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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 982 KB, 833x712, Chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10475305 No.10475305 [Reply] [Original]

If you can make the connections together with these 4 people, I will drop some of the biggest knowledge about Chainlink that I have made with crazy autistic skills looking through files and search queries over the last 48 hours.

>> No.10475341

I'll bite but can you drop some names so I can start?

>> No.10475344

oh look, it's nothing

also the connection? they're all UGLY

>> No.10475377

Sergey, Nassim and who are the 2 others?

>> No.10475385


>The Black Swan talking about nodes

>> No.10475397

No clue in top left, controversial IRL streamer IcePoseidon in top right, mathematical finance and general philosophy of life writer Nassim Nicholas Taleb in bottom left, and actor Jason Segal playing as the philosopher and writer David Foster Wallace in the dramatised documentary “End of the Tour”

>> No.10475414

Right bot could be Jason Segel

>> No.10475444

They all live in America, Inb4 suicide

>> No.10475447

all of their linkies are super stinky

>> No.10475462

Top left is obviously sergey the only guy even remotely related to OP’s schizophrenic post

I would say the link is they’re all known for their intelligence but IcePoseidon is there

>> No.10475468

...is that Ice Poseidon?

>> No.10475475

Top right is Paul Denino

>> No.10475493

All jews

>> No.10475503
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>> No.10475512
File: 205 KB, 422x700, Screenshot from 2018-07-29 22-52-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking junkie

>> No.10475525

Are you talking about segel or DFW?

>> No.10475634

Can I have a hint anon? I assume the disk from the deep web came from someone who visits 4chan?

>> No.10475706

they all hold link

>> No.10475730

McDonald's and ssris

>> No.10475758
File: 89 KB, 840x506, 83DB070A-4269-45C1-8562-3633E41CD995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10475765

How sergey got jewish (ice) money (Nassim) In an episode of How i met your (tiger)mother ?

>> No.10475787

What the fuck...

>> No.10475862

They all have contact with aliens

>> No.10475865

>Nicholas Nassim Taleb
>ChainLink Research
>Published on Apr 5, 2011


what does it mean biz?

>> No.10475877

Let's say Ice Posiedon has/will shill Link to his streamers, why do we give a fuck?

>> No.10475890


>> No.10475899
File: 864 KB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bro what the fuck. Was checking link on my phone and this is open on my other screen. Crazy coincidence.

>> No.10475907

Not the same chainlink

>> No.10475953


>> No.10475993

Maybe it's just me but the way he read it out loud sounded like he already knew what it was

>> No.10476017

david foster wallace would kill himself if he knew that guy played him in a movie

>> No.10476030

I agree it was such passivity like "oh this is nothing new"

>> No.10476043

thats fucking hilarious
i watched that stream but i didnt know what chainlink was back then

but hes not going to shill it he probably doesnt even own any

>> No.10476088

checked.. Too many coincidences with Link its very uncanny

>> No.10476125

>Crying out “Black Swans” may be chic, but many of those who do may not understand Mr. Taleb.

>He challenges the notion that these are random and therefore unpredictable events, so we can’t plan and predict better to avoid being impacted.

>His perspective is that they are not as random as you think and that a lot of common sense—and evidence in plain sight—would lead people to more enlightened behaviors and preventions.
This resonates with me

>My long-term thought is that obsession with the competition and the (almost) useless activities such as benchmarking will lead us to inaction—passivity. If my competitor is not doing this, why should I?

>Passivity in the face of such challenges is sadder than the events. But if we do not learn from them—that is a true tragedy.

The last two statements kinda put in perspective how businesses view smart contracts at the moment. No one is using them, so why would someone want to lead the way? When swift and all the companies working with link cut costs on a massive scale, there will be fomo from every corner of any industry that can utilize link to streamline operational costs.

>> No.10476171

>Jan 5 2018

Each and every person that bought ChainLink in that moment because of that chat is losing money

>> No.10476211 [DELETED] 

Likely almost no one bought it, he showed it on screen for less than a second

>> No.10476224

Heres an article about Nassim Nicholas Taleb, it talks about how the Lindsey effect works with bitcoin.

>To put it in layman terms, the Lindy Effect details that the longer something (a technology in this case) has been around, the more likely it will stick around.

> "Anytime something just refuses to die, you probably have to pay attention to it".

Seems applicable to Link imo

>> No.10476236


Heres the article, my b

>> No.10476282

meme magic, god bless it

>> No.10476368

Taleb is based. Just post it OP. Pls.

>> No.10476438

I think the connection between everyone and everything is that, given how Nassin states how the black swan is not as random as we think and there is a logical reasoning behind it. The events are there, which is why in the deep/dark web, represents how it's been set up already over a long period of time. Sergey and LINK relationship is not as random as people think. It has been existing for a while. Drop another clue Annon

>> No.10476572

Another clue

>> No.10477421

3 of those people hold ChainLink.
They're all from the US.
All 4 of them have some kind of influence in their own fields, and are known/popular to a certain degree.

>> No.10477529

Bottom right is bobcat goldthwait

>> No.10478521
File: 225 KB, 600x600, 1505880969890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cx in the chat boys

>> No.10478529


>> No.10478671
File: 304 KB, 750x689, 1532320652396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10478703

/lit/ creeping into /biz/?

>> No.10478776

This is real autism thread. Please explain to an inferior.

>> No.10478826

bitcoin muneys??? oWo

>> No.10478868

Alright never mind. I am officially spooked the fuck out

>> No.10478918


>> No.10479018

So basically a pleb like me is lucky that niggers from the deep web talk about link here...now all the seemingly coordinated stuff starts making sense

>> No.10479037

Just fucking tell us believe it or not i am actually curious

>> No.10479098

>Cx in the chat boys
can you help a brainlet brother anon and linkmarine out? Sorry but WTF is Cx?

>> No.10479119

You're not a brainlet
It's just a chat meme from the streamer Ice Poseidon who is the top-left person in the picture

>> No.10479129

I mean top-RIGHT lol

>> No.10479153

Holy shit dude. Look at the pic. Find the chat. Look for the text "Cx". There's your answer. How the fuck do we own the same coin

>> No.10479246

thanks. Ok, so this guy Ice Poseidon talked about chainlink back in January? Sorry, I'm still missing the significance of this.

Re: Taleb, I see the connection to his "barbell strategy" of investing. He advises that you put most (~80%) of your investment (whether time, capital or any other resource) into the safest asset you can find, and the other 20% into the craziest, riskiest investments you can find. This, he says, is how you benefit from black swans. I have tried to follow this advice by, e.g., putting most of my networth into vanguard mutual funds, but around 20% into crypto, and specifically chainlink, which is by far by biggest hold.

Don't know anything about this dude Ice Poseidon so can't really comment on him. Also now clear what the David Foster Wallace connection is, although I'm a fan. Also unclear to me why OP posted a picture of an actor playing DFW rather than a photo of DFW himself.

Everything about Link is surreal to me. This is just one more surreal thing about it. I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe, the memes are true, and it's actually going to moon. If it gets' to $10 bucks per link then i will be super happy. If it actually honest to god gets anywhere near $1K then my life, and my family's life, will be completely transformed. After working on a bunch of different startups that all tanked, and trying to start a bunch of businesses that all never amounted to much, at the age of 50 my life is going to be transformed because I stumbled onto bitcoin, and then, several years later, I stumbled onto biz, and from there, I stumbled onto alt coins and specifically chainlink.

I, uh, don't know what to think. Previously (as in a few years ago) I would have dismissed posts like OP's. But chainlink has been, for me, like a glitch in the matrix. I unironically feel like learning about chainlink through biz has permanently shifted my perception of how the world works.

>> No.10479304



take it easy, son. We're all in this together.

this works best when we all try to help each other. Why so nasty?

>> No.10479396

This thread is confusing me. So a streamer had chainlink cube on a CD from a biz person who sent him that. What’s this does CX mean?

>> No.10479438

This is top tier autism and this is why I come here

>> No.10479497
File: 186 KB, 3508x2334, 1531483825259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP come back you fuck

>> No.10479525
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x3024, F8295CF2-A6A0-4687-9877-83DE5D51D1B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so basically $1000 eoy

>> No.10479593
File: 207 KB, 694x800, 1519398078247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, go back to your make-believe bubble where everything is set for you to have the life you always wanted and the only thing you need to do is trust someone else to solve it all. There is nothing for you to do, just wait. It will all get better once you make it. Your parents will be proud of you and look up to you. Your friends will respect you and want to be in your life more often. You'll find love, be sure of it. Once you've uncovered who you really are after acquiring your wealth people will agree with you: You're the best! You’re so smart! You’re so lucky! I am so lucky to have met you, I'm always going to be by your side, and I love you. I love you. Maybe she does and maybe she won't leave. Maybe your new and old friends like you all the same and do care for you. Maybe your parents do think they did a great job raising you. Or maybe you don't have anyone at all. Even better then, because once you make it none of this will matter.

That's because everything you've dreamed of being depends on only one decision. Would you'd made it if it wasn't for this? Would you’ve made it if you didn't risk being a fool for a year or two before whatever scam you're attached to succeeded? I don't think so and you don't think so either.

That's why you're still here, looking for yet another clue to lay back and be calm while you wait for the day when the rest of your life can truly begin. Keep waiting.

>> No.10479618
File: 71 KB, 545x530, 1530734237225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe. Stop projecting you absolute faggot.

>> No.10479641

>That's why you're still here, looking for yet another clue to lay back and be calm while you wait for the day when the rest of your life can truly begin. Keep waiting.

Posts like this are a big part of what makes this all so surreal. Imagine sitting down and typing all this out. All this weird, vague, hostility. Is this anon projecting? Is he fudding on purpose to keep the price down? Is he really this angry that he wants to discourage another random anon on an indonesian shrimp farming forum? Is he trying to help his fellow anons? Or is he just pissed at the world? Who knows. It's all part of the journey on 4chan.

>> No.10479698

its just pasta made by someone who knows LINK will change his life around. we all know LINK is it. just a matter of time. might as well fuck around while we are here. once things start taking off im gonna miss you guys. but i also want to start living my new life.

>> No.10479800

shut the fuck up BOOMER

>> No.10479818

you know biz has a reputation it has to keep. If everyone just comes in and walk away rich.... then why have biz..... at this point, if you buy into the fud, frankly you haven't been here long enough to deserve link.

>> No.10480266

they are all geniuses

>> No.10480356

Lurked 4chan for over a decade, never seen this place summed up so well.

>> No.10480643
File: 755 KB, 668x1124, The_Empress_Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not myself when I work for /biz/. I surrender it qnd carry out its will. If that means developing freePoint FUD and using any number of my dozen+ alts on reddit to manipulate posts- I do it. Without question. We have no leaders or hierarchy. It's decentralized autism and the best idea chosen by the hive dictates what we do. We pool resources and get it done. Everyone understands this.

I love you, frens. It's been an honor serving with you

>> No.10480711

Ice poseidon and jason segal are both performers aka living memes.
Sergey has become a living meme.
Harder to say how Nassim Taleb is a living meme, but I'll grant that memes of him exist in some format.
What connects all of these individuals is meme magic.
check em

>> No.10480754


>> No.10480856
File: 715 KB, 618x718, assad17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10480893


logical conclusion >>> link was, is and always be a meme

>> No.10481037

i watched that movie
pretty decent rental, wouldn't watch it again

>> No.10481597
File: 24 KB, 761x193, aaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10481778
File: 1.90 MB, 255x191, 1515647935619.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10481987

Clif oft makes this argument against Christianity, that no one is coming to save your ass.

It is an important argument to be made, that the ideological decentralists are hypocrites for measuring personal machiavellian gain.

This emotional charge has no reason to hate. It is the shadow crying out.

Agreeing, that yes it is the world which must change, but the idea that the meek should inherit this is as repugnant now as it is in the imagination of normies.

>You're a middle adopter normie, towlie.

>> No.10482344

>You're a middle adopter normie, towlie.
Yeah, well . . .
You’re a fucking towel.

>> No.10482748

they all got more money than any of us. There you go now spill the beans

>> No.10482765

bottom right is the actor from forgetting sarah marshall as David Foster Wallace, who was the Author of infinite jest a 1000 which was like a dystopia with some dark humor

>> No.10482785
File: 259 KB, 436x580, 1532930731210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another larper

>> No.10482791

so link is related to a future dystopia or 1k eoy because infinite jest is 1k pages