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10426166 No.10426166 [Reply] [Original]

All you need to make it is to have a vagina. It is much more beneficial than hard work. Imagine two people in engineering:
A: A male who is the top of his class.
B: A female who just did old exams and don't know shit.
Of course B would get an engineering job. And then move up in the company. Just by assigning the work to men.

>> No.10426227


>> No.10426247

dont blame the female for being employed by a male

>> No.10426248
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Just some random blonde thot.

>> No.10426258

yes, unironically when women joined the work force the working population doubled but GDP stayed the same. When men came home from the war the work force doubled and GDP doubled with it.

Women no longer cook or clean and they don't do anything productive at work. Statistics don't lie.

>> No.10426274

Women joining the workforce during ww1 and ww2 is the reason we won, faggot.

>> No.10426279

So you're saying there's no men in engineering? This is a thinly veiled incel rage thread if i ever did see one.

>> No.10426292

>men leave for war
>workforce dwindles
>women take over, workforce back to normal
>men come back from war, join workforce, workforce and GDP double
lmao you are so stupid how do you even get through the day without dying

>> No.10426498

>gdp doubles in the short term
>this is because women actually did something when the men were at war
>after the men returned women just slakced off and let the men take over but still got paid

>> No.10426697
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>all you need to make it is to have a vagina

>> No.10426930

>implies that winning WWII was a good thing

>> No.10426997

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I got every job because I am a man. When I was young in the military for years thanks to my superior resilience compared to women and now in the laboratory a MSc job thanks to my rational analytical brain skills, since my lack of vaginal influenced emotions does not interfere with the work process. I also dont get pregnant or waste time chitchatting about others. I am not angry for more five minutes and I dont passive agressivley harass co workers. Everybody who is not a retardcuck knows about these differences and qualities in many (declining) men these days. So if you are a real man today you have it easy. If you are a neet cuck, then yeah, youre in direct competion with women and most likely you will lose to them. If they want women they take women and not manlets. This is also how I handle interviews with potential co-workers.

>> No.10427190

not anymore, they fucked themselves with the metoo bullshit. now any women hired by a company are a liability for scandal. as a CEO I can confirm that me and my colleagues do not hire women because we are afraid to be put in a room alone with them from fear of any accusations