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10434241 No.10434241 [Reply] [Original]

If we raised minimum wage to a living wage like $15/h then people would have more money to spend, thus increasing the economy and making every one better off. This just makes sense so why are so many people against it?

>> No.10434286

Macdonald's around me is paying 10-15 bucks. There is a shortage of workers here, why dont people move to a place that can sustain their skilless lifestyle?

>> No.10434314

Why not just mail everyone a check for 10k? That way they will spend it, creating jerrbs and stimulating the economy n sheeeeit

>> No.10434328

Econ 101 says that using price controls to artificially raise the price equilibrium is bad for a healthy market, distorts the power of supply/demand to create favorable working conditions + wages, and can cause things like inflation, among other things

>> No.10434412

Bush did that and it worked. My parents bought a new fridge and dishwasher.

>> No.10434431

Yeah but we live in an economy where the government regulates the market and business of all sizes so what your saying makes no sense in reality.

If it were a true free market without cronyism then you are right.

>> No.10434442

OP brainlet

>> No.10434448

yeh lets just give everyone free money. retard. the only reason min. wage is there is to prevent poverty

>> No.10434453

>tfw make $18/hr
>tfw minimum wage to $15/hr will now make my $18/hr income worth less

>> No.10434466


>> No.10434483

Also makes the dollar value cost of your investments go up.
Increasing the minimum wage will only hurt wagies.

>> No.10434487

>some one out there got two thankyou notes
I got nothing, you are welcome though.

>> No.10434627

These idiots only push for the acceleration of inflation and socialism without even realizing it.

> Dumb ass at fryer gets raise from $10 to $15
> Middle class gets raise from $30 to $33
> Fiat prices of literally everything skyrocket.
Everyone BTFO

Low tier wagecuck will never attain high purchasing power.
There is simply too many of them.
Sure (((they))) can print more dollars for them. Even throw some taxed loot from Whites and Asians, but they will not plunder more of earths' resources for the increasing amount of plebs.

>> No.10434724

>healthy market

junior you lack experience in life

>> No.10434735

No, I think it still makes sense. Having used price controls over the years really messed things up, now the supply/demand aspect of labor is totally out of wack. Take fast food jobs for example, in places where $15 is not the minimum wage. Taco Bell, Burger King, etc. all have trouble finding and keeping workers that actually give a shit. It wasn't like that a decade ago. Fast food will always be fast food, but service and quality used to be a bit better. Now there is actually a shortage of workers who will actually stay and do a good job, but the employers won't raise the wage a cent above minimum wage. Why? Supply and demand is fucked. All the while, $7.25 is able to buy less and less

>> No.10434789

People are against it because no one wants to hire you unless you produce more value than your wage. If you get paid 15 bucks an hour but provide 10 bucks worth of value to the company, they may as well not hire you. Op = brainlet

>> No.10434835

Most people support paying workers more, but of course nobody was going to give a random guy who claims to be giving it to the workers. Just more far-right gotcha stunts.

>> No.10435711

>increases minimum wage to $7.25 an hour
>price of everything jumps overnight
>welp, we need to increase theminimum wage to $15 an hour
>the price of everything jumps overnight
>welp, we need to increase the minimum wage to $21 an hour
>price of everything jumps overnight
>welp, we need to increase the minimum wage to $50 an hour

It never ends

>> No.10435753
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>wages shouldn't rise with inflation to keep purchasing power

>> No.10435769

why isn't minimum wage $1,000,000/hr? we would defeat world hunger lmao

>> No.10435783

Why not just raise it to $1000?

>> No.10435828

>implying raising the minimum won’t just increase inflation
>implying these retards will ever have any real purchasing power
>implying most retards will ever try to improve their personal situation

Any 40 year old with kids working at McDonald’s usually deserve what they get

>> No.10435852

>raises min wage to $15/hr
>business can only afford one job instead of two
>bye bye jamal
>looks like youll be working double hard kenny

>> No.10435861

fug, how old are you, i got a check for like $500 or $800, cant remember how much. Had a friend working at game stop at the time in the ghetto, tons of people were coming in just buying consoles saying 'just got my bush check, we celebrating'

>> No.10435863

Then the price of goods and services go up, and people get priced out of min wage jobs. Then we're back to the same place except less people have jobs.

>> No.10435892
File: 7 KB, 246x250, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a wageslave in some shitty mcslave job for pennies
>not being comfy neet

>> No.10436146

people on the bottom rung of value contribution in a society will never be able to afford more than those higher up. Raising minimum wage without making them work harder will only create inflation

>> No.10436540
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>increase wage to $15
>its becoming too costly to pay that AND all the other costs related to employee like health, insurance, paid leave and such
>fuck it I'll just fork over 50k for a machine that doesnt need any of that
And now your job is gone, happy?

>> No.10436559

$1000 per hour eoy

>> No.10436841

>dumb, skill-less, lazy

you answered your own question