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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10419759 No.10419759 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on funfair?

>> No.10419779

I have a small 550 coin stake.

It seems like a solid model. The team is fairly active and they're meeting their roadmap goals in a timely manner which is nice.

>> No.10419811

Yeah, this is defo the biggest appeal.

My only concern with it is that I believe gambling will take a less conventional route than raw currencies.

>> No.10419823

i went in right after they were listed on binance. My main gripe is the name, logo, and font. The imaging of the company is a complete joke. The idea is great, but jesus fucking christ this is the crypto version of Lyft's pink moustaches on cars. Nerds have no aesthetic.

>> No.10420985
File: 24 KB, 483x164, Jez stablecoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd stay away because this is a classic noob trap investment. FunFair is 100% undoubtedly a legit product; they have deployed a real working state channel on both testnet and mainnet and are in the process of obtaining casino partnerships.

That being said, FUN is purely a utility token. Gamblers will buy FUN, gamble, then sell FUN immediately. The incentive to hold FUN is extremely low.

>> No.10421029
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>incentive to hold fun is extremely low
So casinos won't horde as much FUN as they can? What's it like being completely fucking retarded? Genuinely curious.

>> No.10421109
File: 20 KB, 475x146, Jez stablecoin 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would casinos hoard more FUN than absolutely necessary? They're not buying FUN as an investment; that's not what casinos do. They only need to hoard enough FUN to cover people playing (eg I bring in $100 in FUN, they need to have $10,000 in FUN at that point). But the thing is, if nobody is gambling with FUN (protip, nobody wants to fucking gamble in terms of FUN), then the casinos won't need to hold a massive amount of FUN.

So to answer your question plainly: No, casinos won't horse as much FUN as they can. They'll hoard the minimum amount of FUN they possible can to still stay solvent.

>> No.10421730

>tfw you trust FUNs success over REQs
My bags are heavy

>> No.10421953
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>> No.10422026
File: 70 KB, 1182x566, having fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit token not worth holding.

>> No.10422054

Okay, class: what did we learn?
>the crypto equivalent of a blockbuster video rental membership card is doomed by the crypto equivalent of an american express black card that provides half off every price of anything you ever buy anywhere

>> No.10422067


The games are solid and well put together. Problem is that it needs mass adoption of dapps to even have a chance of this taking off., even then you're just profiting off of FunFair games being used and not dapps as a whole. Something more universally useful in dapps adoption like 0x will see better returns.