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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10436675 No.10436675 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Americans so poor?

>> No.10436695

Retarded normies spending all their free money on the latest iphones.

>> No.10436726

i also have $0 in my savings account, but i have a lot more money than you do.

>> No.10436754

>savings accounts
>literally giving jews money to loan out for less than 1% interest

>> No.10436799

Truly, this
However you're implying that most normies have it otherwise stored away or invested, which is simply not the case

>> No.10436842
File: 184 KB, 1408x1056, think tank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of debt. If you don't get into debt you will be wealthy.

>> No.10436843
File: 59 KB, 680x535, khjgcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Im a broke college student and I have more in savings than 2/3rds of America

>> No.10436855

This, savings accounts are for cucks

>> No.10436859

You need to keep some money liquid for emergencies. maybe 10-25 grand depending on your living expenses and job stability.

>> No.10436888


Student loans, housing costs, transportation costs, and the lack of any kind of social safety net.

>> No.10437290
File: 159 KB, 870x1597, buffetcash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you need cash to buy things right?
Good luck buying things when opportunities arise with no cash kek.

>> No.10437347

because we have to pay for your national defense and overpriced sedans eurocuck

>> No.10437746

It's kinda funny to think that some people's job is wholly to manage money like Buffett and Munger

>> No.10437776

Unironcially if it wasn't for crypto I would be dog shit poor lmao

>> No.10437836

I don't have a savings account, and I'm much richer than you are.

>> No.10437877

I have 6 figures in savings but no savings account

>> No.10437909
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me too

>> No.10438095

You realize savings and a savings account are two different things, right, you fucking basement dwelling 16 year old retard?

>> No.10438348

first off having money in the bank, like savings??? is fucking retarded. you get .01% on that money...fucking stupid.

>> No.10438367

This question is loaded, it should ask how much money do you have saved not how much you have in your savings account.

>> No.10438376

If my parents thought that 20 years ago of saving all money nowadays they would be worth way way less than 3 million which is not much but better than a few hundred thousand

>> No.10438389

This. But a huge number of normies will have it stored as equity in a home

>> No.10438392

Wrong banks. Mine is at 1.75%. Yes, I know that's less than inflation. I'm risk averse and like having many months of self-insurance.

>> No.10438748
File: 37 KB, 1015x338, bal1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 40, with some spare cash in a savings account, you mad?
2.87% on this cash

>> No.10438780

Savings accounts are fucking jokes, why would you let $1,000 sit in a savings account for a year producing $10 MAXIMUM (thats 1% high yield Ally bank shit) when you can have it other places, or just in ur fucking checking.

The $1,000 savings statistic is bullshit.

>> No.10438816

Niggers mostly. You can't do anything without some politician complaining about the nigs not being functional and giving them tax money that could be spent on making things better. Also corps and institutions have adopted this mentality.

>> No.10438819

My pajeet friend cooked me up some goat brains one day. It's one of the most delicious snacks I've ever tried.
something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx5Qg5gwTlM

>> No.10438830

>can sell my assets and have money in my bank account within 24 hours
>savings account

Yeah, nah.

>> No.10438879

Why would you ever have a savings account instead of putting your money in highly liquid and safe investments that always guarantee better returns than shitty-ass savings?

>> No.10438904


Why the fuck you have that much money in a savings account?

>> No.10438983

Because most blow their entire paycheck when they first get it, then they get credit cards spend a ton then have to pay off the bill for years to come because most here love instant gratification. Also most don’t know anything about investing or how to spell most words. Many make enough money to live comfortably, but blow the money and get themselves into debt instead

>I’m an American that’s never been outside of U.S..Hope people in other countries aren’t as retarded

>> No.10439016

It's the same anywhere, we're conditioned to spend as much as possible as early as possible because money moving keeps the jews happy.

>> No.10439019


bad deal making in the past, possibly the worst deal making in the history of mankind, will be fixed soon. stay tuned!

>> No.10439127

There’s got to be a place where people aren’t so jewed they don’t blow all their money. Everyone needs to be taught financial literacy, everything I know about finances I had to research on my own. Most people always ask why I have so much money, and that’s because I don’t blow it all every time I get paid, and I invest it

>> No.10439146

>what is a credit card

am going to have to buy a brick of cocaine out of the blue or something?

>> No.10439309

I sold some shares earlier in the year as the stock market was looking weak, waiting to see if there is a larger correction in prices so I can buy back in lower. But it seems like the market might just be resting here in preparation for a move higher. My hope is it goes down 10-20% from here before going higher. That would be ideal.

>> No.10439877

yea bullshit, it's probably a non-FDIC insured account or you live in some third world shithole where inflation is sky high.

>> No.10439932

its not just americans

auscuck here, every single one of my peers, barely into their 20's yet already have massive credit card debt, auto loan debt. none of them save money. I heard one say he spent a weeks wage in a club the other night. this is the same motherfucker that posts anti capitalist shit on facebook. fucking retard braindead fool.

thank god for my red pilled parents who gave me basic financial literacy education when i really young.

>> No.10439975

Inflation 2.1%
Insured by the government up to $250,000 per bank account

>> No.10439989

but like, a few fucking shares of the SP500 next time it crashes more than 5% couldn't hurt anon.... wtf....

>> No.10440031
File: 76 KB, 643x960, Air Will Be Bud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10% of Americans are black, 25% are Hispanic.

That's pretty much your answer for a lot of stuff.

>> No.10440082

>I'm 40
if im still on 4chan by then im killing myself

>> No.10440202

I actually only just regularly started reading /biz/ this year, mainly to gauge crypto currency market sentiment. But I knew of 4chan since the mid 2000's, just never was interested in it. Now I sometimes troll because it just funny and can't help myself to be honest. Been using the internet since 1997, and first started going "online" in 1990 on BBS's. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.10440224

I said the exact same thing when I was 13 about gaming at the age of 25.

>> No.10440275

It's funny because I'm from Poland poor ass country and I got like 15k$ in savings and put so far 1,3k$ in crypto, gonna put 700$ more if it crashes to 5k$ per btc

>> No.10440289

This is highly why we might make it because not many people can or even want invest in crypto right now so we still are early nerds that put money in this shit.

>> No.10441092

wise niggas of biz. i am a fresh 19 year old boy who started living on his own putting away about $500-1000 a month after all my expenses are paid. i have absolutely no debt. where should this money be going? right now it's cash in a safe.

>> No.10442067

Ukranians save more than that, working in your country.