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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10413616 No.10413616 [Reply] [Original]

how's work today wagebro?

my coworker is already half through the first of three giant bowls of celery for the day that he chews with his mouth wide open

deliver me

>> No.10413638

hot and hard (manual laborer)
ate some yogurt and salad
now going "home"

>> No.10413671

Riding in an lmtv as we speak, have to wash all the vics

Army life sucks, cue army strong theme

>> No.10413674

what do ypu mean "home"? renting?

>> No.10413679

yes, renting

>> No.10413692

is army still wagielike? whats your job there?

>> No.10413714

same here bro. after renting I still feel like my parents house has been my realhome this whole time

>> No.10413790

>tfw moved out to new towns every 1-2 years and nothing really feels like home

>> No.10413802
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boss is watching netflix and telling me to answer faster to the emails

he doesnt know I made his monthly salary in one week.

I have to clean the floor its so fucking hot here and im wearing a suite

>> No.10413821

army is worse
you are literally a slave 24/7, whereas at mcdonald's you're only a slave so long as you're at work, and you can quit anytime. army will throw you in military prison

>> No.10413879

Ive been to army
forget about it if you think you can shill
as my fellow anon said its 24/7 and no privacy and no gf

>> No.10413921
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>you will never escape wage slavery

>> No.10413937

Its worse, im essentially a wageslave 24/7 and my job as a combat engineer means we get smoked for the stupidest shit because "muh combat arms" and "muh engineer pride"

Dont get me wrong, i love the army and people ive met, but man sometimes the bullshit just never ends, and theres no human resources. If you dont agree with the way your sergeant does things you can try to go above him, but youll usually get told that "you dont have to like it, hes your nco, do what he says"

All in all you just have to embrace the suck. Its not your traditional workplace, which means things can either suck or be super fucking awesome. Health department and osha are practically nonexistant, so you can get stuck with range bathrooms tgat havent been cleaned in 5 years along with raw chicken from the dfac (pic related) or you can get stuck doing crazy fun shit like off roading humvees and combatives in the barracks

>> No.10413950
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Forgot pic

>> No.10414063
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Also, a little something i did a week or so ago

>> No.10414102

Are you a butler?

>> No.10414186


>> No.10414211

who here /comfy/ office job

>minimum oversight, just get the job done
>no micromanagement
>answer some emails, update some spreadsheets
>listen to podcasts, trade crypto and shitpost all day, no one bothers me
>work from home occasionally
>60k/yr + benefits

wagecuckin' it ain't so bad if you got a decent one

>> No.10414226

Worked as a cook while in uni, nearly vomited looking at your chicken.

>> No.10414242

"restaurants" @french camps are pretty good
sorry american fellow anon

>> No.10414303 [DELETED] 
File: 540 KB, 1280x1923, EE607705-E992-45DC-8784-65A5126E9980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walk into law firm office
>hear the rattling air conditioner and immediately want to neck myself
>mumble hi to secretaries who mumble “mrnng” back.
>make some disgusting Kuerig coffee but not too much half n half cuz i’ve been gaining weight
>Sit down at my desk and scroll through 57 emails received since 7:00 am, nearly off which are irrelevantly
>Start perusing angry letters from plaintiffs about outstanding discovery matters
>Make three phone calls to expert witnesses who simply do not want to talk to me but will defend the case because we pay them $750 and hour
>check my billable hours for the month and realize i’m nowhere close, i’ll never make my bonus
>begin the day’s task of writing a 20 page report about a boring ass deposition to the the client.
>a ray of light fights its way into the frosted windows of the office
>think of childhood when I used to play baseball or soccer with my little buddies in the sun, and then go drink lemonade mom had made, and then read a nice book before going to bed
>consider suicide
Anybody else?

>> No.10414312

Week almost over and all this LINK news making my dick diamonds. See you on the other side lads.

>> No.10414318

that's what i do except i actually have to work all day writing code.

getting a new job at 95k in a few weeks tho

>> No.10414319

Pretty chill, I work at a helpdesk with plenty of downtime so I just spend it studying and researching shitcoins. Lunch time now.

>> No.10414323
File: 540 KB, 1280x1923, E831E144-9F6D-4EFD-83B9-AF404052052B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walk into law firm office
>hear the rattling air conditioner
>mumble hi to secretaries who mumble “mrnng” back.
>make some disgusting Kuerig coffee but not too much half n half cuz i’ve been gaining weight
>Sit down at my desk and scroll through 57 emails received since 7:00 am, nearly all of which are irrelevant
>Start perusing the angry letters from plaintiffs about outstanding discovery matters which have piled up on my desk.
>Make three phone calls to expert witnesses who simply do not want to talk to me but will defend the case because we pay them $750 and hour
>check my billable hours for the month and realize i’m nowhere close, i’ll never make my bonus
>begin the day’s task of writing a 20 page report about a boring ass deposition to the the client.
>realize at 8:30 am that I will be here until 8:00 pm.
>a ray of light fights its way into the frosted windows of the office
>think of childhood when I used to play baseball or soccer with my little buddies in the sun, and then go drink lemonade mom had made, and then read a nice book before going to bed
>consider suicide
Anybody else?

>> No.10414329

Same exact as you. Except I make 82,500 a year. Currently working from home (Manhattan) because my boss is in turks and caicos.

>> No.10414333

i increased my stack last night from 20000 to 20200 by selling the top of that pump

>> No.10414350
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You did this to yourself anon, you only have yourself to blame

>> No.10414362

How do? Anybody could be blinded by the facade of law’s intrigue and constant human drama.

>> No.10414373

>Tfw moved around my whole life
>The only time I felt happy was in 2002-2007 London
>Tfw it's too expensive to move there now even on my salary


>> No.10414385

What do you do?

>> No.10414454

tech recruiting for startups

pretty much i scour LinkedIn all day and email software engineers with the right skills

getting a promotion next week though, so probably moving to a more operational role soon

forgot to mention
>unlimited PTO and sick time

big plus tbqh

>> No.10414477

Unlimited pto is a dirty little trick so they can shame you into not vacationing thru the work culture but then never have to pay you out.

>> No.10414501

Oh nice, I get messages from you guys pretty frequently. Once I get my ccna I can actually get something I want though.

>> No.10414506

>Implying normal wagecucks get privacy and a gf


>> No.10414954


>> No.10414969

I have to work as a server tonight for a bunch of neckbeards eating wings and drinking overpriced beer while they play a massive game of trivia. Wednesday night will be the one to take my life.

>> No.10414989

comfy office?warehouse gig sometimes I dont even work 2hrs on salary tho but 40k year is bette than wagie at Mcdouguls

>> No.10415024

so sad, r-right guys ?

>> No.10415032

Where do you live?

>> No.10415078

same. full days work done in 3 hours while trolling at same time. rest of day is trying to stay awake and shitposting.

>> No.10415115

i feel you my dude. i was a server for a while and people are so fucking dumb.

had a bitch ask if the grass fed beef would taste like grass once baka

>> No.10415120

>tfw bought a house and it does not and won't feel like home until it is payed off and I raise a family in it

>> No.10415165

The cook just quickly roasted it to get the crunchy skin, should have been cooked at least 1hr extra on low heat and with the lid 90% on.

>> No.10415221

Pretty recently, I had a guy come in and order the "Jiffy" Burger. On the menu, in large letters, it warns that it is a burger with JIFFY PEANUTBUTTER and bacon, cheese, etc. In the middle of the meal, he starts screaming at me about how he is allergic to peanut butter and that we are liable to be sued. He truly believed the "JIFFY" part of the burger meant it would come out fast. I offered to take the pitcher of beer him and his partner ordered and gave him the check, in which eh then paid in cash. He kept bugging other servers, so eventually, my manager went over and argued with him for awhile. My manager handed him another bill, this time with the burger taken off, in which his drunk, retarded ass paid cash again and my manager let me keep both of his payments. Although it was but a small victory, I felt like the little guys had won for once.

>> No.10415242
File: 38 KB, 400x400, timeloop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate being a slave. This is not a meme post. Work is slavery no matter what you do, you still give your life away day by day. Who cares if my legs hurt? I've been in an office for years and it was nauseating, now I wield shit earn more but Im still a disgusting slave. Working sucks period, enjoy deluding yourself otherwise. Crypto is truly the only Hope for the 99% of human cattle

>inb4 muh stem
Fuck off slaves like the rest of us, enjoy being old

>> No.10415309

I feel bad for you fags. I love my job.
Sit in a tower and watch fighters and helicopters take off and land all day long. Endless coffee, bantz, and boomer war stories.

Been doing atc for 12 years and watching an f16 take off still puts a smile on my face even though I must have seen it 1000 times.

>> No.10415355

I do maintenance on public railroad company vending machines. I managed to send wrong settings with the latest firmware update and kicked all of our 450+ card reader terminals into an infinite boot loop last week... There are still about a dozen trains where people are unable to use the vending machines so now I drive around and have to reset the machines manually...
It also pays shit(16eur after tax) and it's a kinda dirty job as more than half of my days are spent digging into coffee machines looking for the modem unit to reset it manually...

>> No.10415369


>> No.10415376

Software engineer with 2 years of exp

How do I get noticed on LinkedIn?

>> No.10415601

I work as a journalist for a local newspaper, which earns me approx $7000/month.

All the while I'm spending most of my time browsing this shithole and checking the stock market. I decide my own work hours and schedule, and can take as many breaks as I want.

anyone else /comfywagie/ here?

>> No.10415620

Honestly, buzzwords. List languages/technologies/frameworks you're even familiar a bit with.

Learn Agile/Scrum methodologies and TDD, Pair Programming, etc.

Also, no matter what you hear, bootcampers are usually held in a lesser regard compared to people with CS degrees.

>> No.10415628

yep, i diddle in Excel mostly for a big company. work from home 4 days a week. pay is high, but i'm older. ~$200k/yr including average bonus/stock

>> No.10415706

>be me
>remote work /comfy/
It's honestly great desu. Make a good salary and spend most of my time shitposting with zero oversight.

>> No.10415821
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>tfw have half my tasks of the day done. the other half is rather trivial and i'm just shitposting till lunch
>tfw 3 days work week for full salary
Feels good. But im moving out of my country on october and probably will never get such a comfy work schedule again.

>> No.10416043

What did you have to do to be eligible for said job?

>> No.10416091

prove yourself to senior management that you're the go-to guy when there is a fire drill to be solved

>> No.10416571

The whole years and years of hlish schooling wasnt warning enough... What did you think that was to prepare you for...?

>> No.10416785

Sitting at home on parental leave getting paid to be a NEET with child basically.
Fucking love socialism.

>> No.10417214

>tfw for some reason no starting (part-time) company will interview or hire me
I just want a job.

>> No.10417657

kek nice

>> No.10417678

call in any connections you have online and in person

>> No.10418286
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x1836, 20180725_154356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people don't know what it means to be an actual wage slave
>be me
>college student from a third world shit hole came to America on a summer work program because my dollar is worth (as of today) 134 times less
>work lifeguard job 11:30-8pm
>ride bicycle everywhere
>parents don't give a fuck about their kids and let them do whatever
>literally sit on their phones the whole time
>try to talk to kids about following rules and get reported by parents for "yelling at them"
>host company is shit so don't even have a set working schedule
>never have weekends off
>live with 5 people in a 2 bedroom
>get overcharged for rent
>have to work the night shift at Wendy's to make more money because lifeguarding pays like ass and having one job means starving
>tfw here till September
>tfw I just want to make enough money to get back into crypto and pay my tuition

Fake wagies get out

>> No.10418922

>Be IT
>Supervisor can't get shit together after a mail client migration
>Migrated my office with no issues because I prepared for it and questioned user's about workflow
>Spend day posting on /biz/
>Supervisor calls because doesn't know offices workflow.
>Make less money

Someone uncuck this wagie... Pretty please?