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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10488530 No.10488530 [Reply] [Original]

Dumped harder than REQ and didnt even see them eat MOZZARELLA

>> No.10488549

Still pretty confident in the team, was fortunate enough to get in at .06

>> No.10488562
File: 149 KB, 835x917, 1532146165572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual working product
>literally top 1% of coins just because of this
>dumps because its a lame piece of shit
to be honest i can see another massive crypto dip in 2-3 years when everyone else's projects start coming along, and it'll be a huge altcoing murderfest when people realize how awful some of the shit actually is

>> No.10488581

Kys Bruno. What did you do with the 3 million tokens you dumped? Hookers? Coke?

>> No.10488629

>working product with 25 mb uploads that take 10 mins to upload and 15 to download
> they call it mainnet beta kek. Still free uploads
> single line of web monetization code missing from mainnet
>said sites with millions of users participating in beta before mainnet. Now they say, beta hasn't even begun
>peg at gb but struggling to get mb scaling. Mainnet release 3 months ago, file size increase from 5 mb to 25 mb

This shitcoin isn't even going to make it to the next dumpfest you are talking about.


>> No.10489247

I bought this and req. I lost a lot to say the least.

>> No.10489367
File: 65 KB, 800x599, 3082a58568357b4644f4cfc3910edfd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from 130M marketcap to 9M
>basically absolute shitface JUST faggotry

>> No.10489437

Ceo(Bil) is a retard who just gave away almost 500k tokens in air drop.

He has been hyping things up saying a top 20 exchange will be announced and fucking announces Bitforex, a scam exchange at best.

Bruno sold oyster off to Bil Cordes, q scam artist

It is over anons.

>> No.10489512
File: 469 KB, 500x281, 1520914954119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk but i recently went all in oyster shell anticipating a pearl-like run in the next alt szn... If it ever comes

>> No.10489537

thinking i should dump all my pearl into shell right now desu

>> No.10489557

They will start dumping SHL once they are done dumping PRL.

just in the past 30 days 3 million were dumped only 7 more million to go and then it would be SHL dump time.

Sell now anon. Their recently released roadmap doesn't even outline SHL as a mid term goal.

>> No.10489575


>> No.10489576
File: 79 KB, 317x317, 1527013641714.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will it stop

>> No.10489588

No no no senpai. Dump it. Turn around. Spit. Leave.

The team is liquidating senpai. It will dump everything until there is nothing

>> No.10489615

> 500k coins just from the retarded coin super airdrop. Team dumped 3 million on top of it.

Just the development fund wallet has 7 more million. I will let you do the math.

The founder sold the project off to the new CEO

>> No.10489679

your fud is so good I have to spend time verifying this info now. Great job.

>> No.10490044


You dont have to spend a lot of time verifying this shit senpai. Just look at their developer wallet and here is the link to the scam giveaway https://mobile.twitter.com/coinsuper_ofcl/status/1019784737903259648

>> No.10490058

who is 0xB3FAAA42bEB5Ab259282F2A444640A04f77d2e36 ?
is it exchange wallet ? which exchange is it ? bitforex ? coinsuper ?

>anyway out of 13M devs sold 4.2M already lol

>> No.10490076

Imagine not selling this after Bruno literally told you to sell

>> No.10490100

Try telling the fags here senpai. They can't even do basic research. They need spoonfeeding.

Btw the remaining 7 million tokens aren't worth shit @ 0.09cents a pop.

Textbox exit scam

>> No.10490115

Bruno put out sell signal after he dumped his tokens and sold oyster to new ceo Bil, much like LTC charlie fag

>> No.10490197

bought 20k prl at 4 cents, never sold during bull run. let 100k slip through my hands

>> No.10490218
File: 218 KB, 1544x1199, pearled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would just weather the storm really, dev team is strong but their CMO is total fucking brainlet

>> No.10490232

Sucks senpai. Unfortunately you wont get any answers. The only way to contact the team is via telegram and it is full of delusional ath buyer fags and retard community managers.

Bruno doesn't even post a message in telegram anymore. He probably on a beach in mexico sipping tequila

Sorry anon

>> No.10490249

yea Bruno left for good.

>> No.10490250

Thanks desu, not really at my computer to post proofs. Fags here think I am larping.

>> No.10490719

i already found it. Unironically sold 100k shl