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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.58 MB, 1535x2376, 1531582496879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10467450 No.10467450 [Reply] [Original]

Kids and a house is way better than a Lamborghini

>> No.10467456


>> No.10467457

found the pedo

>> No.10467459

stop posting on this board

>> No.10467463

this has been settled already dumbass. Having both is way better

>> No.10467465

newfags get off my board. is summer over yet?

>> No.10467471
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you have to go back.

>> No.10467487

Why do you think that meme was really a thing? Having a baby should be discouraged and condemned.

>> No.10467498
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found the newfag

>> No.10467521
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why is that house so cheap?

>> No.10467533
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You are doing gods work in preserving the white race. Keep it up anon

>> No.10467586

that anon is a known pedophile tho

>> No.10467663
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>> No.10467687


>> No.10467901
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What's wrong with a big fucking house, a couple of spoilt as fuck kids & a fucking Lamborghini?

>> No.10468047

not if you're under 35.

>> No.10468061

is this a joke?

>> No.10468064

hint: reproducing is not an achievement, Even pajeets, niggers and spics can do it.

>> No.10468065
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>> No.10468071

>having white kids that will most likely be killed in the goblino race wars

>> No.10468126
File: 388 KB, 3000x5000, bucko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick rundown:
>guy has been posting OP's pic-related over the past month, bragging about having a kid and a house (this OP isn't the guy who actually took those photos)
>takes it too far and pisses off the wrong anon
>gets doxxed a week ago by some anon posting the zillow pic you responded to
>posts pic of shoulders down with guns asking 'watchu gonna do, bucko?"
>pic-related bucko meme is born
allegedly trannies were sent to the guy's house too. he fucked up bad

>> No.10468285
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>white babies
Did this guy post his own address on 4chan?

>> No.10468290

the sleuths were able to find it from the pics of the property he posted.

>> No.10468359

never underestimate the power of autism here

>> No.10468801
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>> No.10468824


kys shitskin. you have no soul

>> No.10468844

Reminder that this thread is a CIA psyop, op and the people "doxing" him are all CIA.

>> No.10468887

So they blame it on hacker 4chan?
But how would they find him so quickly posting on yak breeding forum.
I think they are testing the autistsic powers and perhaps recruit some of the best doxxers

>> No.10468889

You have to go back, frogposter r*dditard scum

>> No.10469816

Lambo's are to assuage insecurities and fears... I'm with OP.

>> No.10469842

we need more doxxing. im legit curious what this bucko looks like

>> No.10469888

Did you see it on Google maps? Lol is a million dollar house on a street full of $100k houses. How pathetic. Napoleon complex.

>> No.10469898

having kids, a nice house in a decent area, a lovely wife and a stable financial situation under the age of 35 is the ultimate thot-magnet, infinitely stronger than a lambo

>> No.10469917

It depends, which kids? which house?
Stupid, autistic kids? shitty house? No, would prefer lambo.

>> No.10469938
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>> No.10469950
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well yea no 458 Italia best of all