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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10409593 No.10409593 [Reply] [Original]

this fucking whale literally will not let the token exceed $0.35 its like he took the fucking whitepaper meme way too seriously. he keeps fucking dumping his BAT for WARPED ETH when the FUCK will he stop and what the FUCK is he trying to accomplish here? serious replies only

>> No.10409609

>t. FOMO’d in at 5300

>> No.10409621

The Coinbase announcement just made this token into a dumping shitshow. Fucking shoot me in the head

>> No.10409623

dude shut the fuck up brainlet. the price is unironically lower then before the fucking coinbase announcement do you not realize how fucked up that is?

>> No.10409627

The whitepaper meme is $1

>> No.10409628

So, it can't be Brendan right? That would be highly illegal...

Whale selling for ETH ratio?

Is strange...

>> No.10409639

honestly why the FUCK does this FUCKER keep selling his BAT for shitty WARPED ETH?

>> No.10409650

actually is it WRAPPED ETH or WARPED ETH? either way hes a fucking piece of shit for this bullshit behaviors

>> No.10409661
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BAT was put on that Korean exchange Upbit, so it was overbought for like a day straight.

Now it's correcting. It literally doesn't change anything, BAT has been dumping while other coins pump and vice-versa for at least a few weeks. It has its own course and doesn't follow BTC or ETH, that's why it's so interesting to me.

>> No.10409663


>> No.10409664

maybe they are trying to maintain the price low so normibase find it appealling

>> No.10409676

are you the guy that was fudding a couple weeks back to "accumulate" then walked it back?

I'm a big BAT believer, but god damn would that be just deserts.

>> No.10409682
File: 739 KB, 1440x1338, SmartSelect_20180719-184812_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I have no clue, just debating how much more to buy. Honestly hoping xmr moons soon so I can swap xmr to btc to bat before coinbase happens

>> No.10409694

thats bullshit though its way fucking lower now then before that excahnge. and on top of that its way fucking lower now then before the coinbase announcement. honestly that makes absolutely no fucking sense. fucking shitty ETC went progressively up up up after its bullshit coinbase announcenemtn that no one gives a FUCK about and then BAT is now DOWN after? are you fucking shitting me?

>> No.10409709

Fuck this piece of shit token. I honestly wish I never bought it. Even when it gets added to Coinbase, Mr. 7% Total Supply is going to dump harder than you've ever seen before and the piece of shit ends up at $0.25 again

>> No.10409720

no but i do remember that guy. does anybody know what the FUCK is going on? is this asshole whale just suppressing the price before it absolutely ERUPTS or is it just fucking screwed?

>> No.10409732

Fuck this whale, is he in cahoots with rave I wonder?

>> No.10409733

what the FUCK is this assholes gameplan? why the FUCK wouldnt he rather just let the price go up so he can make more money later? what the FUCK is going on

>> No.10409760

eh, it's very obviously being manipulated. I don't see an outcome for BAT that doesn't end up 4x'ing at the minimum.

Buy if/when it hits 25 cents, sell when it reaches $1. 5K becomes 20K just like that.

>> No.10409774

havent really checked, but isnt zrx lower now than before the CB announcement? ada too? i mean its not just BAT. everyones selling their alts right now, its how it goes. you think BAT is immne to that and people are going to hold onto their precios BAT? lol. coinbase doesnt mean dick shit.

>> No.10409789

You sound like a shitty kid who got dumped on. Those bags must be heavy, eh?

>> No.10409794

ok but why? why the fuck would this whale do that? how could this possibly be better for him to crash the price unless either
>he truly wants to sell out because he thinks the price is going to drop even more
>or he wants to accumulate more
but why in the fuck would he possibly want to accumulate more when he already has so much? i dont get what the fuck he is doing unless he actually thinks this is a good price to sell at

>> No.10409820

what the EFF??? why wont my money get moneyer? like seriously FUCKing FUCK. ggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGGGGHHHHHHHH WHY WHY WHY WONT ANYTHING EVER GO MY WAY???? like FUCK why won't people buy this FUCKING shit? who's the whale responsible for this? WHO? bring him to me NOW!!! get him a laptop and with this thread open in a brave browser ASAP. i need answers A FUCKING SAP. whats your deal? what kind of illuminati mind games are you playing? GIVE ME ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10409826
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No that was me, I still like BAT, the dumping is annoying but I’ll hold. Just pissed that I was asleep when it hit .45, I could have sold and bought back in right now.

>> No.10409949

Push the price down, others panic sell, buy back at a lower price?

Why be rich when you can be wealthy.

>> No.10409981

>all this impotent rage

lmao I just saw this thread and I am the whale. I feel honored to have my own topic by you faggots

>> No.10409994

ebin larp tbqh

>> No.10410001

Not me, i'm hoping it falls further. I want to buy in again.

>> No.10410007

wow you actually showed up, i was just shitposting. so are you actually using a a brave browser or what lmao

>> No.10410030
File: 141 KB, 1000x563, 345B2252-6C23-4E41-8085-45F245626ABA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s your end game?

>> No.10410062

why would I use brave if I'm dumping my bags. the whole integration of using BAT in Brave is dumb. there is no market for people who want to personally pay advertisers, it's moronic. the pump was fun while it lasted

this coin isn't going to be listed so I'm getting out while I can

>> No.10410087

got answers, nice.

>> No.10410102

haha BATtyBoys btfo

>> No.10410107
File: 72 KB, 350x350, 30790886-4DCC-4652-98EF-5412E84473DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your really the whale put a sell order for 77777 BAT on binance right now. Then I’ll believe you.

>> No.10410157

Oh my fucking god he did it

>> No.10410190

this was a classic korean exchange pump and dump. you're retarded if you think people are going to stop using google chrome and adblock for some dumb ass shit.

>> No.10410211

Screenshot now bitch

>> No.10410233


>> No.10410235

they don't have to. it'll be available for chrome as well. OR just wait till v1.0 where it's just gonna be Chrome with privacy built in.

>> No.10410263

But you order could get split up. It's not going to all or nothing, dumb fuck.

>> No.10410269

He literally didnt faggot.

>> No.10410272

*all or none

>> No.10410316

Didn't know. Still doesn't make a difference that people will prefer the more optimal option of adblock.

>> No.10410326

Have you ever tried using Brave/BAT? It's confusing as fuck, even for a nerd like me.

>> No.10410335
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>> No.10410514

Wait did you retards actually wait until Coinbase made an official announcement to buy BAT?

This shit was stagnant for MONTHS and everyone knew it was only a matter of time before they added it. Why the fuck would you buy the pump when this shit was constantly shilled here at the bottom. Goddamn

>> No.10410549

Who's saying they bought the pump in this thread faggot?

>> No.10410585


>> No.10410781
