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10450196 No.10450196 [Reply] [Original]

This at least applies to tech/saas companies. I work in tech/saas sales, worked for several companies over the years. Alot of these are young saas startups venture backed by Google Ventures and other big Leftist organizations.

9 times out of 10 the recruiter is a young woman. Most of these young female recruiters don't know much about the actual industry they work for, and don't care about it. It's unreal. This baffles me and I believe that these companies use these recruitment positions to fill their diversity quotas.

Many times this recruiter will ask you canned questions and read right off the script. It's insulting and never, ever have I gotten a callback from them. Its simply for them to fill up their calendar; they have NO INTEREST in recruiting you. None. You could be an all star salesperson, they will not call you back. It is busy work for them, nothing more.

Every time with female recruiters I will get an ambiguous answer in the initial phone screen, they will consult their team. They will also give an ambiguous answer in their rejection email.

If it is a MALE RECRUITER, the chances are much higher for you to actually get genuine interest and an honest response. You are actually treated with respect with men. It is what it is.

The BEST way of getting a job is either knowing someone, or doing sales work on the actual decision makers. This means emailing them, calling them, sending an inmail, etc. These have gotten me the best results and I've gotten hired for doing this.

The bottom line is that dont feel bad if you dont get a callback. Even if you are over qualified. I know several internal recruiters that openly admitted to me in private that half of the job is utter bullshit and the job postings they put up there is just busy work.

>> No.10450350


>> No.10450358

thanks for the bump

>> No.10450380

I work at a company where literally the only female employee is our HR/recruitment person, and I can confirm she doesn't know dick all about what our company does or the industry

>> No.10450836

>The bottom line is that dont feel bad if you dont get a callback. Even if you are over qualified. I know several internal recruiters that openly admitted to me in private that half of the job is utter bullshit and the job postings they put up there is just busy work.

if you think about it how are recruiters supposed to make so much money? the staffing firm hires you then undercuts you or they make money by referrals which is probably not a lot.

keep trying anon.

>> No.10450871
File: 1.23 MB, 1266x2104, __silver_fox_kemono_friends_drawn_by_neko_13__9328e54819ac2727c2f8f506dd9a70b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels bad man, always hearing these stories of incompetent morons, yet they have a job and I don't.

>> No.10450981

I've had more luck at small firms than large ones. I got hired into the ISP I work with now and my meeting initially was with the number 2 person at the company. We basically shot the shit and I learned I had gotten the job essentially because I was the only one to apply. I was ok with this because for the most part I don't do shit and get paid for it. I don't mean that in a negative way. I mean I mostly sit on my ass trading stocks on one computer and checking the network on another and that's it. There's that little to do.

point is, if you are having problems, try smaller companies. You're more likely to get hired in.

>> No.10451008

I had an interview with a crypto exchange and the recruiter didn't know what metamask was...

>> No.10451052

Obviously you need to use your own discretion when a recruiter offers you a job opportunity. It's no different than applying to a job yourself, don't go for the senior roles requesting 10 years of experience.

>> No.10451085


>How many years have you been working with JSON?

A young female recruiter asked me this unironically

>> No.10451087

everyone that interviewed me treated me with "respect" but I could tell they were just joking around fucking with me basically,

When it comes to this shit women are better at hiding that so u dont feel bad when u leave, the guys that have interviewed me made me feel useless and I could feel their attitude towards me hard.. fuck my life

>> No.10451139


>> No.10451148
File: 107 KB, 700x734, 1531133801636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how are recruiters supposed to make so much money? the staffing firm hires you then undercuts you or they make money by referrals which is probably not a lot.

3rd party technical recruiters are the ones that make the big bucks. I'm talking about internal recruiters from within a company. Some make commission, some don't and they dont have nearly the amount of pressure as 3rd party. Why would they? There is a whole surplus of workers, thanks to globalization and feminism.

Keep drinking the onions anon.

>> No.10451230

Well anon, don't keep us waiting.

>> No.10451266

Being an internal recruiter is literally one of the easiest jobs in the world. All you have to do is talk with people on the phone all day long. People can now schedule themselves automatically through email. Considering that the actual decision making is done by others, all they have to do is ask a few questions on the phone. That's it. There is a constant supply of workers so the job has like no risk.

Young female recruiters are the biggest joke. Too many get hired when they know nothing of the industy. It just shows you how braindead their job is and I'm sure alot of them get a kick out of rejecting other men.

>> No.10451278

>U-um, heh... There's nothing to it... It's just a way of structuring data

>Oh ok, so how many years!

>> No.10452217

This is absolutely true. Female recruiters usually dont know what they are talking about. Alot of phone screens are there to fill up their calendars. Screeners DO have checkboxes they have to fill, but with so many people to interview, it doesnt really matter.

People talk about how there are more jobs out there, but I doubt that theres been a significant increase. None of this really matters when half of the workforce (women) dont belong in the workforce in the first place.