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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10416520 No.10416520 [Reply] [Original]

now that you ve had your little rally, you can be generous when buying the real deal. strap in, the skyfleet takes of in q4

>> No.10416540

Start baggin this price is awesome, I have to say

>> No.10416626

>buying skycoin
No ty I’d rather run my raspberry pi to forward useless data for vapor ware software and get useless coins in return!

Maybe when they start selling drugs and child porn on skywire, I’ll buy some

>> No.10416634

so are we gonna see some Q4 action? any way to correlate the price with the the launch of the mesh net?

>> No.10416657

Yet another one with no understanding of the mesh net. Go in peace, fren

>> No.10416694

That meshnet isn’t happening for 15 years

Synth is just being scammed by chinks who lied on their CVs

>> No.10416927

yeah, thought he fired a batch of chinks so far

>> No.10416985

1.7K nodes running vpn right now
2.Chinks gona chink. You want hardware in 2018? Gotta budget for slanty scams
3.Stay poor

>> No.10417007

Lolz the mesh net is being tested as we speak and ~7000 nodes online. Stop being deluded

>> No.10417067

Go die, Arkie

>> No.10417191

i dont know where this is getting but i made my homework AND my bags, for that matter

>> No.10417352

why is people so confused about the potential of a raspberry pi?

>> No.10417956

>>10416985as there are quality levels all over china, good things come out of it, as well as bad things.. hardware is fine, fudders are the worst

>> No.10418011

Trust in China, trust in synth, trust in the project

All handsomely rewards with patience

Ignore FUDDER!

>> No.10418265

Jeez you make such a vig deal out of it like u have to sell your house to get those nodes running. It's a good option to earn extra, that's all

>> No.10418281


Every single new technology takes about a decade or so to gain mass adoption. The SKY mesh network is no exception.... these are early stage community mesh networks that will spread out as time passes by. You are confusing mass adoption and individual use. Btw, it's a very extensive platform with tons of functionallities, the meshnet is just one part of it.

It produces, develops, and sells actual hardware that thousands are using right now, delivering an actual service that they are actually getting paid for right now.

Hundreds of people are involved in this and they are currently hiring dozens of new engineers, all working on different projects within the SKY architecture.

Fucking hell, people who think this is a scam are truly retarded.

>> No.10418297

The most rational post I ve seen so far from your retarded minds.

>> No.10418780

as if every post is supposed to dully explain your lame asses WHY this is a good project. really now, gtfo

>> No.10418825

changing someone s mind here is so relative and uttterly useless. i fell lik ethere s no point in arguing, judging by the level of mistrust and hate. only the vocal idiots comment, mostly, so it s hard to get a sense of balance between good readers and fusters when you dont have any backend statistics

>> No.10418936


>> No.10419023


skywire is pretty far away, which is why there is a TON of other projects under the skycoin umbrella, personallly FIBER is why I'm buying right now. New currencies would choose fiber over eth anyday, so once the erc20 shitcoin purge of 2018 is over, newer better icos will launch on fiber

>> No.10419068

how exactly can we purchase fiber and integrate it within our business?

>> No.10419344

still the mesh is most advertised

>> No.10419500


official telegram will point you in the right direction if you have an interest in adopting fiber for your business.