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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10447107 No.10447107 [Reply] [Original]

Gold is real money and is a unit of labor. Bitcorns are a bunch of electrons running around on a circuit board inside a computer... it doesn't represent shit.

The funniest part about 4chan is you all hate the Jews for wrecking the economy, yet are anti-gold for the most part and don't even realize the economy is fucked up and all our wealth is being confiscated through inflation because we are in a gold standard.

The dollar is dying and your fleeing to crypto to make it because unironically the dollar isn't backed by gold.

Gold is real savings.

>> No.10447454

>unit of labor
no the unit of labor is hours

>> No.10447732

>Bitcorns are a bunch of electrons running around on a circuit board inside a computer... it doesn't represent shit.

Gold are a bunch of electrons running around a nucleus made of protons and nuetrons... it doesn't represent shit.

>> No.10447760

Gold has not outperformed bond interest rates as far as returns go in the last 100 years lmao good luck paying for food after the crash by shaving off a few grams at a time

>> No.10447770

gold is too heavy to store and transfer

>> No.10447784

Gold is literally a bubble. Slowest bubble in the history of mankind, but it's starting to pop.

>> No.10448907

1 it already popped 2 thing with bubbles is they are cyclical and growing especially on durable assets.

>> No.10448991
File: 31 KB, 901x612, Inflation Adj Gold Price.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so guys what do you see when you look at this chart i'm curious?

>> No.10449019

the similarity of 1973 to 1978 and 2003 to 2018 is kinda chilling me.

>> No.10449143

the US government is paying like over 100 billion a year interest on their debt
US gov is running out of value and holding dollars isn't a safe bet anymore
metals are one of the safer bets right now unless they decide to make it illegal to own again like they did in 1933

>> No.10449213

that makes no sense then they make owning business or real estate illegal too? they prohibited ownership back then to collect as much gold as they can there is not enough gold in circulation compared to the size of the economy today to matter one bit.

>> No.10449263

they can impose regulations and taxes on business and real estate to the point where it's unfavorable to own
what's the government going to do about its debt besides inflate the currency to make it less severe

>> No.10449281

dunno what will happen but you also got to understand most of qe went straight to the stock and asset markets. if those markets collapse conveniently they destroy all that made up wealth.

>> No.10449380

I think that value bleeds into the greater economy and the responsible people with more than a few thousands in their savings is hurt (less than 20% of american)
the balancing act makes sense for the politicians to screw the minority of people saving money to save the poor pajeet majority and keep the scam running so they don't revolt
So I'm not sure how it's going to go down but I have about 4% of my money in gold/silver

>> No.10449431

i got like 2.5% thinking about increasing it to 5% but truth to be told even if you can 3x with gold you can easily 5x or 10x with btc in the coming years. so no reason to go full retard on metals. if you like shiny sure get some. i found it to be a major pain in the ass so far.

>> No.10449466
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>> No.10449477

>i found it to be a major pain in the ass so far.
yeah me too lol
I hate having to secure it and move it around it feels outdated but it does serve a purpose

>> No.10449483
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>> No.10449488
File: 54 KB, 877x391, they live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden Rule: He who owns the Gold makes the Rules

>> No.10449516

it's not just that but you lose a lot on buying and selling pms. 20% easily sometimes up to 40% cause silver got vat on it here.

>> No.10449528

yeah that too
I've never sold it but they get you both ways buying and selling

>> No.10449805
File: 301 KB, 1000x800, 1519520142658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look goldbros, I don't exactly see eye to eye with you but I don't really hate you and you can make interesting points sometimes. I understand you're very passionate about it but the real problem with your shilling is it comes off as extremely aggressive. If you don't want to shill or want to rub in people's faces you have gold and others don't just for the luls then it's not probably not a big deal. But it's all very confusing to me what you're trying to achieve. And I have gold (not that much desu), the reaction from someone who doesn't is probably even worse. So if you actually want others to join you on your aurelian journey, please reconsider your approach because you're coming off as very spergy and insecure. I assume you're smart enough to understand that winning internet debates on 4chan isn't going to affect its value in any meaningful way.

>> No.10449888

Since when is the majority of /biz/ anti-gold? That makes zero fucking sense.

>> No.10449927

>Bitcorns are a bunch of electrons running around on a circuit board inside a computer... it doesn't represent shit.

The fact that people STILL use this as an argument is surprising. Fucking moron.

>> No.10449986

Gold is money and savings. It's not an investment like btc you morons

You morons are literally thoroughly brainwashed by banker Jew propaganda

>> No.10450002

Read the thread dummy. Everyone is anti gold.

>> No.10450006

19th century-gold
20th century-fiat
21st century-crypto

>> No.10450019

btc is literally exactly like gold in every aspect except two. btc supply is actually limited and gold is actually used by the industry to make electronics.

>> No.10450027

my shit is limited in supply, I dont see anyone saying thats gold too

>> No.10450030

gold is going to sub 1k faggot. look at the charts.

>> No.10450046

since we realized gold performs like ass
it doesn't hold up to inflation very well it doesn't hold up to shadow inflation at all it's an aging depreciating asset that's mining and production is increasing exponentially has it's short shiny moments when stocks go to shits.

>> No.10450067

give your shit to girls with that line!