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10486878 No.10486878 [Reply] [Original]

Who genuinely unironically suicidal here?

>Tfw not even making it in Crypto will make a difference

>> No.10486905

Fix your diet you dumb nigger. I almost guarantee my life is worse than yours but I'm never depressed even on my worst days because I eat right and work out and get enough sun

>> No.10486906

killing yourself makes no difference

just short the fucked up world

>> No.10486918

>tfw the SSRIs only makes it worse

>> No.10486930

call some suicide line bro.
the whole kys is ironic.

>> No.10486958
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I feel you

>> No.10486964

It's my genetics, mate...


>> No.10486984
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4 you.

>> No.10487143
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>tfw met a gf who saw right through my ironic existentialist jokes and gazed upon the frozen wasteland of my soul, and says she wants to help me with it
>mfw not sure how to feel, but she cute

>> No.10487163

Take LSD and shut the fuck up you faggot

>> No.10487219

making it in crypto will make a difference, but you wont make it sorry

>> No.10487238
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>taking LSD with an already fragile mind

Former LSD occasional user here. How fucking dumb are you exactly?

>> No.10487248

If I make in in crypto I will likely drink myself to death and leave whatever is left for my parents, brother and nephews. Maybe pay off sone student loan debt for my close friends. I am undateable and don't want to wife any golddigging roasties who just want my cash.

>> No.10487278

Don't fuck this one up, Anon. Sounds like she really cares about you, reciprocate.

>> No.10487279

she's a fixer. let yourself go

>> No.10487310

I took acid to sort shit out, your milage may vary, you weak willed faggot

>> No.10487409
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Everything is extremely bothersome, nothing is fun anymore and I don't know how the world especially Caucasian countries will still exist in 50 years for my children and grandchildren. Jobs do not pay enough to live a semi-decent life if you do not enjoy self destructive indulgences. Having a simple and private life is off the table. You need to be extremely smart or extremely lucky to make it.

Unironically suicide EOY and its the only thing I look forward too. Honestly if I make it in crypto I really think I would be disappointed.

>> No.10487413


Every experience with LSD is different for each person. You and me may have gotten different introspective perspectives/experiences, but how the fuck do you think it would go for a suicidal person? LSD amplifies thoughts 10x fold and it easily could go down a negative fucking avenue for a suicidal person.

LSD isn't a drug that is a guaranteed "lol dude miracle drug bro you'll be better" Jesus christ.

>> No.10487418

If you kys can i get them Bitcoins i can pay for kneepads

>> No.10487429
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>> No.10487594

I know, you're right. Actually I wrote that post to the post at top about SSRIs making depression worse but didn't link to it in post. I feel like if you're looking for chemical solutions for depression, psychedelics can help. MDMA too but its a bit harsh. Idk LSD has had nothing but a profound positive effect for me that constantly pushes me to self improve. Just trying to pay it forward

>> No.10487666
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28 Yo and overall failure in life
at this point I would rather go back in time than received unlimited money

If I wasn't a eurocuck I would have shot myself a long time ago

>> No.10487690
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> mfw blessed by Satan trips

>> No.10487695
File: 522 KB, 836x596, George-Costanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah im totally depressed guys just ask my hot gf



>> No.10487718

go to bed Peterson. eating a beef only diet won't solve everyone's problems

>> No.10488175

Yeah I'm a bit cautious from all I've read about women on 4chan but since I couldn't hide my problems from her I just admitted to them (without whining). Feels vulnerable but perhaps it's human.