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File: 133 KB, 750x928, 1532986892989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10493148 No.10493148 [Reply] [Original]

ok i got the car the house the recognition from my pairs but i still want the trophy wife should i get it or is that just another trap

>> No.10493164

You don't have the education, though.

>> No.10493179

>my pairs

LARP fails before it even begins.

>> No.10493187
File: 18 KB, 300x263, Consent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont need one when you made bank buying drugs from the dark net and selling it on the s street then put it in crypto and then made more bank and now i can call you a wageslave faggot

>> No.10493193

>my pairs
you mean your pears

>> No.10493210

She's pretty nasty man
If you're looking for a wife find one of the few high quality women that still exist and not one that is nothing more than an empty shell who will make your life miserable. Or one whose looks will drop on a trajectory similar to the price of Req.

>> No.10493479

A guy like OP don't want high quality women. He wants a trophy wife, beautiful on the outside empty on the inside.

>> No.10493493

If you want something like that pic just get a sex doll and wait for VR.

>> No.10493514

No he means his pars. Cause he likes playing golf.

>> No.10493521

You both mean peers.
t. someone with basic literacy skills.

>> No.10493542

that chick makes more money than you op

>> No.10493626

> t. someone without basic cognitive skills.

>> No.10493627

Every women you'll ever like is a trap
and if not a tranny
had to do it to you sorry anon

>> No.10493638

How fucking stupid/autistic are you. Seriously?

>> No.10493648

She's what I imagine a 2030 sex doll to look like.

>> No.10493726

Its actually piers, dum dum

>> No.10493766

Holy crap that thing is ugly. What the fuck is it

>> No.10493781

Would anyone here marry a passable tranny?

Do passable trannies even exist, without the constant need of makeup?

>> No.10493822

OP gets no recognition from his spelling teacher

>> No.10493964

Thanks, just reported you to the FBI.

>> No.10493975

She looks like a sexbot, what the actual fuck.

>> No.10494037


Actual women have an impossible time clinging to their youth, the best case scenario for dudes is looking passable in pictures for a few years before age pulls the mask down on everything. Imo you'd be better off marrying a literal sex doll.

>> No.10494389

you stupid fucking idiot, everyone already knows that. they were having a laff.

cum guzzling faggot.

>> No.10495041

It’s Pierce Brosnan you fucking retards FUCK..
OP is in a homosexual relationship with Pierce Brosnan