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10454050 No.10454050 [Reply] [Original]

Where do my biz bros store their LINK, and why do you store it where you do?

>> No.10454072

In my anus. It's the only place nolink fags won't look.

>> No.10454105
File: 40 KB, 600x579, pepe-displeased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmmmmm, i shall consider this

>> No.10454128

the exchange

>> No.10454193

Coffee can buried in backyard right next to Boulregard (family dog that died several years ago).

>> No.10454201

sage all datamining threads

>> No.10454293

datamining thread? Lol, im literally sitting on my couch, drinking beer and watching baseball like the absolute 29 year old boomer that i am, and wondering where i should keep my LINK because binance chink scam coin echange has the worse SMS 2FA ever. The timer literally runs out everytime before i get sent the message.

>> No.10454316

Doesn't the code last for like 15 minutes and the timer is just until you can receive a new code?

>> No.10454345

Trezor, it’s the safest and easiest option.

>> No.10454347

its only 60 seconds, most of the times ive logged in its been fine, but earlier today it was fucking terrible. I literally had a flood of like 5 sms auth messages 15 minutes after my requests

>> No.10454357

Thats the main one ive been eyeing, do you use the original model or the new one?

>> No.10454585

I store them in the ground squirrels around my house

>> No.10454627


>> No.10454739

Use an Authenticator app brainlet

>> No.10454756
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Inside the pocket of my Hillary 2020 hoodie

>> No.10454847

i don't have my head stuck so far up my own ass that ONE person's personal political beliefs would keep me from making money on a project, regardless of if i believe in it or not, you're a god damn idiot to think that way

>> No.10454851

og trezor

>> No.10454868

use hu-what in the hu-what-what now?

>> No.10455732

split between 2 nano ledger S
God I'm gonna hodl literally forever but I feel like nothing is gonna happen now

>> No.10455911


>> No.10456148

Half on MEW with nano ledger
Half on Binance.

MFW today I checked my MEW address on ethplorer.io and I thought all my link was gone. Fuck. Turns out that for some reason it temporarily stopped listing the dollar value of my holdings, so the link were still tehere, but just lower down the page. Was glad I had the other half on Binance as a backup.

>> No.10456177

i keep my stack in 20 different wallets

>> No.10456188


>> No.10456190

MEW and I use MetaMask.

>> No.10456267
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This chink keeps them safu for me.

>> No.10456296

not realizing trezor and nano ledger is just a glorified thumb drive with MEW on it

>> No.10456305

Stored in other peoples wallets until it drops below 5 cents