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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10436905 No.10436905 [Reply] [Original]

I spent like 16 hours a day watching the price, and every fucking time i leave my house for an hour the price goes ape shit

>> No.10436956
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Yes, he left the house. Domp eet.

>> No.10436966

>he hasn't figured out his VR world yet

>> No.10437079
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next time leave your house one hour earlier and when you come back youll be at the start of the ape shitting

>> No.10437125

Learn how to use stops and limits and all that shieeet

>> No.10437209
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post moar misery pls, my dick is getting big.

>> No.10437243

Dude, this can't be a coincidence any more.

I literally watched a coin for 4-5 hours straight, bought at the bottom of a dip, then it fucking dips more and never bounces back

How is that even possible to be THAT unlucky?

>> No.10437824

There are winners and losers in this market. You happen to be in the extreme end of the losers. I imagine there's a winner that's winning at every single trade.

>> No.10437841


Bogs are watching

>> No.10437847

Well you fucked up, because you were supposed to spend 17 hours.
But now it's too late.

>> No.10437849
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Welcome to the Truman show

>> No.10437854

I still don't understand why someone would use a stop over a limit.

>> No.10437858

You’re doing it wrong

>> No.10437873

Luck has an effect on everything you do, but governs no skill.

>> No.10437923

>Cryptopia is so shitty it barely lets you do this
>Doesn't even have a phone APP

>> No.10437982

Soooo when are you leaving your house next?

>> No.10438082
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it happens, op.

don't worry if you missed the train, another one is coming tomorrow.

put in the hours that you can, and take the opportunities that present themselves. manage your risks carefully, and learn from your mistakes.

we're all gonna make it fren

>> No.10438122
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thats rite

>> No.10438498
File: 22 KB, 992x527, LEVELS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching the price
when (You) watching the price
the price watching (You)

>> No.10438743

from what I remember when I used to trade (I just hold my shit coins now til price target is hit and ignore everything in btw), theres only 2 times a day when the price is extremely volatile, and its basically the same two times for weeks on end

just record the times it goes ape shit and you'll know when it goes off every single day

well, unless the market has changed a lot since march, I've just been sitting /comfy/ and ignoring it

>> No.10438791

why THE FFUCK doesn't binance phone app have notifications? drives me nuts

>> No.10439407
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I think this has something to do with quantum physics or something.

>> No.10439457
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Me too, the only times the price are volatile are when i am asleep, showering, outside of my house or been liquidated.