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10416814 No.10416814 [Reply] [Original]

Starting to look like China might start dump their Realestate investments in the US. My house has appreciated 60% in value in the last 4 years since I bought it. How real is the talk of a Realestate crash??

>> No.10416913

Very real. FOMO selling has already started. Millennials that DO own homes live like poors because they can’t afford anything else. There’s going to be no new buyers with interest rates and China would be wise to unload now, at the literal top.

>> No.10416917

We own 23 properties throughout California and Nevada and we're feeling nervous.

>> No.10416934

Canadian real estate agent here

If you only knew how bad things are.

>> No.10417011

Foreign capital should not be allowed to speculate on American property. The only time foreign capital should be allowed to purchase land is for strictly industrial or corporate office purposes.

>> No.10417012

I can only get so erect. Hoping that coastal cities get crushed.

>> No.10417018

Is the crash going to be this October or are we going to eke by until 2019?

>> No.10417106
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is this a global thing? Housing prises in my euro cuck country are going trough the roof also. You need at least +300k for a non shitty house.

>> No.10417188

Bay Area here. Chinks own the house next door. It's been vacant for the 3 years I've lived here, broken windows run down high fence all the way around and 5 foot tall weeds. A few episodes with squatters. Once or twice a year a gaggle of chinks in suits comes by and takes pictures. I want to see these people get burned.

>> No.10417196

LMAO. There's a good number of Pacific cities with median salaries at 7-10% the going rate for a 1 bedroom condo.

This is a global thing, but the Arabs and Russians are nothing compared to China money.

>> No.10417210

Los Angeles
single family home with 3bdr/2br 5000sqft lot in a safe neighborhood north of Washington BLVD west of Normandy Ave go for over $1Million.
A nice area is a lot more.
I’m in Hancock Park . Avg per sqft is over $950.
Yeah that’s right $950.
Crash my ass, not in LA anyway

>> No.10417225



>> No.10417259

I feel at the very least, the CA market will stop rising but not drop because there is a very real shortage of home inventory in this region.

>> No.10417263
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I don't think houses in California will go down that much. Too many asians buying.

>> No.10417285


I feel like a cuck for renting but I'm not buying the top kek.

>> No.10417296

kek people are waking up to the silicon valley meme. they're starting to realize you don't need to be there to be in tech. say goodbye to ridiculous home prices.

>> No.10417305

not for long. T R A D E W A R

>> No.10417306



>> No.10417340

Once boomers die off and their 1ml dollar shacks aren't selling, we'll be able to move in with Bitcoins and buy a literal block of residential homes for 2 or 3 bitcoins.

>> No.10417397

Your right about everything except the buttcorn part.

>> No.10417446

Its part of the deal for forgiving our debt. They cant live here but we will let them park their money here for a bit while the world falls apart. Were entering the great transition now. Big things are coming in the next few years.

>> No.10417456

Bitcoins will be the saving grace during the impending housing crisis. If you don't think what I said is even a possibility, you'll never make it.

>> No.10417494


Yes, Bitcoin will be way higher when the real estate market crashes.

>> No.10417500

There will be so many retarded bleeding hearts talking about how you can't live in a bitcoin. They'll keep people from getting in early enough to not get double rekt by the volatility.

>> No.10417586

Why not gold or utility stocks? Crypto isnt the only safe investment.

>> No.10417645

At this point, it will not matter. The media will have already been shilling satoshis, not bitcoins, because Bitcoin will have been too expensive for the average schmoe. Did you know the minimum reservation for the ETF is 25bitcoins? You do now. Once BTC achieves 100K, the hardest part for us will be not selling on its way to 1ml, 2ml, etc.

Because stocks and the stock market is a joke. And gold has been abused as well. The only items that will have value when the transition occurs are decentralized assets. Stocks without a doubt will be worthless. Gold will still possess value, but nowhere near what the Bitcoin will achieve.

>> No.10417681

sell it for btc! thank me a year later!

>> No.10417719

I'm getting quite excited... I'm ready to buy up properties again on the cheap and rent them all for more passive shekles, and likely eventually flip them near the top depending on the ROI and opportunity cost. If its anything like buying in 2008/9 it will be glorious.
t. Fourth generation slumlord with a masters in finance

>> No.10417799

Tell me who will buy your worthless bitcoins ocne the financial market hits the bottom? You srly think Pete the farmer will buy via a wallet and hide his private keys? You srly think institutions will care? Banks will be executed via bail ins. GV doesn't care about it. Literally nobody will buy into it.

Right now bitcoin is 130B and shows how fucking tiny it is and only NEETs are behind it with some rich boyos who are in for a quick buck.

Bitcoin went down 80% from its ATH and is volatile as fuck. There is literally no reason to think that ppl would flee into bitcoin in a financial crisis.

>Inbefore ppl talk about cyprus

>> No.10417827

you dont even understand how wrong you are

>> No.10417829

sell now, you have 2-3 months at the most

>> No.10417843

But its been 11 years and theres still no use case. No one seems to care anymore.

>> No.10417938

It'll be a decentralized currency speculation attack executed by offshore money that needs to repatriate into a store of value before inflation kills it. No government can stop it and it only takes a fraction of the holders of that money to start a stampede.

You are honestly thinking too small anon. Lift your gaze and see the system as it is. A huge numerical representation of productivity and future productivity(debt) has been sequestered because its use would destroy the global reserve currency. This money needs to either be forgotten and forgiven or it can take this previously unavailable opportunity to flow into a medium where it becomes usable without being useless. It's a prisoner's dilemma and

Pete the farmer is not a player. Pete the farmer is a bystander who ends up in a picture/video archive that future look back on and feel sad about.

Most of us are just hoping to squat a few coins and profit off this untenable situation.

>> No.10418044

the chinks are just buying condos and shit. they dont even care if the value drops because its still less than if they would have left their money in china. they will just landlord for the next 30 years if they have to.

>> No.10418082

>hancock park

Literally my goal. How is it? Dont nogs from the south come and try to rob your neighborhood once in awhile?

>> No.10418101

I just bought recently I'd never sell for less than I paid so w/e will stay here as long as I have to.

>> No.10418224
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nice, buying the top again. classic biz, buy high, sell low. hodl, amirite?

>> No.10418292

>A huge numerical representation of productivity and future productivity(debt) has been sequestered because its use would destroy the global reserve currency.

What are bail-ins. Check out the last US jurisdication, they are ready to hard reset. And everything will start from the beginning,

>It'll be a decentralized currency speculation attack executed by offshore money that needs to repatriate into a store of value before inflation kills it. No government can stop it and it only takes a fraction of the holders of that money to start a stampede.

There is no need to stop it, because it will stop itself. Decentralization (even tho it is fake) will always be less effecient than centralized ones. The missing hiNobody can and will be able to use bitcoin as a daily mean of payment, thanks to its deflationary nature and its volatility.

I know, you and me, everyone else is in crypto for the qucik buck. No need to cope with shit like you are doing. Tech whise nothing changed -10 ears of developing and still no scability solution. No meme project is decentralized anymore, therefore private blockchains will be better once again.. And GV's will just implement their own blockchain fiat once everything is ready to go.

Nevertheless I reco. hedging for whatever outcome it will take.

>> No.10418306

>been living in my house ~10 years
>still hasnt recovered from the 08 crash
sometimes things never recover

>> No.10418603

Correct me if I am wrong, but bail-ins just liquidate bond holders before the tax payers. It's just a band-aid on the derrivative problem where an unknown amount of debt is currently hidding that, if realized in USD, would destroy everything. I think the point is that people will begin to unravel this trillions in derrivative assets into BTC because the network has the ability to represent and use a potentially unlimited amount of future productivity unlike a government issued currency.

>> No.10419316

Most of the money in the Canadian market is cashouts from the top shuffling around the middle segment and millennials FOMOing into wash traded condos. It's all a futile effort to support land prices now that the asian money is leaving and there is not enough liquidity in the market to support the similarly inflated material, building, permitting, and community enrichment costs. The market is stalling extremely quickly.

Catalysts for freefall are:

Spring 2019: NDP government of BC starts a corruption inquiry and toughens legislation.

Fall 2019: federal parties campaign on demand-side housing affordability and a party pushing that platform wins the federal election.

Without a freefall, it's still going to drag and weaken.

>> No.10419378

You are on point.

Everything happening right now is just to stall and control the fall because self-interest does not allow for the global coordination required to walk it back. Virtual and stable and trustless scarcity is here.