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10439881 No.10439881 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10439893
File: 248 KB, 1920x1080, thinkingface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gas yourself faggot. we are not selling. the fact that you are on biz baiting for selling means btc reversal is near. ltc follows btc to the exact dot.

>> No.10439896

That shitcoin literally offers nothing the others don't. It deserves to be $1.

>> No.10439913
File: 61 KB, 633x640, 1877CDA6-E248-49C1-BA7F-362001A5A367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup...kids these days don’t know about Litecoin...she sure is a trustworthy coin...I call her “old reliable” cause she always gets the job done

>> No.10439917

Why in God’s name is Litecoin the 7th most valuable crypto? What does it do that anything else doesn’t?

>> No.10439922

prepare to get JUST'D when this moons like a mother fucker to 4 digits. Your only regret will be not buying in. What have you got to loose? You already bought legit shitcoins.

>> No.10439933

idiots that believe in digital silver and are Stockholm syndrome victims

>> No.10439965

you niggers are so fucking stupid. it comes down to atomic swaps, lightening network, and the fact that it is more scaleable on chain than btc, does everything btc does but better, and has more liquidity than the majority of the shit coin bags you hodl, not to mention the network growth, and the halving that is coming in august 2019. ltc is like buying bitcoin in 2013 except it'll experiance the growth bitcoin had from 2013 to 2017 over the period of 1-1.5 years. stay poor fuck bois. I got in at 4 buckaroos, and so did my whales, we will pump this to 5 digits come august-september of 2019.

>> No.10440939
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No-litecoiners in July '18 are fucking brainlets

>> No.10440975

imagine not having litecoin just in case it pumps to 1k

>> No.10440984
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>> No.10441018


So you think it's a good idea to buy Litecoind and hold? I'm new at crypto, guys... Help a anon.

>> No.10441044

Yes, if you have the funds. LTC will be a longer hold. Usecase, with the possibility of BCH attacking BTC and slowing things to a crawl, LTC will shine.

Otherwise, buy Hydrogen.

>> No.10441077

Thank you, based anon.

Where should i start to understand more about crypto?

>> No.10441101
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visit /biz/

>> No.10441131

Don't shit coiners realize when we have lighting + atomic swaps there will be no reason at all to hold any other monetary coin besides BTC.

You could make a case that utility tokens will still have a use, but it would fail

>> No.10441138

what use is an atomic swap if nobody is using anything besides BTC

>> No.10441143


Indeed! It feels like lurking at /b/ in 2009. So many slangs that i don't understand - maybe because i'm learning about stock market too.

>> No.10441146


if you can determine bullshit from actual info

and ignore the Fiverr shills

>> No.10441156

Like I said, you could swap to utility tokens. But I'm skeptical on utility tokens as they exist currently

>> No.10441167
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heh, it's like I'm stealing fellas litecoin at these levels

>> No.10441345

The only coin i ever had beside BTC. The difference betwin LTC and all your other shitcoins is that it’s part of BTC. It’s a test net, like Segwit, LN will be implemented in LTC first and will take it to the moon. After that the coin will basically merge into BTC with atmic swaps. That’s why btrash holders hate it so much.

Asking what it does that others not is asking what BTC does that others not and before you ask that, ask yourself if your shitcoin have any fiat pairs also keep praying CB add it.

Litecoin is ahead of all of the other coins just like BTC

>> No.10441356

why can't you swap BTC to them directly?

>> No.10441376

LTC does nothing, literally nothing that BTC won't do better.

And if they do try to innovate it no longer will be the little brother or test net for BTC. So it loses the only selling point it ever had.

>> No.10441573
File: 356 KB, 691x733, 1532091643680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you noobs miss the LTC bottom before it takes off your brainlets are showing.

>> No.10442289
File: 107 KB, 500x385, great-success-29709743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LTC is going down cause BTC is going down. Why are you surprised? Everything is going into the toilet till September/October. Then we can properly prep for a real bull run.

>> No.10442371

My observations too. Hate against Litecoin is almost exclusively from Bcash holders or other shitcoin holders wishing their shitcoins had anything near Litecoins marketcap.