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10415203 No.10415203 [Reply] [Original]

There's this really cute girl working as a waitress/dishwasher in a small town restaurant. How do I ask her out?

>> No.10415217

use your mouth to say 'do you want to go out'

>> No.10415253

Get comfy
Real conmfy
Assume the sale pretend she’s already yours
Never ask her out

>> No.10415272
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Wait for her out back behind the trash dumpster, when she comes out to throw out the garbage pop out and say "How are we doing tonight, ladies?"

Then walk away.

>> No.10415274

She's probably already taken by some redneck chad.

>> No.10415303

Buy chainlink on binance. Walk up to her and show her your portfolio

>> No.10415312
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I'm afraid of getting outright rejected and making it awkward. Should I do it while she's working? Should I try and flirt with her? How do I flirt without coming off as a massive autist.

>> No.10415338
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>> No.10415339


>> No.10415352

You don't. You just go eat at the restaurant. And you eat there regularly and often enough that she eventually knows what you order. But once that happens, and this is important, you just stop going there completely. Just ghost her. Never set foot in the restaurant again.

Girls love that.

>> No.10415356

>I'm afraid of getting outright rejected
yeah, you need get over that. Life is all about rejection, embrace it. How many times a day can you get rejected?

>> No.10415362
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Good advice right here, if I wasn’t married I would be pulling mad tail with this pick up.

>> No.10415363


Go to reddit and ask her out in a new thread; she'll suck your peepee.

>> No.10415366

You can't get rewards without risk.

So it goes with investing and asking girls out.

Pain of rejection is better than pain of regret. Stop being a pussy.

>> No.10415394
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Barge into her working area, then do a sick dab right in front of that hoe. Works every time man.

>> No.10415397
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I'm 6 foot 3, have a strong jawline, /fit/, and have been asked out by multiple girls in the past. I'm just a massive fucking mentalcel and freeze up around women when romance is involved.

Fucking help me bros...

>> No.10415403
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it works best if you're waiting for them IN the dumpster for that extra element of surprise. just make sure to bring some Purel for a quick fix afterward

>> No.10415418

Most women who ask the guy out instead of the other way around usually turn out to be psychotic. Never stick your dick in crazy.

>> No.10415419

Try to make small talk. If she’s receptive ask her if she’d like to go out sometime. If she’s receptive but you can’t find an opening to ask her out, write a friendly note on a napkin and leave your phone number. I’ve used this method successfully a few times. You might think it’s a beta move to leave a note but some girls really appreciate not being put on the spot and being given the opportunity to reach out when they’re not on the clock.

>> No.10415453
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G-good thing I rejected them all.

>> No.10415595
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Guys should I invest in a gf or self improve? Can you realistically manage both at once?

>> No.10415747

Self improve is the only way. You are an appreciating asset, women will recognize/appreciate this. Doesn't mean you have to be a dick, just have your goals and priorities and don't deviate. good luck Anon.

>> No.10416176
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Y-you too

>> No.10416677

Imagine if the only way to get Bitcoin is to ask Satoshi niggermoto out, none of us would be here today

>> No.10416733

You need to get out of your head and go fail repeatedly. Then afterwards you'll be ready to succeed. You need to go talk to women and freeze up. Do this over and over and each time you'll get better until you find yourself totally comfortable.