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10467133 No.10467133 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your best wagecuck horror stories

>> No.10467170
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>be assistant manager for a shitty retail booze chain
>xmas time
>only two cashiers
>line backs up and around the entire store.
>decide to take shit
>go into the bathroom and hide there until the line dies down
>cashiers pissed
>remaining customers pissed.
>don't give a shit because we close in 10 more minutes
>get fired 2 days later because one of the executives decided to stop at my store.

>graduate, move and get a comfy desk job 3 weeks later.

>> No.10467186

Looks like they were shit out of luck

>> No.10467196

hey biztards. I have a question. I heard a rumor a long time ago about monster being made from bull semen. Something about taurine. Anyway, I got to thinking after seeing so many monster threads, and threads about bull cum, that I finally LINK'd two and two together and realized MONSTER ENERGY is literally causing the largest bull run in history. Their monster memes are unironically causing people to ingest bull semen. WE BULL ?MARKET BOYS!

>> No.10467204

You must have a hundred stories like me. Starting to forget most of them though
t. former retail manager

>> No.10467228
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>work in a bar
>some faggot stuffs a beer glass in the bottom of the toilet creating a near perfect seal and breaking the rim of the glass in the process
>some faggot (maybe the same one) takes a tremendous python dump on the broken glass
>some faggot (maybe the same one) vomits all over the turd
>mfw I have to put a garbage bag over my arm and go fishing around in vomit, broken glass and a limbless sea otter in order to clear the blockage

>> No.10467233

>be me
>get my monthly income from the government
>don't have to work
>dad insists I get a job to develop social skills
>get a job at a local fast food restaurant I frequent
>it's the only place I feel comfortable and I figure it would be easy to get started there
>apply, blah blah blah
>too autistic to run the cash register and talk to people
>they have me bussing tables and doing janitor shit
>cunt boss always ordering me around and finding busywork for me to do when the store is slow
>on my lunch break I usually doodle like cartoons on my napkin
>on one particular day I had drawn an unflattering picture of cunt boss on my napkin
>run out to my car to get my DS as I had fifteen more minutes on my lunch break
>wanted to catch a dratini in the safari zone before I went back to scrubbing gum and feces
>come back to my lunch table
>cunt boss is standing at my table when I come back in
>"I was wondering why this table wasn't bussed." she says
>she picks up the napkin
>"Did you draw this, anon?"
Needless to say I didn't last long at that job

>> No.10467255
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>> No.10467260


I would've just left.

>> No.10467265

>work at a fintech office as my first job after graduating
>after 3 weeks already had enough of working with retards who don't explain what they want me to do
>3 hour commute each day
>start slacking off and using sick days left and right
>dgaf if I get fired
>one day its snowing like crazy
>the city looks beautiful, reminds me of the motherland
>decide to take the day off while I'm on the way to the office and smoke weed in the snow downtown and wander around
>send an email saying that I'm sick and can't make it to work
>the only day in recent memory where I'm not depressed and actually enjoying myself
>come in to work the next day and get handed some bullshit assignment with no explanation
>pretty much get set up to fail and the boss uses it as an excuse to fire me
>still dgaf
>use the money that I saved up from paychecks to go balls deep in crypto
>make more money in 6 months than I would have made working at the office in 2 years
>still unemployed and making money from shitcoins

I hope I make it from crypto because I can't imagine myself working 9 to 5 until I'm old. I'd rather kms

>> No.10467268

anyone have that really high quality wagecuck infograph? it was an indepth analysis of the wagecuck and his thought process vs the NEET

pls post

>> No.10467281

Not horror story but still.
>get shit job in "IT" at some shit dying company.
>not really needed a job cause i was working on business to generate passive income.
>work on shitty job and also work on my business from their place.
>out of sudden they get good business client.
>owner is busy pleasing cock of client.
>everyone doing everything.
>spent more than two months doing data entry.
>finally call it quit.
>since i worked in IT and networking, i leave without telling them problems.
>delete api keys i generated
>messed up here and there

They still working to fix the shit. new IT guy calls me asking for help. Tell him I'm busy and if they need me to fix thing they can hire me for per hr basis.

>> No.10467286


>> No.10467376
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>worked as a late night janitor
>cleaning 60s style restaurant
>lots boomers and elderly eat there
>clean restroom
>go to last stall
>find a 19 inch dragon dildo
>tip had dried up blood
>a 19 inch dragon dildo
>in the stall
>it was the men's bathroom

>> No.10467493

this is the best.

>> No.10467500

the jobs i have worked were shit. but it was mostly the people that made it unbearable.
>always picked on and since im a different race, i see the true colors of people and how they act
>had a shit boss, made it unbearable too. turns out his wife is batshit insane so he takes it out on certain people
>workers know my relative that is practically noble all around town but do not know im very closely related. when some knew they treated me a little better
>after they know im rich they treat me even worse.
>one dude who spent time in jail worked with me. asked me why i am wasting my time here, this was when i was 21 and kind of optimistic.
im not lazy at all but i wont get a job due to social issues.

>> No.10467676


>> No.10467807
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Whats wrong with that?

>> No.10468196

b u m p

>> No.10469196
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I'm not even into crypto, but goodluck anon

>> No.10469705


>> No.10469735

>Be security guard in a warehouse
>Two hours ago
>Checking bathrooms to make sure grown adults haven't drawn on the walls
>Find giant log of shit on bathroom floor

>> No.10469858 [DELETED] 
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>be 18
>working at the king of all burgers.
>love cleaning dining room because I hate drive thru
>everyone does.
>mop mop mop doobity doo, flip over the chairs on the tabley boo.
>final leg of task. Clean bathrooms.
>walk in to men’s room. Shit smell is present, nothing new.
>almost always people leave shit in the toilet at fast food joints never fails.
>something...is ....different this time.
>”requeum” playing as I push open stall door. Biggest shit I’ve ever seen. Brown and green.
>looks like an entire frat house shit out a full keg as one slimy egg.
>looks like a mammoth brain with its noddle like surface. Literally like a brain made of shit.
>I shit you not it mounded majestically over the invisible plane that would cut across the seat. >Someone had to hover over to finish, as it literally would have had the persons ass cheeks imprinted in it as the apex of it’s height reached over the seat.
>like someone fed 10 horses Arby’s for a week straight then backed them into the stall.
>tell bull dyke manager, as I gasped for sweet life giving oxygen in the kitchen, fire me if you want but I am not cleaning that.
>she calls me a pussy, matches into bathroom. Gags instantly and severely. She knows im right.
>MFW it was the women’s room.
>MFW this asshole fucking hesher that I hated had to put the grease gloves on (they go all the way up your arms), and break it up and piece by muddy piece put it in a trash bin.

It was literally 20 pounds or more of shit. Like

>> No.10469879

>Work at pizza place in middle of winter at 11 PM. Snowy and around 32f/0c.
>Drunk girl customer comes in and orders pizza (veggie and meat).
>The don't leave and inform us that their friends left her there.
>I offer them ride at end of shift so they don't get lost and die.
>Points me to a place nearby. Can't operate my phone effectively, so Google maps gets me nowhere (her phone is dead and no charger).
>Offers to bang, so we kiss and I feel rapey as I realize she has no way to consent as she is hammered as hell.
>Says she doesn't eat meat due to being vegetarian. Eats half of veggie pizza and drunkenly drops rest of veggie and meat pizza around in the vehicle.
>Asks if I want to drive 2.5 hours to the beach (it's past midnight), so I say no.
>She passes out for an hour.
>Wakes up and finally directs me to where she lives. It's two streets over from me.
>It's now almost 2 AM.
>She passed away out on way over. I talk with her roommates and they wake her up and help her in.

>> No.10469933


>> No.10469935
File: 1.11 MB, 1136x640, 67622414-F8DF-4077-8B6E-2CA43EA635BA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 18
>working at the king of all burgers.
>love cleaning dining room because I hate drive thru
>everyone does.
>mop mop mop doobity doo, flip over the chairs on the tabley boo.
>final leg of task. Clean bathrooms.
>walk in to restroom. Shit smell is present, nothing new.
>almost always people leave shit in the toilet at fast food joints never fails.
>something...is ....different this time.
>”requeum” playing as I push open stall door. Biggest shit I’ve ever seen. Brown and green.
>looks like an entire frat house shit out a full keg as one slimy egg.
>looks like a mammoth brain with its noddle like surface. Literally like a brain made of shit.
>I shit you not it mounded majestically over the invisible plane that would cut across the seat.
>Someone had to hover over to finish, as it literally would have had the persons ass cheeks imprinted in it as the apex of it’s height reached over the seat.
>like someone fed 10 horses Arby’s for a week straight then backed them into the stall.
>tell bull dyke manager, as I gasped for sweet life giving oxygen in the kitchen, fire me if you want but I am not cleaning that.
>she calls me a pussy, matches into bathroom. Gags instantly and severely. She knows im right.
>MFW it was the women’s room.
>MFW this asshole fucking hesher that I hated had to put the grease gloves on (they go all the way up your arms), and break it up and piece by muddy piece put it in a trash bin.

It was literally 20 pounds or more of shit.