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File: 4 KB, 246x232, 1532459836082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10478160 No.10478160 [Reply] [Original]

WTF is happening with Social Media?

Overall Youtube Views have sinked a lot.
Facebook engagement is dead.
SnapChat user count is flat.
Twitter engagement zero except for couple journalists, Trump and some cryptofags.
Crypto only relevant to max 3 million people.

Instagram I guess still being used.
Musically being used by kids.
Discord has grown a lot.
Spotify has grown a lot.
Netflix has grown a lot.
Telegram has grown a lot.
Reddit kind-of growing.
Fortnite has grown a lot.


>> No.10478188

Enjoying the nice weather you basement dweller.

>> No.10478202 [DELETED] 

>that 25 year old boomer who can't keep track of trends anymore

>> No.10478205

playing fortnite

>> No.10478239


Youtube is slowly getting fucked by twitch because streamers make more money there and it's not just for games anymore.

>> No.10478258

There's too much noise by fucktard liberals.
People are realizing the general social media is bullshit and is overall depressing.

>> No.10478279

This. The media is becoming too much for any reasonable person and social media doesn't really add anything to your life.

>> No.10478284


Censorship and having your personal details all over the internet - even normies are starting to clock on.

My fucking boomer dad got a month ban from facebook for sharing a non-politically correct meme for fuck sake.

>> No.10478297

Unemployment is low. People are working. NEETS are going extinct.

>> No.10478311

People are realizing that all social media does is make you depressed & collect your data to sell and manipulate you with. They're starting to realize that the only ones to use it heavily are giant egos that need a lot of validation too. Social media is such a joke. Anyone still using it should KYS.

>> No.10478327

don't know but I hope they all fucking die, they all suck. Instashit needs to go fastest.

>> No.10478342

everyone is becoming clinically depressed and has anxiety

>> No.10478347

Normies are leaving social media b/c they are finally waking up. Soon the jewish degeneracy spread through social media will cease to exist and within 10ish years society will be back to where it was back in 2004

>> No.10478359

It's summer so
>going out with friends
>summer Classes
>Overseas vacation

Also partially because it's repetitive and overall boring

>> No.10478367
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Literally all of social media trends young, and so does being a liberal. Social media was born on and lives through "Fucktard liberals". Go back to posting minion memes on Facebook if you long to see the enlightened conservative noodle their way through social media.

t. Fucktard Conservative

>> No.10478375

...And This is a Good Thing

>> No.10478379

that would only feed brainless media consupmtion

>> No.10478448
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I only use Snapchat anymore, and it's just to talk to like 3-4 friends. But even then we are slowly migrating back to SMS.

Facebook I keep around to make ex's jealous with vacation pictures and maybe the odd party invite.

LinkedIn because HR are retarded cunts.

The rest can go to hell; twitter, instagram, whatever else, has zero effect on my life or any of my friends lives.

What people need to realize about the social media companies, is they were all started and propped up with government money. That's what comprises most of Silicon Valley. It is the furthest thing from "free market". Nobody is willing to pay for the social media services. Literally the only thing they are useful for is collecting information.

It will be interesting what happens to society if/when these things go the way of the dodo. I've been depressed about my social situation for years now. Maybe the ground will improve.

Then again, maybe it will just get 10x worse.

>> No.10478516

I'll also point out that, being a millennial that came of age and got "social" around 2009-2010, I don't really remember what or how people interacted outside of school or classes pre-social media. A lot of people my age or younger don't. Although I desperately want these companies to disappear overnight, the results on wider society could be entirely unpredictable. We might go back to the 80's-90's, or we could go to something really fucking weird.

>> No.10478609

This and checked

>> No.10478620 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 604x292, b3fa533b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are waiting...
They want full economic freedom, zero censorship.
Bitcoin cashening is soon upon us world wide!

>> No.10478765
File: 42 KB, 604x292, b3fa533b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, people are awakening globally.
They want full economic freedom and zero censorship.
Im bullish on September 1th. Bitcoin cashening is soon upon us!

>> No.10478819



Boomers ruin everything. They got on social media and killed it. Who the fuck would want to willingly interact with a boomer

>> No.10479043

4chan is the new sensation now.
Invest in 4chan.

>> No.10480049

Or we could just start talking to each other again instead of “ghosting” or (((watching stories)))

>> No.10480059
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It's called Internet Balkanization and social media sites are currently the first ones to collapse. More US sites will follow.

>> No.10480185


We've reached peak social media. anon. The Jews have overplayed their hands and there really is nowhere for these apps/sites to grow beyond third world shitholes that don't have internet. The sites that are growing are running themselves into massive debt to grow.

>> No.10480191

faceberg isn't cool anymore

it isn't exclusive. everyone and their grandma and every pajeet is one it now.

>> No.10480197

the bubble is bursting anon. hope you got out already. i've been saying this will happen

>> No.10480201

ppl are afraid to use social media if you havent noticed. everyone is now going back 10 yrs to see if anyone has ever said the word nigger or faggot in ther social media accounts. if they have, they are being crucified and losing their livelihoods. so, anyone who values their job is now scrubbing their social media or deleting it altogether

>> No.10480219

Currently in the balcans and I couldn't disagree more.
Balcans are fucking awsome.
t. not bulgarian

>> No.10480231

Shh, you know what that phrase means.

>> No.10480338

It’s simply because social media is based on hype. That’s it. It’s not because people are “waking up” or some autistic bullshit. It’s been that way since MySpace.

>> No.10480357

This is quite literally true. If you read Norman’s social media shut they complain about their mental health all the time. Social media is literal poison for the brain.

>> No.10480360

Posting on 4chan.

>> No.10480363

>Twitter engagement zero except for couple journalists, Trump and some cryptofags.

Because Twitter had to ban/deactive fake accounts after that Euro privacy law thing, which is fucking great. So much disinformation was being spread back and forth on all political spectrums on twitter that it was creating total information chaos.

>> No.10480435

who the fuck is this retard? 'every packet goes through the us to be wiretapped' lmao. Unless the US has FTL it's literally impossible and would be trivially visible in latencies.

>> No.10480484
File: 823 KB, 2300x834, Screen Shot 2018-07-29 at 10.46.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your understanding of the current state of technology and communications is woeful. There's literal 20 story buildings dedicated to this shit.


>> No.10480519

A lot of people predicted a consolidating of user attention until it hits a point where it starts to spread out again. Before social media, everyone was spread out among a lot of smaller sites. Then we attention consolidated to a few and it will probably start to spread back out.

>> No.10480661

all this russian stuff is driving people away from "mainstream" social media
I don't see anything wrong with this, though. fuck fb, fuck twitter

>> No.10480734

AFAIU, the NSA simply copies what passes through fiber optics cables, filters it and then sends the most relevant stuff to their datacenters. IIRC, the NSA docs said they could analyze like 10% of the internet traffic... and guess what, the other 90 is videos, probably

>> No.10480771

Post meme

>> No.10480811

Soon to be replaced by LiveLeak.

Soon to be replaced by 4chan

Soon to be replaced by Discord

Soon to be replaced by StockTwits

>> No.10480816

Sauce on government conspiracy?

>> No.10480825

kek the US gov has better things to do than look through your facebook posts

>> No.10480840

He literally says that a packet from France to Germany goes all the way to the US and then back
stop trying to reinterpret his idiotic ramblings

>> No.10480842

or do they?
government employees arent the hardest workers ive seen..

>> No.10480848

I can tell you're a mayo monkey that thinks trump will make America great again huh? Not a chance wonder bread

>> No.10480852
File: 17 KB, 380x349, images-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me in 2014
>19-yo boomer
>See through the depression that social media brings
>Everyone shills themselves as having the coolest life ever
>Almost nobody ever shows their hardships and shortcomings
>Quit all of them
>Grab girls numbers and straight up phone them to ask them out because nobody texts where I live and I got no fucking Facebook
>Turns out they actually like it
>Be confident out of being oblivious to others' achievements
>Fuck a different insecure millennial every week
Those were the days, man.

>> No.10480885
File: 52 KB, 500x345, gtritp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks trump will make America great again
It's already happening, faggot. Trump won. BOW NOW.

>> No.10480907
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>> No.10480945

Even if they do a crypto mesh network is going to have the same regulation as the regular internet

>> No.10481104

You don't seem to understand how basic server/client infrastructure works.

>French guy messages his German friend
>on Google Hangouts
>Packets go to a data center in the US and come back to Europe

Is literally what happens.

>> No.10481122

>Crypto only relevant to max 3 million people

Crypto based social media is growing like fucking crazy then. Its superior anyway, its the best use case for crypto.

>> No.10481130

Wat is market saturation

>> No.10481136

They build metadata profiles. They link together phone numbers and credit cards and IP addresses not so that they can actively monitor it, but so that if you ever make the wrong move, they can pull your entire record and figure out how to fuck with you.

>> No.10481148

He wasn't talking about this in the video, he was just saying "any packet"

>> No.10481149

Who will they enforce the rules on? They cant even wrangle in 21 block producers, they are fucked if a mesh network comes on line.

Pedos wont need to order pizza anymore either sadly...

>> No.10481154

Wtf my last response was to this anon.. Not my fucking self.

>> No.10481155

I need that meme anon

>> No.10481201

In the context of using services based in other countries, he was. Rewatch it and you'll agree.

>> No.10481207

Millennials killed social media, and that's a good thing.

>> No.10481217

There's nothing wrong with information chaos. You're on a website that implores it.

>> No.10481219

You don’t have many friends do you?

>> No.10481244

Are you deaf?
He didn't say anything about google hangouts. He said a PACKET from France to Germany goes to the US, over overseas cables, where it's wiretapped and then it 'goes all the way back'. He even makes a hand movement supposed to signify distance while saying this.
That's an absolute physical impossibility given the actual latencies between France and Germany.

Stop fellating that retard. He has ZERO idea of what he's talking about. You're behaving like a religious fanatic trying to reinterpret ancient stories written by barely literate desert nomads to make them compatible with science. Except in this case it's a meth addict rambling on camera.

>> No.10481274

I didn't even watch the video desu
and yeah, if he's saying all and every single packet will be routed through, then he's retarded

>> No.10481290

how can we profit of this

>> No.10481298

This. Im fairly sure ive lost jobs after they searched my internet accts

>> No.10481303
File: 28 KB, 428x328, Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at 12.12.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the context of the conversation, most of the world uses US internet services for the vast majority of their internet use.

The entire breadth of Google's offerings, for examples.

Look, right now anyone outside the US is sending packets to the US just to use this website.

>> No.10481305

Post meme or this is a larp

>> No.10481333

He's probably an adult male and not homosexual.

>> No.10481350

Lmao this is unironic good stuff

>> No.10481371

There is too much politics pumped into non-political discussion. Just like you just did...faggot.

>> No.10481450
File: 5 KB, 190x266, 1513273624756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unemployment is low.

>> No.10481572

I need this greentext story

>> No.10481684

almost 30yo boomer here, we fucking talked, kid. if you wanted to show pictures of your last vacation to your friends, you get together somewhere, talk, drink a couple of beers and show your photos.
i remember asking a similar question to my legit boomer mother regarding cellphones. how the fuck people would arrange meetups, when there were only regular phones.

>> No.10481738

>is on 4chan
>bitches about chaos
>is a tripfag
its like you have 10 tabs of reddit open and only come here to look cool in front of your 10 yo friends.

>> No.10481751

The SHIT is about to hit the fan

>> No.10481836


fucking nut job conspiracy brainlets here

>> No.10481909

>Overall Youtube Views have sinked a lot.
Embedded ads, "subscribe, press the bell button, check out my patreon, my my merch" takes half of the video, censorship kills creativity and YouTube is turning into a safe and boring TV 2.0. If you'll ever leave your subscriptions to browse some random videos - you'll instantly die from cringe cancer.
>Facebook engagement is dead.
Facebook have been dead for a while now. Only boomers have been still using it actively.
>SnapChat user count is flat.
Instagram killed this, no actually their incompetence killed them.
>Twitter engagement zero except for couple journalists, Trump and some cryptofags.
Saying anything controversial gets you banned - that definitely helps increase the userbase.

>> No.10481913


Nothing is happening. Investors are simply realizing that social media was in a bubble.

>> No.10481958


Facebook introducing Youtube esque ads into their videos that I can't fucking block on my mobile app killed them for me.

>> No.10482013

youtube advertisers pushed for less edgy content
began even hitting fairly middle of the road hobbies like guns, weapons, student stuff that mentioned drugs, politics.
Now no one watches you tube
well done google.

>> No.10482100

>What people need to realize about the social media companies, is they were all started and propped up with government money
This. They never had a business model beyond advertising. They shit on privacy, own copyright to peoples content, arbitrary whims started censoring an demonetising. e.g alphabet and facebook took a giant shit on 1 billion Catholics to be edgy for the sake of a few grins in new York and cali. Not smart. Alphabet took a shit on US gun owners, even pissy animal rights people, not smart. They simply make people unhappy and encourage narcissists and lying. They are toxic. Facebook I fucking dead. Google may survive if it gets real humble real quick, youtube is currently fucked.They have been toxic for the net forcing identity posting and ruining lives. As AOL came and went so must facebook and youtube.Netflicks makes shit and you can watch better content for free on openload and putlocker. No one wants, likes or enjoys social media. Twitter is worthless shit. So is instagram.FANGS are toast.

>> No.10482112

wait until the truth is out on what a waste of money advertising on it actually is.

>> No.10482328

They are slowly put out of position

>> No.10482334

Zuck dumped about 2,6 bln in his stock

>> No.10482462

Facebook is actually alright. Messenger is great for group conversations between friends, there's plenty of good meme pages

It's Instagram that's truly awful. People shill their bullshit identities, you scroll through & are exposed to attractive women who receive validation from thousands if not hundreds of thousands just because they have aesthetic bone structures & fat distribution. You're also exposed to whatever male celebrity is being shilled, & the superficiality of our species is really laid bare. Like the other anon said it's highly curated, all the 'good' in one's life is exhibited, some of the more shrewd Instagram famewhores blog about their hardships but it's highly strategic. The whole thing is very hyperreal & depressing. Especially when you consider that some people spend the only part of their year when they're not encumbered by wagecuckery--their vacation--getting bussed around to boring European landmarks solely for pictures to upload to the Matrix for Matrix credits.

>> No.10482464

As someone who's worked in online ad platforms and seen the numbers behind targeted ad conversions, shhhhh, normies aren't supposed to know about this.

>> No.10482539

Ive done some advertising on FB few years ago and had good revenue of it..since 2017 its dead...i mean complete bullshit...if you target a group for guys who like healthy food in the german speaking market you become likes and visits from pajeeta from india and some 3 world countries....wtf is this shit they (FB) steal your money by doing automated clicks and likes when you do online ads on this plattform

>> No.10482562

These platforms rely on organic social interactions to keep users coming back. Mass surveillance and heavy handed censorship kill any chance of that happening, so people are leaving

>> No.10482588

I’ll just buy moot some condoms so he doesn’t infect the world with more Jew babies

>> No.10482729

Jesus christ just shut the fuck up you fucking streetshitters. Just because a service is usa-based that doesnt mean that they dont have servers in europe/china/russia/etc. The fact that you mention google, a company that has servers and datacenters all over the world, shows how ignorant you are. Also, your data is usually heavily encrypted, if you enforce https nobody can decrypt your data.

>> No.10482855

>Nuhuh! This specific packet might not be going to the US!

The point is that in any given request there's a pretty high chance you're hitting servers in the US. It was definitely even more so the case ten years ago. It might not be all your data but it's a sizeable amount.

Encryption doesn't mean shit when there's twenty other factors they can use when taking the pulse of your https activity.

>> No.10482869

Good. We need to stay off that shit.

>> No.10483000

It's because sergey isn't active. Everyone is in the telegram, discord or slack. People only care about link

>> No.10483005


>> No.10483687

Only thing remotely possible is discord and that can't happen because they fulfill different niches

>> No.10483950

>you scroll through & are exposed to attractive women who receive validation from thousands if not hundreds of thousands just because they have aesthetic bone structures & fat distribution
spotted the virgin land whale

>> No.10483954

>Google isn't US controlled
You're a literal fucking minibrain

>> No.10484069
File: 257 KB, 1484x1113, GOOGLE-CLOUD-EXPLOITATION1383148810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down, retard

>> No.10484107

just give me 5 min i need to boot my old quantum computer from 1995

>> No.10484145
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muh freedom of speech USUSUS

>> No.10484880
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So, what's the next "hype" internet thing I can invest now? (No cryptomeme)

>> No.10484930

people are checking out of the trash society

>> No.10484964

people are just fucking tired of "sexist misogyny homophobe" spam in their news feeds.

Social networks were designed to be fun past times, not political playgrounds
>hurr why are people leaving

>> No.10485187

What is, saturation?

>> No.10485203

People finally realized that shit was making them miserable.

>> No.10485205

Let's see the meme

>> No.10485238

Drop that meme, pl0x.

>> No.10485275

that's definitely not going to reinforce his politlcally incorrect beliefs. Thanks mister ((Zuckerberg))

>> No.10485964


>> No.10485990


>> No.10486045

Not sure if this is a million dollars idea, but it sure is a hundred thousand dollars idea.

A repository for revenge porn indexed by name, nationality, age and online nicknames. You can type in your town or country and see a lot of well indexed and searchable revenge porn.

It should be a dapp completely untraceable, decentralized and anonymous. There should be no legal risk to uploaders, hosts or downloaders.

Regarding monetizations it could be supported by asking a coin fee for browsing, a coin incentive for uploading or hosting files or some other ways.

Im not sure how to prevent cp from plaguing the app, but Im sure we can brainstorm something here.

Do you think is it technologically possible to launch a completely anonymous image repository? Something that cannot be taken down once uploaded with no way to send anyone to jail. Im pretty sure a revenge porn app like this would be really popular.

>> No.10486057


you are literally fucking idiot

>> No.10486059

can I participate by designing the logo?

>> No.10486187

Will it consist of a cartoon image of that anon behind bars?

>> No.10486190

You can have the idea for free. Im just a horny idea guy. I dont have the tech knowledge to do this shit but I think it would be highly profitable

>> No.10486417

I think vendetta is a good name for the app btw

>> No.10486980


>> No.10487385

Jokes on the normies, I went long on abandoning that tripe years ago

>> No.10488261


ig/snap/twitter/reddit are becoming places to recycle memes... no better than 4chan. people are realizing fb is a surveillance weapon. can't monetize telegram or discord well, unless they become surveillance tools like fb. spotify youtube and twitch are beholden to content creators. netflix is far ahead now but other content creators are going to catch up because they dont have a monopoly on content or distribution. the only win is amazon but they already take 50% of the marketshare of ecommerce. people's attention spans are evaporating. 4chan is the only real social media platform left

>> No.10488297

That wouldnt be the case if (((Youtube))) didnt decide to go 1984 and demonetize videos for even saying certain words

>> No.10488454

> he thinks google cloud services run on Windows Domain Controllers because he saw it in an image.

>> No.10488876

become a psychiatrist and open a private practice

>> No.10489007

I don't think you have any of the knowledge needed.

>> No.10489116

>snap is becoming a place to recycle memes
yeah, I love going on snapchat to check out all the latest meems :D
your post tells me you are underage. There is a large portion of users on those social media platforms who use it for social purposes.

>4chan is the only real social media platform left
more like, it's the only social media platform that you enjoy.

>> No.10489556 [DELETED] 
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100+ posts and NO ONE mentioned the real reason.

Pic fucking related.
Big boss George said his word. Few months later Zuck the Cuck is sweating in the congress and the EU is regulating the web.

>inb4 i-i'ts just a coincidence dude