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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 172 KB, 1024x682, new-2018-honda-civic_si_coupe-manual-8451-17167572-2-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10408938 No.10408938[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's a fair price to pay? Dealers here don't really want to budge below MSRP ($25K on a Civic Si), but I have heard of people getting them around 23k (Invoice price?). Do I hold out for invoice price or walk?

>> No.10408951

Always walk

>> No.10408954

if you aren't in desperate need of a car just walk

>> No.10408955

But used moron new cars are a meme

>> No.10408957

I seen one of these the other day and physically cringed not even kidding

>> No.10408970

the hatchback is probably the best out of the 3 body styles

>> No.10409019

Lol, I commute 120 miles a day to and from work, looking for something reliable with good gas mileage but also sporty and somewhat fun to drive, while being affordable. If I'm driving 3+ hours a day I may as well enjoy it.

>> No.10409053

Just email several dealers if you're firm about it

>> No.10409064


Ask for 23-24 OTD (taxes fees everything) or walk

>> No.10409082

The manufacturer typically sets the margins on new models for the dealership. They're operating inside a narrow window on the new models. The dealership has most of their discretion on trade-in value and preowned vehicle prices.

With that said, new cars are a ripoff. They're for when you're old, out of debt, kids are through college and your house is paid for. Until then, you're much better off buying a basically new car, 2017 model with 10k miles.

>> No.10409083

Ask /o/ the automotive board for advice

>> No.10409119

Fuck that’s a long commute see if there is public transport or if you can join a carpool or better yet get a new job or move closer

>> No.10409147

There's a train but I would have to transfer twice and it would be an even longer commute.. it sucks but I have been doing it for a few years and I'm used to it.

>> No.10409161

Also job is a 6 figure city union job with good benefits and pension, not easily replacable

>> No.10409168

Do yourself a favor and get a RWD/AWD car, unless you're set on the Civic Type R.

I have a Honda Accord Coupe with manual transmission, and I love driving it, but it's not the best handling around corners at speeds.

Fun, but not the best. Now I'd consider a Ford Focus RS (sucks their killing the model) or a Subaru WRX.

>> No.10409180

I have actually considered both of those, I used to own a 2012 Evo but the gas mileage killed me with my commute. Gas mileage is like twice as good on the civic

>> No.10409181

The accord coupe is not known for good handling, but this gen Civic Si is.

>> No.10409182

One of the few cars that I would rather have the model one year older if it means not having a fucked looking rear end.

That jutting ass makes me feel uncomforable, and they made the one on the new accord look too boxy.

And they got rid of the accord coupe

Fuck honda

>> No.10409353

unless you're really well off don't buy a new car, it'll depreciate so much, it's one of the worst "investments" a person can make, and even if you feel ecstatic owning a new vehicle initially that feeling will disappear within a few months.

Don't spend more than ~2-5% of your net worth on a vehicle and even 2-5% is high - in other words if you're looking to buy a $25k car you should have ~$500,000 to $1,250,000+ net worth at minimum

>> No.10409372

>Do yourself a favor and get a RWD/AWD car

>> No.10409387

Download tru car app

>> No.10409412

You're right.. I'm looking at 2016's I can get a much better deal on. But if I make 100k youre saying I should buy a 2k car? I need a car I can commute 25k miles a year in for work not a shitbox that will explode on the highway

>> No.10409428
File: 2.16 MB, 3024x3024, F032F9FA-5413-4212-BFE0-433D30B2681F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broken axel from a CRV with 60k-don’t fall for the japshit meme

>> No.10409438

Get a Volkswagen Golf R. They're also cheap and much better value desu

>> No.10409443

Net worth

>> No.10409447

Toyota corolla

the new one is much better

fuck honda and stupid bitch ass engine 1.5 turboooooo…...more shit to fuck up avoid at all cost...……..new Hondas are UK built design......thy fucked up look at honda compared to Toyota ….

mazda is owned by ford they are fake Japanese …….open the hood brakes are made in china and philipines…..they suck ass especially now that they made in mexico

korea kia Hyundai …...dont get me started with massive 10 year warranty LOL

fuck euro unless you are stupid and have allot of money to piss away with maintenance.....

facts are facts.....corolla is the worlds most sold vehicle

they supply ISIS with killer trucks

get a fukn toyota




>> No.10409479

You can’t really budge too much on a Civic. They know they sell why should they lower the price. I bought a 2018 ex-t. It came to 31 CAD after tax and I put max warranties on it so 37? I think. I drive almost 200km a day, so I’m in a different situation than most people. I will also pass this car to my mom after about 3-5 years. It’s a nice car man, fuel economy is great. Saved about 70$ a week in gas from a v6

>> No.10409486

oh and Nissan is owned by Renault (france)

if you trust French cars electrical design

you wont make it



get a fukn corolla dont be stupid you will save in the long term

200k mile easy with proper maint

my buddy is from OSaka jp

toyota has the highest standards with 3rd party like DENSO

they dont ufuck around

honda has good bikes (its how they started) everyone is a knock off

euro is nice but again why buy a car you could hardly drive

>having to ship your car to italy for oil change GTFO

whale ? lexus LFA


>> No.10409487

i said net worth not annual salary

and ya you should buy something reliable but don't overspend on a car to put yourself in debt or where you're paying an obnoxiously large monthly payment if you can avoid it.

Despite being able to afford new cars, I've intentionally bought older cars (typically ~5 years old) for a fraction that I'd pay for a brand new car and I've never had any reliability issues. Plus at that point most of the value has depreciated already so when I do change cars I can usually get 75-80% of what I originally paid when I sell it years later.

>> No.10409496

Why they don’t really lower the price. They gave me some reduction and a free 5 year rim and tire warranty. I even took off the initial 500$ hidden tire and rim warranty.

>> No.10409515

>fuck euro unless you are stupid and have allot of money to piss away with maintenance
Porsche is an exception, reliability like a Lexus but the problem is the cost of buying one.

>> No.10409517


is this pasta? if not, can someone get me some of whatever this guy is smokin? this is next-level shit man


>> No.10409528

Get a Buick

>> No.10409539
File: 252 KB, 1268x641, C5A5E85F-7D3C-4D8F-897F-843F5F7AE061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10409561

You sound like a car fag. Seems like your guys cars are always broken and you guys spend more time as a hobbyist mechanic than working. Corolla and civics are good. Your elitism is cringe

>> No.10409563

He's right, you can't go wrong with a corolla.

>> No.10409572

Wtf, that's a good-looking car

>> No.10409582
File: 89 KB, 680x465, 52826B9B-347F-41C6-B133-E2E021E3AF9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this for 19k brand new here in Arizona. Faster and more fun than the SI.

>> No.10409640

Go in on last week of the month, they do deals to make sales targets

>> No.10409719

Don't off-road a CRV, dumb fuck.

>> No.10409745

No abuse

>> No.10410044

Move 50 miles closer to your job

>> No.10410892

More fun to drive.

>> No.10411196

All these faggots buying chink shit, real men buy either ford, dodge or Chevy.

>> No.10411202

Hmm I actually like this car. I will look into it thanks

>> No.10411236

>All these faggots buying chink shit, real men buy either ford, dodge or Chevy.
>real men
You mean (((shabot goyim)))?

>> No.10411248
File: 1.61 MB, 5216x2934, IMG_20170115_0659514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stupid faggt listen to me


Why the fuck do you think Ford announced they will no longer make these pieces of shit

Only trucks and mustangs for a reason you cunt





>> No.10411270


>> No.10411281

God those new civics are hideous.

>> No.10411304
File: 1.63 MB, 800x842, 1531767166967~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem is most Americans are stubborn and they dont like to be confronted

Burgers don't have morals or culture THEY LACK HISTORY and same goes with their cars. Good for nothing just trying to mimic euro and JDM......GM and Ford....... Think for one second Japan has thousands of years worth of history (ninjas) and burgers (250+ years) are lucky to make it this far ..........euro is for the elite class (BMW = BREAK MY WALLET)...... Japan is for common man who wants to better himself while caring for others (reliability FUJI HEAVY INDUSTRIES TOYOTA)

>> No.10411318
File: 9 KB, 263x322, 1531834195703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becuase Honda sold themselves to UK

Those new HONDas scream UK

NEW ACcura NSX was designed by a California chick !!!!!!!!!

Staple car from Honda made by burger !!???


>TFW Not old Japanese sensai samurai master behind NSX design

>> No.10411348
File: 309 KB, 561x374, shared__729548637_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2019 Toyota Corolla. Get it and shut the fuck up.

New chasis design

Not a bitch car like previous gen

Naturally aspirated no turbo shit to go wrong down the road

Look up the FJ cruiser and how much value that shit holds.

TOYOTA !!!!!


and when you make it








>> No.10411357

Toyota Hilux can't be destroyed or set on fire

Toyota tundra pulled the space shuttle

Fuck seriously ?


Fuck biz I hope you heed my words

They are the best hands fuckn down

>> No.10411367

The previous gen was atrocious, this looks ok desu

>> No.10411369

Tell the car it's looking good today and then just walk away

>> No.10411388

Usually if you are looking for something reliable then unironically look at what indians, arabians, muslims and african niggers are riding.

You see the key here is that those cars living under the hand of a dirty nigger who doesnt understand jack shit and in an environment that is meant for wild animals - if a car can survive that then holy shit. Some examples:

Toyota Hilux
Toyota (in general)

The list goes on. Those cars will last a lifetime.

If you just want to be a faggot then choose anything you like (i drive a 1000$ volkswagen for 5 years now made in 1998). Best investment in my life unironically. Only had to pay insurance.

>> No.10411393

Question on the Focus ST. It says there's a $3500 manufacturer rebate, bringing the car from 25.5k msrp to 22k. Does this mean the price is non-negotiable, or can I still further haggle down the price and still get that 3500 off?

>> No.10411460

Ok Nick Fuentes chill the fuck out.

>> No.10411469

Did a cowboy fuck your gf or something?

>> No.10411542

>be 2008+10

>being gay enough to own a car

>being so homosexual you buy new

didnt realize this was a fag board

>> No.10411722

>A tradesperson, normally a builder, plumber, roofer etc who performs shoddy work at an inflated price.

>> No.10411744

>buying a new car that loses 33% value after 100miles and another 33% after 10k and subsequently every year afterwards just to feel 'superior'

No wonder you shitheads never make it.