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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10478224 No.10478224 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.10478229


>> No.10478269

I have so much bullshit to do tomorrow that I have zero interest in it feels horrible.

>> No.10478319
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Why so upset, anon? You should be glad they hired you.

>> No.10478336

I don't want to wageslave, but how to make money off crypto now? It's not like 2016 and you buy bitcoin and sell all in December 2017

I am a wageslave, yes, do I want to be free and not doing useless things for a low wage? Yes, fuck yea but how? I want to earn money off crypto but no one can tell which is the new bitcoin or ETH

>> No.10478389

you are at the beginning of the biggest bull run in history.

>> No.10478399

Good God you faggot. If it was easy to make it then everyone would make it. Obviously link is the new eth. Unless it isn't. Just keep slaving away. Save your money so it's there when you find your opportunity

>> No.10478446
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>5 years later
>this idiot comes on /biz/
>"tfw didn't buy link in 2018"
>"I saw the threads but didn't fomo in until $300"
>"I could've gone 1000x"
>"it's too like to buy now"
>"what am I gonna buy, please tell me sirs"

>> No.10478869

You niggas really think link will be the one eh? Why are you guys so confident?

>> No.10478939

>not working everyday of the year so you never loose momentum.
its like you want to be unproductive.

>> No.10479167

landscaping is the best pleb job you can get, highly recommend. I can drink and smoke on the job, I got a chad tan now along with healthy near daily vitamin d3 intake, solid income to slowly work for myself after I save up, I work with non-onions men (no retarded woemen) so work broneeds are met, I shower like once a week (nobody cares, it's hot af out anyway), it's forced me to man up in many ways, learn about building a future and stop bitching all the time, learn to manage my time, etc.

problem now is I'm stinky, lazy/tired when I'm off and make no effort to cure my dry dick

>> No.10479209

Thank fuck I quit my garbage sales job

I have exactly 6 months savings to try and make money of FBA or I'm fucked

Definitely dont miss garbing wagesalving

Need to find a way of making small money to buy food instead of burning through savings. I'll look into part time landscaping.

>> No.10479238

Easy, smart contracts are the new “cloud computing” but are closed system and cannot interact outside of the blockchain. Decentralized oracles will make them usable in real-world applications opening the doors to Dotcom 2.0 and ChainLink will have first mover advantage with higher adoption rates in the middle of it all. 1000 seems delusional but it could happen under the right circumstances

>> No.10479296

quit whining you're lucky to have a job

>> No.10479326
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you have 3 options stop wage slaving and try another ones you can alwasys jack some old or drunk people and the deep web is always there to help

>> No.10479372
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holy shite lul. daily me, just know we're lazy faggots with commitment issues. if our lives suck so much, how bout we change them? it's either that or we should die desu. good luck

>> No.10479377


>> No.10479383

literally me >>10479336

>> No.10479634

Got off from job at McDonalds a few hours ago. Its not even that bad desu.

>> No.10479709

>Implying there won't be competing decentralized oracle networks

1000 is impossible. MAYBE $20 at best.

>> No.10480077

>Easy, smart contracts are the new “cloud computing”

How would you know nigga

>> No.10480155
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You will never leave us anon, we’re like family. Also Jose got deported yesterday and we need someone to clean those bathrooms, get to it buckaroo

>> No.10480171

>tfw salaryslave

>> No.10480198
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>> No.10480209
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>> No.10480239


Work on salary maxing just as much as crypto. You need a backup in case your risky investments fail. Get a good job where you can live comfortably and still save at least 50% of your paycheck to put towards a mix of investments. Take advantage of employer 401k matches. I’m comfy because I know even if crypto collapses I have a fairly high chance of being able to retire at age 40 from my salary cuck job.

>> No.10480254


>> No.10480269

That's nothing. I work 8am to 10pm in public accounting.

>> No.10480304
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>> No.10480343

how havent you offed yourself yet?

>> No.10480355


Learn your place, you disgusting racist.

>> No.10480369

Doing it for the experience. Just two more years and I can work a normal 9-5.

>> No.10480371

ah yes the elusive multi-billion dollar json parser. How could I forget

>> No.10480473

Try working 7 days a fucking week pussy

>> No.10480634

ive done this a few times. definitely do not recommend

>> No.10480677
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On Friday, just as work is about to end, you tell yourself, "I am gonna have a blast Friday night. I'm gonna go out and have fun. Then on Saturday, I'm gonna hang out with friends until Sunday morning. On Sunday, I'm gonna go on a bike ride. It's gonna be great." But NOT SO FAST. What actually happens is you'll go home Friday night alone and fap, wake up late on Saturday morning and fap, watch TV, eat some Hungry Man dinners-for-one, fap, and then sleep. Then on Sunday, you do your laundry, and your whole weekend is wasted.

>> No.10480709

how much do you make?

>> No.10480717

Stop fapping

>> No.10480769
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>Work 5 days/40hr week
>Only have to get up early 2 of those days though.
>Get 2 days in a row off during the week which is really nice because everything is open and don't have to fight traffic to do errands.
Feels content but still only scraping by.

>> No.10480783



>> No.10480837

That's nothing. I work 4am to 4pm doing manual labour.

>> No.10480927
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>3 day weekend in 5 weeks
Yep, we're gonna make it bros.

>> No.10481251

>Yeah I do more hours and I work a manual labour job.
Why would you be proud of that? Why would you ever tell anyone that? I never understood that.

>> No.10481442

To trigger thin skinned manlets (it worked)

>> No.10481976

current accounting student here, are you doing the "grind a few years in public then get an industry job" plan I hear a lot about?

>> No.10482036

Yeah, not really.

>> No.10482043


White privileged much?

>> No.10482259

Linktards are truly delusional.

>> No.10482415

It's very cool, Bateman. But that's nothing. I work from 12am to 12am as a security guard, handyman, trader, and shitposter

>> No.10482421

Could've just said that you're a NEET my man.

>> No.10482446
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I'm not a filthy NEET I'm a contributing member of society

>> No.10482474

I work 3x per week. Today is Monday, tomorrow is half of my work week (Tuesday) and tomorrow i can start thinking about my "Friday" (which is Wednesday).

Never going back to work 5x per week. I wanted to unironically kill myself (by driving into a fucking tree with a car). But then something clicked in my head and i thought that you can only change yourself, so better start putting work into it. Searched 3 months for a comfy office job and now im happy as ever. Used to work 5 years in a factory from M to F and sometimes had to do overtime. Literally the worst fucking thing you can do is work 5x per week, sorry to anons out there who do that. After my factory stint i felt like i was dead inside and to think that some people work till 40, 50 and their 60's just made me think that eventually i would be that guy who says "The only thing i did in my life was work for another man so he could live a normal life". Fuck me man why do people have to work 5x per week like its the fucking norm. Its nowadays slavery.

>> No.10482514


>I work 3x per week
>a comfy office job

Nice LARP. Such gigs do not fucking exist, unless you have the right connections.

>inb4 just give the manager a firm handshake bro

>> No.10482528

Wtf its not LARP. You can literally find jobs out there, it just takes time. Yeah the requirement was a college degree though which i have a MSc in so NEET's probably wont get such jobs.

>> No.10482699

>You can literally find jobs out there

But not such jobs as yours. Such comfy jobs exist, but are only offered to the people with connections, job openings are extremely rare because no one ever quits a part-time comfy office job. Degree doesn't matter shit nowadays, there are fuckton of people with degrees out there (me included).

Unless you earn below minimum wage there or there's some other catch, i call bs.

>> No.10482800

>not taking a shower 7 days a week
It's like you want to be a nigger

>> No.10483272

Wakey wakey! Time for the wagecuck start flipping burgers!