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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10439912 No.10439912 [Reply] [Original]

>create a crypto project
>100k users
>every once in awhile someone has a negative experience but most users have perfectly satisfactory experience
>if i search online i can find tons of people calling my site a scam even in cases where they tried to blackmail the site or use stolen cards trying to buy crypto and got banned
Should I proactively try to comment on all these public roastings my project gets or just ignore it? I stumbled on one by accident today and made me think. Traffic is good, still at a great level, dont really need more users, but idk what impact all these negative posts will have on the future of the site.

>> No.10439940

whats the website link so i can call you a scammer too anon

>> No.10440068
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Maybe I should just hire pajeets and have them do counter posting for posts when they come up. Just seems like a hassle monitoring google alerts and countering. I dont know if organically itd swing back in my favor, users with positive experiences dont seem to post anywhere tho.


>> No.10440871
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>> No.10441541

What's the project? SEO is important if you want growth.

>> No.10441577

Sounds like a scam

>> No.10442570

Make a transparency report every three months, tell how many people you banned, how many people tried to blackmail you, etc...

>> No.10442574

nice larp