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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10440201 No.10440201 [Reply] [Original]

asking myself every fucking day how could I fall for this crap...
Just kill me please. Im too useless to do it myself.
Fuck my life into pieces-

>> No.10440271

Im the darkest motherfucker alive, Im telling you. Im ready to delete the entire fucking planet.. that is how much I fucking hate every fucking single thing.

>> No.10440285

all losses prior to global adoption are trivial

>> No.10440308

thanks for playing

>> No.10440320

thanks for buying my bags

>> No.10440326


When January 2020 comes I hope you learned your lesson by then.

>> No.10440330

literally bought my bitcoins for $0.04 and you bought them for $19,000 lmao idiot

>> No.10440378
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Hang in there bud. Next time you won't buy that vertical chart, you'll buy down here.

>> No.10440408


Get in line, fag

Beanie baby global adoption comes before fartcoins

>> No.10440486

if there is any justice in this fucking universe i will shit on your graves and rape your wives

>> No.10440497

it changed me, im 100% psycho and 101% dark. If anyone ever mentions crypto irl im all out murdering his entire family

>> No.10440514

>Listening to what /biz/ says

Your mistake was buying imaginary money just because some anons told you too.

>> No.10440536


>> No.10440549

At What price did you buy? And did you sell?

>> No.10440573


People bought into btc back at the last ath of 1200. If thay held they could have got like an 18x return at the most recent ath. Just hodl and forget about it for awhile

>> No.10440794

Its amazing how much money people spent on some numbers in a database software created by 'satoshi nakamoto'.

>> No.10440809

It's okay BTC will probably be 500K in a few years. Too late to put the genie back. it's in the public consciousness now

>> No.10440909

Please be merciful and stop cutting me with your edge.

>> No.10440938

that sucks anon
idk what to say to ease the pain
just know that you arent the only one

>> No.10440960

did you go from $270k to $12k like that one anon who bought APPC? definitely the biggest JUSTing i've seen on /biz/

>> No.10441493

I went from 330K to 30K. Am I close? I'm dead inside.

>> No.10441960

LoL. How the FUCK do you idiots do something like this?

It's called a fucking STOP. LOSS. you braindead idiots. It's literally IN THE NAME.

Use it!

>> No.10442026

Smelly, dumb larpie scum.

>> No.10442050

thx for buying my bags boomer

>> No.10442084

easier said than done for inexperienced traders
i fell for the same shit (to a much smaller degree)

you don't want to use a stop loss at first because why sell at a loss right since it will "probably recover" except then it doesnt and you're down 30%, 50%, 60% and then you think "well its too late now i might as well ride it out" and then you end up 80-95% down and JUST'd beyond belief

i agree with you that everyone should use stop losses but when you're brand new to the market and haven't seen how things go it's really easy to fuck it up

>> No.10442107

Bought eth at 15 and sold when it dipped below 9 after the dao hack. Later rebought at 80. Call it a larp but Imagine how I felt buying high and selling low. Imagine how I felt about buying high again. Now imagine how I feel holding today.

>> No.10442126
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Cut my life into pieces
Crypto is my last resort

>> No.10442216

uh, sorry dude, but stop loss is the only thing that matters and what you should know from the gate.

"oh, i'm losing my money, i guess i'll continue losing it"


>> No.10442223

seriously, fuck this is annoying.

you know what happens if you get out at 2%, and it goes back up? you lose 2%.

you know what happens if you sell at -2% and then it goes down 50%? you can buy 48% more shitcoin.

goddamn you fucking idiots, i want to murder you all.

>> No.10442327


Cool, wanna join my black metal band?

>> No.10443271

If you bought just amounts of eth/btc/ltc/xmr like anyone with that amount should do you wouldnt be so fucked now. You'll be able to sell for a mil in a year or so if you didnt buy an absolute shitcoin.

>> No.10443310

>he spent his entire savings on imaginary meme internet money whose only use is to feed a pyramid ponzi scheme




>> No.10443783

>he didn't lock his bitcoin value

>> No.10443824

This. I locked in my BTC at 15k on my nano s. Wish I had done it at the top, but better than being a brainlet who didn’t lock in at all.

>> No.10443895

Did the same at 15k except with a paper wallet. Laminated it for extra security. Best laminating session of my life.

>> No.10444032

We are the normie cattle. My only consolation is that I've only invested 1500 britbongs. Last time I checked it is 400 now. It hurts but not worth killing myself over since I can wagecuck 6k/annum in savings working for my betters.
As a teenager I always resented people that are mindlessly chasing money and lose track of their happiness. I guess I became one of them.