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File: 59 KB, 630x403, poos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10485576 No.10485576 [Reply] [Original]

Easily 90% of scams I encounter, it's some poo trying to pull it off. Of the poos I know personally from school or whatever almost all of them have some side hustle that ranges from sketchy to outright fraud. Even in crypto (along with ling ling), most pump and dumps are orchestrated by raj and pajeet.
The supposedly legitimate poos usually aren't on the up and up either. All kinds of poos running gas stations and convenience stores will do fucky shit to make extra money. Selling bootleg movies, dvds of amateur porn, price gouging, setting minimum purchases to use bathrooms...

What is it about Indians that makes them incapable of leading ethical lives? Did nobody tell them that you can earn a living without scamming?

>> No.10486094


who scammed you bro?

>> No.10486491

Because they're the 2nd largest population in the world and they speak English better than China, Russia, Indonesia and Bangledesh. The only reason you think they're incapable of earning an honest living is because you're looking for reasons to hate them. Want another reason? Indians are the highest income earners in the US on average.

>> No.10486570

Fuck you.

>> No.10486621

The high income earners are Parsis, which are basically persian.

>The only reason you think they're incapable of earning an honest living is because you're looking for reasons to hate them
There's plenty of reasons to hate them. No need to artificially devise them.

>> No.10486627

Well they earn more because they live disproportionately in higher cost regions (bay area, etc.)

>> No.10486679

Hi Panjeet

>> No.10486809

With that same logic, all Englishmen are Italian because Britain was conqurerd by Rome. Quit being obtuse. Asian median income is 83k. Indian average income is 100k. There isn't anything higher.

>> No.10486826

No it's because 49% of them have college degrees compared to the 25% US Average.

>> No.10486859

Filipino but not like you care anyways

>> No.10486880

Brown people are literally worthless

>> No.10486975

they are annoying as fuck but it's hard to hate them. they're so adorable with their pesky scams. little rascals

>> No.10487015


Jews. Jews are higher. They are 2% of the population and literally half of them are in the top 1%.

>> No.10487087

Please tell me what country Jews are from. Jewland? Can you mark "Jew" next to race or ethnicity on any form in the US? Is a Jew that isn't Jewish still a Jew?

>> No.10487156

Also you shod check Census Data. Jewish Americans earn just a bit more than Filipino Americans but less on average than Indian Americans.

>> No.10487179

>lol wut is a diaspora

>> No.10487183

this, and fuck your sirs for talk poorly of india... one day india will be first world ruler and white people will be servant of india

>> No.10487195

>all Englishmen are Italian because Britain was conqurerd by Rome
You do know you make no sense? Do you even know who the Parsis are?

>> No.10487200
File: 11 KB, 240x240, https_%2F%2Fassets.ifttt.com%2Fimages%2Fchannels%2F1352860597%2Ficons%2Fon_color_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go home.

>> No.10487269

So are you just forgetting the Israelis and Palestinians or are we pretending every Jew is from one place?

>> No.10487326
File: 649 KB, 639x630, 1532818220769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10487383

I know that when you immigrate to a country in 500 AD it's a little disingenuous to not consider them of the country they reside in. Much like Americans are Europeans who fled religious persecution, Persians fled to India to escape religious persecution. Calling someone with from India in 2018 "not Indian" because their ancestors migrated there centuries ago is fucking stupid.

>> No.10487444

I've been here since Something Awful and haven't found a better place so this is home for now.

>> No.10487493

Indians can be very hospitable people but you gotta understand OP poor third worlders are going to fuck you over if they have the chance.
Next time don't be so gullible, I say this an a IRL pajeet (of the paki variety)

>> No.10487529

The parsis are one of the most intelligence group of peoples in general. Literally the jews of india, but nicer.
If you think the average street shitter breed of Indian is responsible for the high household income, think again.

>> No.10487625

Well that's the good thing about averages. It takes into account all of them, and then you get an average. So the street shitting pajeet Indian is just as reponsible as your ran away from Iran a thousand years ago Indian for the average. Much like your street shitting Chinaman is responsible for the average of the Chinese and the Juggalo is responsible for the white average.

>> No.10488060

I know a lot of great bright and intelligent Indians who make an honest living. Indian culture is honestly great once you get to know the better ones.

I absolutely hate trash of any culture, but I have to say, Indian scammer pajeets take the cake. Literally fucking idiots who have scammer culture course in their veins. It's as if their grandfathers teach their sons and they go on to teach their sons how to scam people who work for their money. It is disgusting. Grown men trying to scam tourists. It's pitiful.

You shouldn't let it anger you though, these people have absolutely no opportunity in life except buying minimal shit to keep themselves content, along with no chance at meeting decent women.

Literally the trash of the earth, the shit they poop in the streets has more worth than them lmfao