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10428751 No.10428751 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone tried asking the machine elves which coin will be the top1 in the coming bullrun while tripping?

>> No.10428760


fuck off degenerate loser

>> No.10428775

Unironically Holochain.

>> No.10428824
File: 47 KB, 501x468, oh, you Alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing psychedelics once a quarter for three years now. Helped me kick my awful drinking and smoking habits.
I'm currently equally divided amongst LTC, BAT, and ARK. Take that for what it's worth.

>> No.10428831

Why don't you try asking yourself instead of asking what some autist saw while high on psychedelics?

>> No.10428882

it's been a while since i've tripped that hard....but I can't imagine any of the hyper-spacial entities i've ever met giving a giving a damn about any of our shit coins.

>> No.10429010

There’s no way to prove they exist without their being able to make an accurate prediction or to solve a complex mathematical equation.

>> No.10429033

mathematics is subjective to human perspective

>> No.10429057

You must have met the evil elves cos you're completely deluded and or have been misled

>> No.10429065

its not about what coin you buy its the fact you are in crypto at all, the elves already helped you

>> No.10429066

imagine being this clueless

>> No.10429103

nah, i used to think this, but the universe still runs on mathematics. elves can’t change the world if they can’t demonstrate a simple proof.

>> No.10429121

They once told me the higher ups were thinking about whether or not they should pull the plug on the whole "earth experiment"...like here we are....then poof no longer exist.
Assuming they're real, I can assure you, they really don't care about whatever the fucks going on with your shitcoins anon...

>> No.10429123


>> No.10429130

Math is an abstraction. What we apply this abstraction to is what makes the outcome subjective.

>> No.10429136


I can neither predict anything, or solve any equations. Guess I don't exist then either kek

>> No.10429165

>all drug users are loser lmao

literally "dude weed lmao" tier, kys you fat virgin

>> No.10429210

I never asked about any shitcoins. You’re mistaking me for the OP. Good. They should pull the plug on the earth experiment. Humans have produced fuck all and have demonstrated selfishness over and over again.

I’m not saying I know the answers, but people who go too far down the psychedelic rabbit hole become very adamant about their beliefs without being humble enough to admit that it could very well be all a subconscious creation. In any case, without any tangible solutions being carried over from their dimension, it will ultimately have no real benefit to mankind.

>> No.10429234

You’re not part of a supremely advanced technological civilization, yet.

>> No.10429299

>without being humble enough to admit that it could very well be all a subconscious creation
You're correct, but It's also clear as sky that you are projecting. Please read some religious literature from the times of Jesus to ponder the conundrum you've displayed as 'solved'

>> No.10429313

I hear you. When you go far enough it becomes so very real that it's hard to imagine it not being so. I tend to think it's a mix of both...the subconscious is both dreaming the experience, and also interacting on some level with something real.

>> No.10429314

You can predict the fact, that you'll be able to breathe next second and beyond.

>> No.10429334

Unless they pull the plug in the next half second....

>> No.10429346

I'll be save in my ability to breathe in the future regardless

>> No.10429351

"Unironically, Bitcoin. UTXO is digital ATP"

>> No.10429354


>> No.10429425
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>never having experienced non-duality

I feel for some of you /biz/bros, I hope you discover a notion of reality that makes you feel happy and content

>> No.10429441

It's more probable that psychodelics just raise your serotonin levels, and you rationalise it in odd mystical ways.
That was my experience on LSD. Raise in fine motor skills and bliss that's very mdma like. Feeling chad-like all around. No magical mystical knowledge.

>> No.10429483

Sounds like you never ate a good full dose of lsd. if you ain't swimming through time then you ain't high enough.

>> No.10429489

They do not bother with materialistic human pursuits.

Even if they knew, you would not be capable of comprehending their explanation.

>> No.10429522
File: 405 KB, 600x600, 1532403877178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The elves are actually demons.
Fallen angels who serve satan.

God locked your mind for good reason and you want to jail break it.
Enjoy being possessed.

>> No.10429524

Where is a good place to get them online?

>> No.10429525

Then it matters not.

>> No.10429526

Shrooms are better since we evolved with them IMO. Everything else is lab made.

Shrooms won't give you investment advice, it will make you rethink what it is to invest, why you are the one to invest, what it means to be you, all these things boiled down and decoupled, left on the floor for you to put back together in a better way. If you are a brainlet it's not for you.

>> No.10429553

Yes shrooms made me realize that money is just paper. But to persue my dreams I need money. How do I solve this puzzle?

>> No.10429555

Stupid question but worth trying.
Give me a few days anon and i will try to get an answer.

>> No.10429558

Tripped recently, sold all my link for req

>> No.10429568

Mushrooms do release serotonin, which makes you feel relaxed and good, but they also temporarily heighten activity in the prefrontal cortex, which directs analytical functions of the brain, specifically in terms of abstract thinking.

The result is that you become more analytical, but in ways that your brain normally has a hard time achieving. For many, this helps bring clarity, as you are in a place where you find yourself analyzing yourself, the world, your connection to others, but in totally new ways, or in ways that may believe more truly in your root personality, but often cover up with comfortable logic and reasoning. This is why mushrooms have been very effective for treating illnesses like PTSD.

Go ahead and keep thinking that all illegal drugs are the same, though, and have no medical and psychological benefit when used productively and in moderation. Stay complacent to pharmaceuticals. (((They))) know well what is legal (and profitable) and you should listen and obey. (((They))) just want to help and protect you after all, Anon. (((They))) know what is best for you.

>> No.10429629

99% of humanity will say, "Wow, this a cool idea," then never follow up on it and instead make excuses for as to why. Even though people say they want to lead things themselves, really they just want someone else to show the way so they can sit back and relax. All you have to do is throw yourself out there and push hard. Think about your most autism powers activated endeavors; they type of shit you can spend hours, and hours on without quitting. Now think about if you did that with the pursuit of your dreams every day. For every problem, think of five to ten possible solutions. If one doesn't work, move onto the next. Money is less important that general intelligence, flexibility, charisma, adaptability, and persistent, continuous hard work, for if you have these things, you can make the money you need.

>> No.10429699
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You can't serve two masters.

God preserves your dreams.
Money is of the devil.

Money cannot buy happiness.
It's okay to have some - it's not okay for the money to have you though.

That's why I'm on /biz/ waiting for God to bless me with the amount I need - not the amount I want.

>> No.10429724

Money buys freedom from those who want to enslave you. It gives you freedom to also delve deeper into psychedelics, so go stfu.

>> No.10429739
File: 6 KB, 231x218, o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God preserves your dreams.
>Money is of the devil.
>I'm on /biz/ waiting for God to bless me

>> No.10429744

God doesn't give a shit about whether or not you have money. You aren't going to get blessed with anything unless you make an effort to get it yourself. That's the great thing about all this....you get to make of it whatever you want. It's not gods job to define it for you.

>> No.10429782

>There’s no way to prove they exist without their being able to make an accurate prediction or to solve a complex mathematical equation.
By this reasoning, most of humanity must not exist.

>> No.10429815


I've tried literally hundreds of drugs, research chems, etc, yet I still don't understand the people who act like it isn't just malfunctioning brain. You ingest some shit and your brain 'misfires', etc, that's what happens. I'm sick of seeing people spouting this shit when they probably haven't even tried them, they just believe movies and other people's stories.

People like Shuglin were a bit fucking crazy, bro. No shit, that's what happens when you experiment on yourself for fucking decades. Obviously, we can appreciate their dedication and sacrifice, but let's face it: You don't visit other realms, you don't find some answers to the universe, you don't do X, you literally malfunction, your brain fucks up, and you end up with a cool story and occasionally a change of perspective.

It's like when people claim they dreamt something, etc, it's just bullshit. Why is it we never have dreams of real people you've never met? You know? You never have a dream of some random person's life out of the 7.5 billion people alive, you end up dreaming about someone you've met and/or a face you have crossed in your life. The supernatural shit... I mean, I believe in *a* god, but still, I don't believe taking psychedelics that cause you to 'trip', which is fitting because you really do 'trip', (as in your brain fucks up), I don't think these can answer much in reality.

>> No.10429836

funds are safu XD

>> No.10429837

No one is claiming that humans are a supremely advanced technological civilization, but many people ascribe these traits to elves. If an ant briefly had consciousness and asked us, how do you build a wheel? There would be some people who could explain it simply to an ant. By the same token, go ahead and ask an elf to teach you how to build something that to them is simple but to you is incredibly advanced. Yep, hasn’t happened.

>> No.10429877
File: 59 KB, 846x846, 1496980991114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You enslave yourself you blue pilled faggot

You lack faith

Go read your bible, champ

>> No.10429901


Ark is based

>> No.10429909


Machine elves are in a higher dimension bucko. Our shit tier laws dont apply there.

>> No.10429929

Do they site on the similar plane in mathematics? Are they under, equal to, or above math?

>> No.10429932

There is so much incorrect here I don’t even want to start...

>> No.10429937

You're looking for a specific example? Like when Francis Crick was discovered the double helix DNA model on LSD?

Or like Kary Mullis, who credits his invention of the polymerase chain reaction technique to his use of LSD?

>> No.10429948

what a waste of a spiritual trip wondering about materialistic things.

machine elves are not magic creatures that actually exist and can not predict the future. If you think otherwise you are naive.

>> No.10429965

What's a good, reputable Darknet Market Vendor for Deemsters? Will buy and report back, no LARP.

>> No.10429966

nature is soaked in DMT btw. You could pick a blade of grass from your front loan and it would probably have trace amount of DMT in it.

>> No.10429972

It's not gods job to want shit for you...that's your job. seek and you shall find...or whatever you book says. you don't get blessed with anything you haven't built a desire for.

>> No.10429975

That's not an argument

What's incorrect? The stories you heard of other people's accounts differed? Pftt

>> No.10429988


Are you on under or above the plane of dicksucking?

>> No.10429992

DMT is actually incredibly simple to extract yourself with basic kitchen tools. You don't need to buy it from someone else.

>> No.10430005


won’t be top, but easy $

>> No.10430014

Wow I can't imagine being this cucked by scientism. Have fun with your life being devoid of all spiritual meaning.

>> No.10430017

My roommate isn't going to be cool with me turning the kitchen into a trap spot.

>> No.10430020

You clearly didn't read my post and also that's not an argument

>> No.10430100
File: 128 KB, 770x766, 696C4CDF-E2E0-4C96-8834-0C341FF521F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BCH, the original bitcoin.

Some sort of entity I didn't see, but felt, made a clear and brief assertion on that.

>> No.10430140

both these guys earned a nobel prize for the shit they learned about DNA from LSD. You might be able to explain how to make a wheel to an ant that was conscience enough to ask....but not all ants are going to understand what it is you're showing them. If psychs are actually showing us something...might be good to keep this in mind.

>> No.10430234

Most people think how psychedelics will "enlighteen" you and help you somehow but this is just wrong.
Its so sad to see people who take drugs to feel good and superior to others.
They think they gained some knowledge or that they are even enlighteened and ohh you cant understand you never took it.
I used to experiment with this substances and I can tell you that its all in your head.
They can make you delusional like some people here who believe in bullshit and secret knowledge.
They are one of the most dangerous drugs out there because they literally make you lose your mind, you can never be the same once the damage is done.

>> No.10430300

Well that took a turn... It's actually neither of the two. If you take them occasionally you're fine. And while they don't make you 'enlightened', they certainly give good bonus insights into your life that if you act on them and practice what you've learnt, you'll see benefits. Emphasis on acting on the insights and practicing what you learnt, because you don't gain much by just learning and not doing.

>> No.10430311

Acid is overrated. I'm on about 150ish mg right now and its nothing like the movies

>> No.10430344
File: 345 KB, 1000x1000, 1528834196574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably also think "TEST ALL THINGS" is reasonable ground for cheating on your wife once, right?

God is going to fucking cut you down.

>> No.10430346

Also, yes they don't give 'secret knowledge'. They definitely can give philosophical insight to the metaphysical though. (Not related to personal insights)

>> No.10430349

you're talking about 1 hit of lsd...try 4 or 5 then get back to us.

>> No.10430379

if you're waiting for god(s) to fix your life...your going to be waiting a long time anon...
take care of your damn self.

>> No.10430386

Close your eyes and listen to this, it'll be more like you might want https://youtube.com/watch?v=iOaqV0MmToA

>> No.10430422

This is incorrect. Francis Crick did not discover DNA because of LSD. Look it up. Kary Mullis, on the other hand, may have been inspired by LSD to invent PCR. But now he’s a raving lunatic. Look it up.

>> No.10430427

I plan on fixing society with God acting as my active force.


>> No.10430468

It’s a fallacy that Crick discovered dna because of lsd. Oh, and Kary Mullis now believes HIV was faked by the government.

>> No.10430488

Actually he probably did. He was into it, and a friend of his said that he had said so. He just didn't announce it or acknowledge it publicly.

>> No.10430507

A fallacy?

>> No.10430526

Yeah, it's hearsay. Those close to him say he talked about it...we don't know for sure. It's easy to understand why he never chose to mention it publicly if it were it true.

>> No.10430676

The Lil elf say buy bitbean

>> No.10430770

No they will not help you in any way, they will just distract you and put you in delusion.
Dont mess with this stuff.

>> No.10430896

>No they will not help you in any way, they will just distract you and put you in delusion.
>Dont mess with this stuff.
shrooms aren't like that fren. They evolved with us.

It does melt reality for a bit. Some find this concerning, definitely not for everyone

>> No.10430930

Shrooms were here before us
They are alien messages
Eat as many as you can, field shrooms
Suck a nigga dick or suntin

>> No.10430934

>They evolved us
You either glow or read glowing propaganda.
Terrance McKenna was a bold faced liar.

>> No.10430974

The real question is, why do people believe so strongly that the 5 senses are all that we can perceive, and that anything outside of that is "fake?"

>> No.10431076

>You either glow or read glowing propaganda.
>Terrance McKenna was a bold faced liar.

Not defending mckenna. Co-evolution happened though, and our interactions to natural drugs have in some cases been beneficial. This is because evolution 'learns' on everything, including drugs. A drug that turns off your ego and turns on your conscious analytical parts of the brain is that way because it was likely beneficial in the past to be that way for an ancestor to get his dick wet.

>> No.10431107
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In theory - Darwin hardly believed it himself.


>> No.10431144
File: 83 KB, 600x800, backpack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. why the last line.

has the singularity gone too far?

>> No.10431151

Did a fuckload of 4 aco dmt last weekend and lemme tell you what a ride. I've never had visuals that concrete except on dmt. 30 minutes in I was wearing thigh high platform boots and furs and a clay mask and was stomping around the room to andy stott with my eyes closed watching little pinpoints of electric energy shoot around a grid/maze while red yellow and green squares flew at me. Our guests whom I had met an hour prior were amused. Buy chainlink

>> No.10431159

Lol. You're replying to me, I assume.

>> No.10431744

You don't need psychedelics to reach higher states of awareness and understanding. Try Toaism or something, try different philosophies that cultivate mind and body. Psychedelics can be fun and can contribute to a huge expansion of the mind but it quickly becomes toxic and completely unecessary.

The Beatles who are famed for their LSD tinted music also said later on record that they quickly realized that psychedelics weren't the answer and thought that groups using LSD were deluded to put it frank in context of psychedelics being some wodner drug that can lead to enlightment and peace

>> No.10431943


poor bait

>> No.10431968

I wish I could’ve the LSD experience for like 1-2 hours.. being mind fucked for 16 hours is too much for me at 36. That what kept me from not doing it in the past 5 years. LSD and Shrooms are god-tier drugs

>> No.10432092

What Monero wallet do you use to send to dream market. I dont think its a good idea to send directly from Binance?