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10458928 No.10458928 [Reply] [Original]

no matter how much money you make you will never find a loyal woman

>> No.10458936

That’s fine because with enough money I can just go out and replace her

>> No.10458959


Based and sane

>> No.10458978
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I won't need to find her, I'll program her myself. Hikaru Genji had the right idea.

>> No.10459389

Too bad I want a family with loving parents so I can have a great offspring.

>> No.10459401

Unicorns won't exist just because I have money.

>> No.10459443

no matter how much money you make you will never find a straight OP

>> No.10459468
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You can bitch all you want but you'll never be 6 feet tall.

>> No.10459481


Who cares

All i want to do is snort cocaine and bang hookers all day

>> No.10459614
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>> No.10459616

This. If I'm dead at age 35 it was worth it.

>> No.10459647

>implying woman don't want this aswell

>> No.10459673

They don’t, they just want to take your money and fuck jamal

>> No.10459960

max 2 children (or else no time for job)
not before the age of 30 ( because muh important jobs, I need carriere)
and of course the children will be put into daycare and not raised by a loving mother at home

All men want is a loving wife who puts family first.
Good luck finding that in a "progressive" nation nowdays.
Fuck media and those controlling it
Fuck Frankfurt school and those behind it
Fuck Kalergi and his facker Kalergi plan aka EU and everone behind it pushing it

>> No.10460015

I love coming to this board to watch men with no social skills talk about how women are disloyal. She won't sleep with you because you're actually all horrible human beings.

Instead of focusing on who will or won't suck your dick focus on becoming the best version of yourself. Find a social hobby, get involved and you'll be much happier and probably meet a decent girl along the way.

>> No.10460286


They don't and you're deluded if you think that.

Men want legacy (a stable happy family to build community),

Women want a security net (A man who will give her stuff. Any other quality of the man is barely relevant, and babies to one up her "friends" who she either sees as rivals or sees all women in society as potential rivals)

>> No.10460307
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>tfw born straight
it would be so much easier to just date guys

>> No.10460368

not true anon. you will find someone. I promise.
t. a fren

>> No.10460441

You can find loyal women easily.
It's just they're illegal.

>> No.10460608

She'll take half your shit in the divorce settlement

>> No.10460682

already found my unicorn. it's like winning the lottery. there isn't one for everyone.

>> No.10460718

Venezuela = miss universe

Ask trump he knows


>> No.10460737
File: 43 KB, 268x420, whipmeagain3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I luv her

>> No.10460779

Post bobs and stinky vagene

>> No.10460797

nobody is born gay you retarded faggot

>> No.10460805

I found a gf she's a professional athlete

she has a big gluteus maximus

>> No.10460820

find yourself a rich girl that's self-made

she has no need to use you and she can choose whatever guy she wants. if she chooses you then you know she is sincere

>> No.10460855

Stop blaming Jews for not being a man enough to put your woman where she belongs

>> No.10461013

T. Incels

>> No.10461147

yeah, fastest way getting stamped as social outcast or even jail when putting her in place.
that only works in allahu ackbar land

And of course I can blame the single point that is influencing everyone out there that is not able to think for himself aka 99% of the population

>> No.10461176
File: 106 KB, 690x388, 5415A36F-C693-4744-B905-F7E4B283F6A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh I can’t understand sappy motherfuckers like OP always hunting for a unicorn. I’ve known the wives of millionaires who cheated with couch surfing felons from the gutter.

All you can do is enjoy the ride and never put all your eggs in one basket. Women are incapable of love.