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10453920 No.10453920 [Reply] [Original]

How can I use MMOs to make tons of money?

>> No.10453941

Organize a team of experienced programmers and artists, create and publish an MMO.

>> No.10453960

hack someones high-level account and demand a ransom

>> No.10453971

I've always wanted to do that.
Until I looked into the cost.

I was thinking more along the lines of
>in game item
>do some trick

>> No.10453977


Oh man... i spend so many hours on that stretch of coblestone road.

>> No.10453994


Anon, I...

>> No.10454040

You can't.
Man I want to play WoW again while investing on the side. When the fuck will classic WoW come out? I heard about it last year or something but nothing has happened.

>> No.10454081

New xpac aug 13 baby

>> No.10454092
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No release date yet, I'm guessing November 2019.

Gold farmers did it.

>> No.10454099


Yeah....good luck with that. MMOs are incredible hard and expensive to make.

>> No.10454103
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I miss it anon... those saturday evenings, when dozens of guilds showed up at the cathedral for a weekly ceremony. Afterwards, we would form groups and ride out into the world to patrol Arati, hillbrad foothills, etc. We would deny the horde their quests, and soon... horde reinforcements would arrive. Resulting in massive world pvp battles between tarren mill and south shore.

Or that time when me and my band of Night Elf hunters lay in ambush, using shadow melt. We would exit the SM all at the same time, firing off a cloud of arrows at unsuspecting hordies. They all died in those narrow passes anon... they all died.

The glory... the honor... fuck. I miss it. Vanilla was best.

>> No.10454126

Make a private server and sell gold/items/levels under the table while banning everyone else who does it. Not a single wow private server that doesn't do it.

>> No.10454145

Good MMOs are incredibly hard and expensive to make.
Won't stop room temperature IQ pajeets from trying though.

>> No.10454146

MMO's are and have always been a huge money sink.
The biggest asset you have is your time/attention. That's what big tech companies like facebook and google sell to advertisers; your attention.

MMO's suck up all of your time (and charge you for it) and you get nothing in reward but sounds and flashy images to trick your brain into liking what would otherwise be torture.

>> No.10454159

Go on a somewhat large server on wow classic release.
Get a team together. Be somewhat good at pvp. Get gear. Control Un'goro for devilsaur leather. Rape everyone that is not coluding with you. Sell gold.

>> No.10454223
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He never spend time infront of a tent at camp taurajo, relaxing under a setting sun while hearing calm tribal music.

Anon, they're not just flashy imagines... they are feels you can't even comprehend.

>> No.10455527
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It will never happen again anon.

>> No.10455533

I recently just downloaded Warcraft3 again. I think RTS games are due to make a big comeback.

>> No.10455541

> shadow melt
> shadow melt

>> No.10455543


>> No.10455549

run hundreds of bots

>> No.10455593

amid the insanity, a true voice rises above

if you played wow without botting you are literally an unredeemable subhuman

>> No.10455605

and dinosaurs right after

RTS games are too hard for millenials. They are completely retarded. RTS will never be mainstream in this culture. EVER