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10450453 No.10450453 [Reply] [Original]

How do you incorporate your shitting schedule into your working day?

For me:

>shit before work is preferred as don't have to worry about it for the rest of the day
>downsides, have to get up earlier and drink coffee to get shit going, also run the risk of a no poo disaster scenario where I drink coffee but can't shit, spend day holding a shit in

>shit after work, works but means no coffee or spicy food at work
>have to spend day concerned about shit

>shitting at work, out of the question, absolutely fucking disgusting

What do you do?

>> No.10450473

I shit once per month max

>> No.10450478


>> No.10450501


>What do you do?

I have ulcerative colitis, so I have to shit like 10 times a day. It has destroyed my life. Have a good day!

>> No.10450639

Twice a day at work

>> No.10450668
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>Shit when I have to shit because I am not someone elses bitch.

>> No.10450671

ITT: Americans
If you have to shit more than once a day you should seek medical advice. Also, lose weight you fat fucks.

>> No.10450689

>Before work after coffee.
>When I get to work after second coffee.
>Mid-afternoon at work after coffee.
Shit I'm probably caffeine intolerant.

>> No.10450723

>absolutely fucking disgusting
i'm a man not a pretty princess so i can shit wherever i like and i dont care

try being a man op
take all your delicate sensibilities and flush them down a toilet along with your faggotry

problem solved

>> No.10450742

most americans take 2 painful slow shits a month because they are nutritionally retarded and take pride in eating low fibre processed garbage foods made out of transgenic corn and onions

>> No.10450762

meant to say a week
i think twice a week is pretty normal for an american diet

>> No.10450769
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sitting on a toilet seat that has been used by other men
calls other ppl a faggot

>> No.10450800

I bet you wipe your shitter with paper too you fucking barbarian.


>> No.10450813

bring a pack of alcohol wipes
problem solved
see, men can solve problems using tools

try being a man instead of a delicate princess who lets her life be controlled by her fear of taking a shit in a public bathroom.

seriously though, you are a man arent you? why are you acting like a princess, do you have low testosterone?

>> No.10450828

I shit like 3 or 4 times a day.
how does it feel to shit on the streets?

>> No.10450844

i live in canada, we do not shit on streets
when i need to take a shit and im away from home i just find the nearest tim hortons: canadas bathroom

>> No.10450847


>> No.10450855

Black coffee as soon as I wake up. Big poo. Breakfast once I'm hungry in like 4-5 hours

>> No.10450869

do you clean your ass with your hands? why would you use toilet paper + baby wipes when you can just use your hands or your sleeves?

>> No.10450873


>> No.10450880

Based pajeet

>> No.10450908

I have IBS so I have to shit like 4-5 times a day and that's whilst keeping caffeine levels to a minimum and eating a strict, bland diet. Not overweight and exercise/lift regularly. Sometimes life just memes you.

>> No.10450934

look at all that toxic masculinity. You better stop or i'm calling the cops, pal

>> No.10450969

>Getting paid to shit at work

You're missing out bud. I'll take two-three shits in a shift - at least 20 min. worth of pay. Everyday.

Gotta make the SHIT make you money, mane.

>> No.10450989
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If you shit at work you get paid to shit. You're welcome for the free tip!

>> No.10451012

i use toilet paper and i wash my hands afterwards
i dont think you understand
the tim hortons bathroom is clean, youre not going to get aids sitting on a toilet seat. your fears are unrealistic and not grounded in anything but your princess mentality of everything having to be just right all the time.

using your hands to wipe is a clear disease risk. im not stupid.

but im also not a fucking princess so i dont live my life in fear of public toilets. letting my pretty princess perfect mentality control my life.

i am right, you are wrong princess. act like a real man and just take your fucking shits without making a big deal about it.

like i get it, you have low testosterone and you get nervous and scared in public bathrooms because you think everyone wants to watch you shit or something, because you are retarded and have low t social anxiety. you seek to justify that by acting like its somehow civilized to be terrified of taking a shit outside the home.

>> No.10451190

I wipe with my hand in the shower. Toilet paper doesn't clean your ass properly you need to wash as well. Only a stinky linky would only wipe and think he's clean

>> No.10451249

Hello my beautiful sexy sweet love! I am living in Delhi. We do not have problem to cleanse the poo anytime during the day. Just be careful and be out of the way from cars and traffic because of the danger. I like to poo on the dirt road more than the pavement because it is a natural thing. Please come to my house.

>> No.10451290

well it looks clean, the paper wipes clean, we cant smell each other or everyone would smell like shit all the time. im not eating off my ass or shoving it naked in peoples faces so its not really a concern. 99% of people in this country do not have a bidet and do not wipe in the shower.

nobody can tell whether you showered your ass or not. nobody can tell and nobody cares.

meanwhile i dont have to plan my entire life around being home in time to shit.

nobody cares dude, you are all alone in giving a shit. a fancy metrosexual who probably lives in fear of a spec of dirt getting on his shoes.

the moment civilization collapses you are just going to die not being able to take your perfect princess poops in your controlled pooping environment.

dont tell women that you are afraid of public toilets or they will lose all respect for you as a man and rigthfully so

>> No.10451310

I shit every time coffee touches my lips, every time I put a dip in, and when I'm bored. So a lot.

>> No.10451354

What's your obsession with princesses bro?

>> No.10451375

masculinity is falling at a rapid pace and men act like women now in the west and its going to lead to the downfall of our entire civilization

>> No.10451394

>the moment civilization collapses you are just going to die not being able to take your perfect princess poops in your controlled pooping environment.

in nature I would probably wipe in a river and not use a leaf like u dirty barbarians

>> No.10451405


Buck up and get paid to shit like a real man. What’s wrong with you. Bring cleaner if it’s that bad

>> No.10451427

>Newfag doesn't know when to appropriately greentext
>Is also too scared to shit in a public toilet
>Insinuates that anyone but they themselves are a faggot

>> No.10451438

wake up, coffee, one shit, two max. go work, shit aftenoon, 2x max. really exhausted, fucking hot, sweaty as fuck, work shitter on the roof floor, gabble roof, roof window over head, sun shining on your head while shitting, must have doors closed cos shitter. when finally over, coming out of shitter, like have been shat out of the shitter itself. always someone waiting outside cos only 1 shitter. look at the floor and pretend it didn't happend

>> No.10451479

dude we are trying to drink out of that river you dumb fuck

you people will be the death of us in any crisis

>> No.10451521

/fit/ here. I can easily shit 3+ times a day because I eat a ton of food. 6'1'' 200lbs, ~11%bodyfat

>> No.10451931
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>> No.10452017

Post of the thread

>> No.10452032

10:15, to beat the 10:30 coffee shit rush

>> No.10452137
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Wake up usually busting to blast the ol' bowl with a quick log or two but I make a point to hold it in and wait til I get to work. Sit there for about 20 mins while I get through my twitter feed.

>> No.10452219

about 2 to 3 times a day all at work roughly 10-15 mins each time.

>> No.10452232

if i was head of a company i would take silent note of who is taking a 20 minute paid shit every day and i would be rather less inclined to give that man a raise or a promotion. i wouldnt say anything about it though, i dont hate him for taking his 20 minute shits, i understand, its just not the kind of person im looking to hire for better pay and more important jobs. im looking for a go getter not a delibrate slacker.

but obviously it depends on the job whether you even care about that. i used to do the same thing back when i was an office drone in a boring unimportant job with no possibilityu of advancement.

>> No.10452264

this. i love shitting at work and getting paid for it. we even compete to see who can desecrate the bathroom the most. there are days where the bathroom just gets obliterated, you can't even walk down the hall outside without gagging.

>> No.10452284
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Nice boomerspeak but the boss doesn't show up until a couple of hours later.

>> No.10452315

take 1-2 shits a day at work. get paid about 15 minutes a day to shit

>> No.10452375

I shit everyday at work and save lots of money on toilet paper.

>> No.10452410

>not getting pais for shit

If you go to toilet everyday for ten minutes your literally getring paid for shit 2 weeks.

I go to shit 25-35 minutes everyday. Now do the math

>> No.10452421

crack some matches after a shit it removes odors

>> No.10452422

I shit right after getting home. I don't like shitting in foreign bathrooms, and I certainly don't like sitting on a seat used by the animals that are my coworkers.

>> No.10452433


Is that the dun goofed girl?

>> No.10452486

wagies make me sick to my stomach

>> No.10452706

>implying he doesnt have a little rat to keep track of the employees and inform them of who is doing what
thats what id do anyways
when i wasnt there id make sure my little rat was there watching to report to me anything suspicious like a 20 minute daily toilet break

>> No.10452724

and yet the world would completely fall apart without them so maybe shut the fuck up?

>> No.10452778

sorry, we can't all be disabled

>> No.10453215

how much linky for her stinky

>> No.10453491



>> No.10454464

Literally me. Not even memeing. I thought I was the only one. However I don't drink coffee, I drink green tea with honey instead. Same results (helps shitting in the morning)

>> No.10454629


>> No.10454694

No that girl became a crazy tranny

>> No.10454755

Always shit on company time.

>> No.10455163

>wake up
>go to work
>go to sleep

>> No.10455181
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ususally schedule my shitting around my daily pool cleaner "maintenance" or during it

>> No.10455244

I wear diapers at work and I constantly shit myself. I go up and talk to someone after I shit, and it doesn't matter what is going on. I work in a restaurant and if I don't do my job, someone else will. I don't talk to customers unless I have to

>> No.10455370

>shit whenever i want
>come and go whenever i want
>just have to make it to the meetings with good progress reports, nobody gives a fuck what you do as long as the project is on time
who else /salary man/ here

>> No.10455746

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.10455761

I fast for a week so I basically shit once or twice a week

>> No.10455769

I shit when I get home, excercise, fap, and shower, eat dinner and browse some chans or read, go to sleep, wake up and do it again

>> No.10455779

i shit whenever

>> No.10455844

>shitting at work, out of the question, absolutely fucking disgusting

i used to think this too but now i just take a bonus shit break every single day. the bathrooms are individual one-stall so its not like anyones going to walk in on me, nice an comfy i can take half an hour to take a big shit and don't have to waste personal time outside of work hours to do it

>> No.10455918

Shit while taking your morning shower and just wafflestomp it down the drain.

>> No.10456024

i shit once a week

>> No.10456035
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>> No.10456099
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This is what you're supposed to do. Go to fucking bed, wake up, go the fuck to work.

>> No.10456575

Coffee, shit, start the day.
I actually feel you though OP. I can’t even shit at my girlfriends house for some reason. After years of piss tests and having to stretch my dick out for a PO, bathroom habits have just become almost become self consciously private to me. Sucks desu.