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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10451610 No.10451610 [Reply] [Original]

who in his right mind thinks he is going to 'make it' with a 5k portfolio? If you are lucky you might earn a bit a bit of cash. but if you only own 5k you are still JUST A KID and need to keep earning some money for a few years, saving and stuff like that, before you can expect a lavish lifestyle... just my 5 cents, but I guess you rather need an actual donation of 5 cents

>> No.10451646

I turned 5k into over 200k last year...

>> No.10451653

>tfw 300$

>> No.10451662

The less you start with the longer you must stay in order to make it. Usually.

>> No.10451663

$30k here. will i make it?

>> No.10451678

We're gonna make it OP

>> No.10451682

114k here. Is that enough, OP?

>> No.10451693
File: 31 KB, 555x682, usdollar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still counts wealth in USD
You will not make it, and you need 21 BTC. kys.

>> No.10451713

there will no longer be any 100xs or anything. crypto moons will be smaller and smaller as the market matures. you got lucky. everyone else is fucked if they didnt invest 30k MINIMUM. the gains you get will be more like stocks now

>> No.10451714

Invest that in a dividend bearing portfolio and let it grow a bit and you've pretty much made it mate.

>> No.10451745

I'm in crypto for the long haul. There's a very good chance I'll never "cash out".

>> No.10451777


>> No.10451790

Literally just by itself, Facebook was at twice the market cap of the entirety of crypto a few days ago.

We need more real world adoption, bu if you think this shit can't go another 10, 20, 30, 40, 50x, yes even 100x times greater than it is now, idk what to say.

>> No.10451818

gains with stocks can be higher than crypto if you’re not fucktarded and play options

>> No.10451842

remember there are a 1000 coins.what makes you think that you'll pick a winner? it's like a lottery ticket

>> No.10451890

You fuckheads are just dumb.
You can make it with 0.3 btc and I'm not talking shorts here.
6% in one hour is nothing in crypto.
Pick the winners, get out in time, ride the next one. You don't have to hold this shit forever.
Catch the upswings. Don't buy overbought crap.
I'll make it with that amount. Stay poor.

>> No.10451903

Lots of new fags here.

I know of 3 100x projects that I’m holding that will moon within 16 months.

>> No.10451910

20k USD here, but I just graduated HS and I have a rich family that will pay for college. Will I make it?

>> No.10451918

I went from 4k in feb to 250k in may
now down to 70k but still good, already made it :D

>> No.10451923

>if you’re not fucktarded and play options
you must be rich if you've figured it all out

>> No.10451930

>what makes you think that you'll pick a winner?

By looking at real world utility and not listening to retards like you on /biz/. Seriously, if you are thinking along the lines of "picking a winner", you WILL toss whatever gains you have away.

I only invest in coins and projects that have real world adoption and very real development and action. That means I pretty much limit myself to the top-20 in market cap. I have only ever owned

>ETC after the split

I've literally NEVER owned NANO, EOS, waves, chainlink, vechain, bitbean, Neo, or any of that other bullshit that gets thrown around here.

All of these are very solid (dunno about ETC as I havn't paid attention to them in a long while), and focused on growth.

Once you know what to look for, "picking a winner" as you say, becomes less a coin toss or a roll of the dice, and more about just doing your fucking homework to get a 90% chance of being right.

>> No.10451934

if you work hard and diligently and grow your money responsibly. sure, you might make it in 20-30 years.

>> No.10451935

probably not, most people don't. if you have the skills to correct your professor during lectures, then maybe.

>> No.10451997

here is a multi-billion dollar idea: crypto index fund. similar to e.g. stock index funds, holds an array of coins so that you get all moons and also all bags, but bc you track the entire crypto market, you're comfy af. to the neet that develops this: you're welcome

>> No.10452447


I made like 500 trades last year chasing this pump and that pump and my return was pretty much exactly reflective of the total market cap lol

>> No.10452602

There are several trading platforms that already let you do this.

>> No.10452616

5k now and it was 100k 7 months ago

100k is alot of money to us in our early 20s

>> No.10452657

Im 18 with a net worth of 200k and a crypto portfolio of 118k

Will i make it

>> No.10452770

No kys asap

>> No.10452790

If you're into shitcoins and in your right mind congrats because I think you're in the minority.

>> No.10452893

This. Just be careful with this one; depending on where you live, you may be taxed on every trade.

>> No.10453004
File: 39 KB, 656x755, 1528382780772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


b-but anon i have a 5k portfolio

>> No.10453015

>There's literally 1000s of stocks. What makes you think you'll pick a winner

>> No.10453022

>tfw 6k

>> No.10453036

Check out Hodl bot. Distributed portfolio of top 20 coins that redistributes every month.

>> No.10453145

Buy calls on stocks that always outperform and monitor daily. Buy them especially in run ups to earnings. Works pretty easily if we’re not in a total recession.