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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 175 KB, 766x667, Shitfolio 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10476048 No.10476048 [Reply] [Original]

Any folio thread? Post em, rate em, and shit on em

I'll start with a good one:

What would you do with if you had this shitfolio
> inb4 "kill myself" or something similar
Believe me, I know it's a fucking mess. I've been thinking about dumping REQ, ICX, VEN (or VET or whatever the fuck it is now), OMG and AMB, maybe TRAC/TFD as well. PRL and SHL i'm holding till the ground because I've already lost 90% on those so fuck it, and Achain is gone on some chinese wallet somewhere. Plan would be to up my XLM and ADA stack to an even 1k (for my autism) and then bump my FUN stack up to 10k. The rest I was thinking about grabbing either CVC or TKY, or maybe just keeping it in ETH

Alternatively, since all of the coins listed above are basically bottoming out (or are close to it), do I just hold them until I recoup my initial? As a second alternative, any of the above listed shitcoins worth keeping?

Bored as fuck so keep this shit coming and i'll shit on your folio as well

>> No.10476068 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself or something similar

>> No.10476096
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>> No.10476121

dump all of this shit and reallocate equally into VET and ZIL. This is the one good piece of advice you are going to get. Peace.

>> No.10476155
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Down a bunch since the dump. Any advice? Also have disposable income to put into other crypto.

>> No.10476193

thanks m8, why would I do that when i'll be a future millionaire.

fuck me those are some shitcoins. Haven't looked into them but i'll check it out.

In the off-chance that's actually real it's pretty risky my dude

I like ZIL but fuck the Vechain FUD gets to me

>> No.10476241
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>I like ZIL but fuck the Vechain FUD gets to me

DYOR, you realize the website you're on right?

>> No.10476248

It’s real


>> No.10476259

I would dump it for 20k AST

>> No.10476265

>no NANO
not going to make it

>> No.10476271

when AST reaches $2 again I would have 40k

>> No.10476299
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did you trade for any DAG?

>> No.10476343
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At one point I was up to $19k with this same exact portfolio. I haven't made a single move since the big dump.

>> No.10476357

>held DBC from ATH
this must have been painful

>> No.10476399

what do you predict for holo? you expect it to pump soon?

>> No.10476413

>what do you predict for holo? you expect it to pump soon?
I'm holding on to HOT because I looked at their code and liked it. I see it as an alternative to other platforms and I think that it could be worth billions in the future, if only due to speculation. I see it dumping over the next couple of weeks and then pumping in September due to main net release.

>> No.10476428

Hold only ETH and ZIL as they're the only ones with actual good tech. You can keep your HOLO, maybe it'll explode (I still think ZIL is a better bet, even ROI wise)

>> No.10476440

have you considered picking some up just in case?

>> No.10476477

Checked out SNTR and i'm not sold on it. Notarization can definitely be improved by blockchain, but i'm not sure it's going to take off anytime soon or with a notary-specific coin.
There's also a lot of potential regulatory issues with licensing notaries. Maybe though

Looks like you got hit with the PRL shitcoin too. I'd grab a coin that you feel is relatively safe for moderate gains incase Vechain/REQ doesn't pan out for ya.

I've got my meme stack for suicide insurance, but can't justify much more than that for now (although even after DCA my average VEN price is still 4$ so I fucked that up big time).

I can't afford anymore shitcoins

How many currency coins can there be? Never really liked NANO and I missed the boat on the freebies

I looked into it, no moves yet. Kinda hesitant to drop my bags at their low points. Not sure if it's worth grabbing a few K before testnet release and I won't be eligible to receive the airdrops.

jesus dude. You got rekt with some of those bags

Meh, admittedly some of the coins i've got are based on their ambitions rather than tech, but I really, really like their ideas. Also, the best tech doesn't always win, marketing is unironically an important factor

>> No.10476556

Go ahead and buy garbage tech coins, just be warned because the next bull run will be caused by a large corporations entering the market, they won't choose hyped coins with no substence i can promise you that.

>> No.10476668

Well I think there is a distinction between "garbage tech coins" and coins still in development. For instance, something like BAT will not be successful because of their tech, they will be successful because of their marketing and adoption.

But I agree to an extent, which is why i'm also trying to trim some of the fat.

>> No.10476724

You mentioned $FUN in the last thread in which I saw you. Any opinions on that?

>> No.10476775

In the OP I said that if/when I consolidate I will grab 9,500 more FUN (I already have 500). Take that for what you will.

>> No.10476802
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Poorfag reporting in

>> No.10476807


You can already do this with memo.cash

>> No.10476816

i've half that amount in btc and am all in on one coin. you're way too diverse

>> No.10476842

shitcoin? telling you to invest in the most wall street friendly coin with 20M market cap that has Novogratz, Lubin and Bill Tai behind it. ZRX has got like 500M and this thing should be valued at least half of that.

>> No.10476890

Shill me on airswap. Big names aside, why would it go up?

>> No.10476979

Also, I meant to ask you in the last thread - How much are you up %wise on your initial? I remember how mow much you said your total folio value is so I can do the math from there if you don't want to say in $$ amounts.

yeah and the main crux of notarization is that it requires an in-person verification. Blockchain can help with verifiying the notification but there's just so many regulatory issues they have to overcome and I'm not sure if an individual coin is the best way to do it. Could be integrated into one of the identity/security coins like TKY/CVC/KEY

I prefer to "over diversify", although I agree that I am laughably over diversified right now even to my standards

I refer to most coins not BTC or ETH as shitcoins. Admittedly I haven't done much research on AST as my portfolio is bloated enough. Shill me on it if you want though, I'll give it a fair shot, why do we need another platform/marketplace coin and what does AST bring to the table that others dont? Through a cursory glance it looks like AST is trying to appeal to big investors, why will AST they go through AST? Because of the names attached to the project or what?

Also, obligatory fuck CAPTCHA for making this post take so long

>> No.10477007

Sorry man, missed you earlier

Not bad though. You wont make it to the moon, but you might be floating comfy in the clouds

>> No.10477011

All I know is that OTC trading is the way big money does it. Big money also doesn't want to depend on centralized exchanges. Also look up fluidity, putting real-world assets and securities on the blockchain.

But the number one reason is that they don't shill their own coin and they are fucking 271 on coinmarketcap. They haven't made any mistakes, people are just ignorant, and big money hasn't entered yet.

>> No.10477019

so your best selling point is that it's low? what's the value in the token itself?

>> No.10477029

>In the OP I said that if/when I consolidate I will grab 9,500 more FUN (I already have 500). Take that for what you will.
What's your rationale? Any particular reason for acting now?

>> No.10477081

>one shitcoin moons
>still at a loss because five others are in the red
Why are /biz/lets so dumb?

>> No.10477146

Primarily because all the other shit is incredibly overvalued overhyped garbage. This thing has substance.

The value of the token is coupled with the usage of the protocol. The more it is used, the more the value of AST goes up.

Here is a tokenized venture fund that will be using AirSwap in the near future https://medium.com/cityblock-capital/introducing-nycq-investing-in-the-future-of-finance-b96e95101a2f

>> No.10477162

And as I said. Big money hedge funds or whatever must use OTC trading. They cannot use thin order books, it is illegal for them to do so. So they will be going through AirSwap.

>> No.10477182

> Any particular reason for acting now?
Well, like I said, it's conditional on me consolidating now. Still not sure if I want to dump em all yet.

> What's your rationale?
First-mover advantage for the most part; FUN is pretty cheap right now; supposed integration with real Casinos in Q3/Q4; tangible use case (and a good-use case at that). I also like gambling and I appreciate the irony of gambling on a gambling-based coin.

There's bigger FUNchads in here than me though

Those prices are not current, although your statement is still accurate. I'll offer you the bull-market alternate situation though.
> one shitcoin tanks
> still at a gain because five others are in the green
Also, most of my coins are hedged on the basis that: If one of them corners their market the profits will cover the losses and then some. Further, I'd much rather have the situation you posted than going all in on a coin that flops

>> No.10477211

You would be saved if you put that all into link.....

Just do that and wagecuck to accumulate back the coins you have now

You are going to be so mad if you don't dump your shit and get into link now.

I mean your so low in dollar value even if these coins 10x you still don't have muchz

>> No.10477304

Why the fuck does everyone have fabric token

>> No.10478154
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will I make it?

>> No.10478225
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I also have like 10 bitcoins on coinbase, and around 700 eth off in random wallets all over the place.

Thanks Team JUST

>> No.10478235

What the fuck is this shit? 3 coins, 40% BTC

>> No.10478253
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>> No.10478283
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Can you rate my memefolio anon?

>> No.10478475
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>> No.10478539
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>> No.10478555


P.S. Hoqu is absolute shit tier. Got in ICO at peak of the Dec bubble. Can't be bothered to sell at that price (ICO was £0.11, 90% down)

>> No.10478715
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40% BNB
20% BTC
20% ETH
10% BAT
10% LINK

>> No.10478766
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I’ve been a TRX loser since early December, this portfolio once cost like 15k lmao

either way, there’s not really much anybody can say that’ll dissuade me - Justin Sun buying BitTorrent and affirming that it will morph into the TRON ecosystem proved to me this guy not only has balls but will probably overtake everybody else.

>> No.10479362

You got a match

>> No.10479524

>There's bigger FUNchads in here than me though
Yeah, I have a lot of FUN

>> No.10479644

Probably another fucking fattie.