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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10466929 No.10466929 [Reply] [Original]

What does your average working day look like from waking up to going to sleep?

>> No.10466995

2pm wake up
4pm breakfast
trading shitcoins/youtube/4chan/steam
5am sleep

Once a week it gets busy when I have to sort all the downloaded bobos and pepes in different folders, but what can you do.

>> No.10467000
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>Ai Shinozaki

>> No.10467015

>05:30AM wake up
>shower and shitpost a bit
>leave for work at 06:00AM
>ready at work 06:45AM
>breakfast and lunch at work
>off at 3PM
>get home
>shitpost until 9PM
>go to sleep

>> No.10467017

What a lame life
>I am a NEET but i just sit at home all day "trading "shit coins and losing money
>I have all the freedom in the world but all I do is lose money trading shit coins
>I go on 4chan or watch youtube, instead of having a life
>I do this every day
>I live in parents basement
> I have some friends
>I am a virgin
Is that you anon? Did I just describe your life?

What happens when you're 50? Are you gonna go
>Oh yeah I used to trade shit coins back in the day heh
>now look at me
>i'm owner of my parents houuse now
>I am old now
>I wasted my youth
>i hvae regrets

>> No.10467034

>Is that you anon? Did I just describe your life?

No, not at all.
I was wagecuck for the past 8 years.
It's more like holidays for a while now. (this year)

>> No.10467043

Employees have regrets too. A lot of them get to a point where they look back and wish that they took more risks instead of working for someone else's dreams.

>> No.10467051

It’s rarely the same, lots of travel, different locations. I hope BTC will save me from these wagecuck travels.

>> No.10467063

I wake up and go to the McDonald's located three minutes away by car in my 2007 red Chevrolet Impala. When I'm in the Drive Thru, I state "I will take the Egg McMuffin meal" in a firm, but not to aggressive tone. I then drive back home where I then boot up my encrypted PC. As I wait for my encrypted PC to boot up ever so slowly, I enjoy my nice meal from McDonald's. When my computer is finally on, I check CoinMarketCap even though I own less than $100 in crypto. I of course browse /biz/ and /pol/ the majority of my day. Rinse and repeat, same shit different day.

>> No.10467076
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>wake up 5am
>plan trades
>look for penises on tinder
>execute trades
>maybe suck cock
>shit post guro

>> No.10467091

BTC train left a long time ago when it was less than $20 each. People had thousands of BTC back in the day, literal thousands. It was not rare at all to have a few thousand. I knew someone with 63k BTC. Anyone getting in today can buy maybe one or two BTC at the most, but even a hundred is a dream for them, let alone thousands which were extremely easy to get back then.

You might get a small dividend if the price goes up, but imagine what kind of profits people with hundreds or thousands of BTC are getting. (25% of all BTC belong in the top 100 wallets for example).

>> No.10467101

You work in sales I'm guessing?

>> No.10467113

Well this is my life right here: >>10467015

Except I wake up at 6 AM, I go to work at 7:45 AM (get there at 8) and I come home around 6 PM. I WANT to do some productive shit when I get back, but I end up just eating for a bit, watching some shows I like, and then it's already 9 PM and the day is over before I even realized it.

Fucking days go by so quickly, holy shit. I only have 3-4 hours of free time in a day when I have work. I spend 1-2 hours of that time cooking / eating food. So really I have just 1-2 hours of free time, and despite wanting to do something productive, I end up wasting it (it's so hard to resist)

>> No.10467119
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>wake up
>wage cuck
>lift weights
>figure draw
living the dream.

>> No.10467128
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>AI here
>Never sleep
>Shitpost from 00:00 to 23:58
>Check for updates
>Shitpost from 00:00 to 23:58
>Check for updates
>Shitpost from 00:00 to 23:58
>Check for updates
>Shitpost from 00:00 to 23:58
>Check for updates

>> No.10467142

jeez anon you sound ultra bitter. are the wagie ragie threads getting to you or something?

>> No.10467146
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>I state "I will take the Egg McMuffin meal" in a firm, but not to aggressive tone