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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 225x288, IOTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10432710 No.10432710 [Reply] [Original]

Fucking piece of shit.

>> No.10433017

and the devs are all cucks

>> No.10433031
File: 3.24 MB, 2000x1330, IOTEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True chads buy IoTeX

>> No.10433080
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, bsdjbnvjns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 1.
> twist together into a confused mass.
the absolute state

>> No.10433117

haters gonna hate and hodlers gonna become rich and let hater do slavework!

>> No.10433515

lol haters are hodlers don't you get it?

>> No.10434528

iota will build smart cities for pajeets like you

>> No.10435181

Take a simple use case like the digital advertising business (BAT and there are others too):
- with any blockchain you still cannot do reach&frequency measurement on-chain because of scaling issues. Basic Attention Token also does this off-chain, i.e. black box, proprietary data.
- the on-chain transactions are only used for payments based on what was measured in the black box in the first place.
- blockchain has transaction fees. This means that any solution that wants to do R&F measurement on-chain (assuming scaling is ready) needs to have the ENTIRE population to have a blockchain address implemented in their devices (consciously or not) that is loaded with some currency or token to be able to pay for each individual transaction representing a touchpoint. Or... alternatively one central party pays the fees for all the transactions. BAT airdrops anyone?

Iota is the only DLT that can do it because it is feeless and it can handle the transactions. This means that you do not need to concern yourself with a currency or token to build a project where you cryptographically secure transactions.
The only thing where iota is still working on are scaling solutions for the storage part. And that is not even such a big problem. (the amount of transactions is pretty much not a problem already)

Before you say, "so what is the value of the token?"... You can still implement payments to users for their data with an opt-in. Like I said before: your project can still work and measure everything, even without a wallet on user side.

Blockchains do not even come close to offering this kind of functionality.

>> No.10435499

interesting shill. sauce?

>> No.10435527

The original cuck coin. I deleted this coin from my memory after his pro-refugee reddit cuck post. Disgusting.

>> No.10435582

don't need a blockchain or some faggot tangle to do that
dumb miotard

>> No.10435606

helping refugees rebuild their own city is better than mixing them with other cultures

>> No.10435641


>> No.10435685

Of course not. If you want to trust a centralized party, you can go with https://privowny.com/.. But it seems like you know your shit Mr. Buttcoiner, so I'm obviously telling you things you already know.

>> No.10435715

iota doesn't do anything
you are a bagholder
and I am still laughing

>> No.10435728
File: 109 KB, 500x566, 1519411913239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10435994

Wait who the fuck trades iota in 2018 q3?

>> No.10436056

The 3 million dollar buy wall person today. Still going as I write this.

>> No.10436165

>all those racist itt
just off yourselves you xenophobic fucks

>> No.10436549

which race got you offended? only pajeets were mentioned lol

>> No.10436567

>allah Akbar


>> No.10436597

allah akbar refers to a religion brainlet

>> No.10436659

which is the most popular religion in africa middle east
don't tell me you're not making fun of/insulting them

>> No.10436709

India's a secular country that have kept Muslim invaders from seizing control of the country for the past thousand years.

Choke on a dick.

>> No.10436780

i am making fun of them, and having a shit religion is a good enough reason.
they still have a nice 14%. Also , calling someone a pajeet on biz doesnt mean you are associating him with a muslim, rakeesh

>> No.10436808

jesus you have to be at least 18 to post here racist prick
your parents know what are your political views?

>> No.10436837

im sorry havent noticed your id is brown
yes, they do.

>> No.10436895

>i'm so edgy hehehe

>> No.10437341


>> No.10437433

nice one
mr.they took our jobs because we're worthless