnt break me

>> No.10498835

Itt ass blaster wannabes

>> No.10498890

>32 cents

>> No.10498918
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>Half my monthly paycheck

>> No.10498938
