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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10405844 No.10405844[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is /biz/ full of grandiose aryan psuedo intellectuals with no future brighter than that of a peak 80k/yr boomer? also, how can I keep their women off me?

>t. 20yr black non conformist holding 35 eth & 6k nano

>> No.10405856
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why do you white people keep larping on here

>> No.10405860

shutup nigger

>> No.10405906

Hispanic with a six figure job reporting in.
>Muh master race
Whenever I see a white boi with a shitty sedan behind me I always make sure to go as slowly as possible and cut him off when he tries to make a turn. Kek.

>> No.10405911

Whites were born with a cheat code and when they don’t make it they become racist to cope.

“Dem stoopit naggers livin off welfare and steeling my hard earned monies. Susan pass the got damn crack pipe already”

>> No.10405919

>the psuedo intellectual who thinks /biz/ only consists of neanderthals

Spot on kiddo

>> No.10405941

gotta think bigger anon. we need to rival the high society whites.

>> No.10405942

Fucking loser lmaooo

>> No.10405968

im not talking about biz, im talking about you

>> No.10405974

>still holding nano
Checks out.

>> No.10406002


>> No.10406011

I'm a pajeet but light-skinned and chad-looking (or so I'm told), absolutely autistic though.

>> No.10406014

Please fuck my wife

>> No.10406015

All the "high society whites" are either kikes or kike puppets. Whites don't control shit in the 21st century. Why else do you think most of them end up working as blue collared peasant.

>> No.10406020

reminder to sage and hide seething commie/ancap threads
reminder that Trump won and will win again :)

>> No.10406030

You should go to /pol/ and cry there. But user responses will mostly be the same. Once you hit like 50 eth you're gonna get that nagging itch to either buy some bling or jordans or rape a white girl and go to jail. Either way you will part with your cash quickly.

>> No.10406065

I’m unironically a trump supporter

A-Am I “based” yet /biz/? Lmfao

>> No.10406067

Top kek, what an asshole.

>> No.10406121

/pol/ is a micro cesspool of barbaric racism and cope. No place for high IQ

>> No.10406173

High IQ people tend to hate denial of reality. High IQ people can see what is happening they just choose to be silent to save their face.
Hey if you care so much about IQ could you explain the IQ bell curve differences between races?

>> No.10406331

what is it to explain? it’s a statistical generalization. there’s xxxx variables that factor into play. a group’s culture & values being a large one. hence why I’m a black non conformist who only values what matters in regards to getting ahead

>> No.10406348
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>cesspool of barbaric racism
Shows a caricature of a working class white guy.

>> No.10406352

Having a high IQ and being racist do not correlate in any way, there are dumb racists and there are dumb sjws. You are a brainlet if you think otherwise.

>> No.10406414

Don't get it either. Sometimes I see the unironic "want to devote my life to making america white again, killing race-mixers, and genociding the mongs" and it's like, are your parents related? Don't know how people like that get on in life, especially the burgers. Mixed asian here btw, family is composed of medical professionals and STEM pros. You're welcome for the GDP boost.

>> No.10406419

You aren't black. You are from some shitstain euro country getting deep dicked by arabs.

>> No.10406482
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What was wrong with Asia that you had to go to a White country to live? Do you hate your people that much?

>> No.10406519


Senpai were the capitalists in vietnam. Got our properties nationalized by the commies and fled to US thanks to senpai ties to american government. My gen is 1st gen refugees.

>> No.10406530

>doesn’t know that exploiting dumb (white) americans and outsourcing them is a thing

Keep on keepin on whitey. You’re doing great makin Murica Great Again ;)

>> No.10406538
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>how can I keep their women off me?
Easy. They don't fucking want you. Maybe some tier 3 or 4 if you're lucky. HAhaha

>> No.10406541


Yeah, I hate them. Would like to buy up developmental properties there, open a resort, and pay those commies min wage while I rake in delicious tourism dollars.

>> No.10406546

Population growth + America's the greatest country in the world. Note they go to America, not Europe.

>> No.10406550
File: 60 KB, 550x504, A01B0566-056A-49F8-AC52-A22DA9D8171C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come again?

>> No.10406579

Nice GUID file names faggot. Your bait threads glow in the dark.

>> No.10406584

That's not true in any way lol

>> No.10406601

Attractive white chicks hate niggers. They stay as far away as possible and know that they are aggressive and obnoxious and smell like shit. This whole white chicks loving niggers meme is so delusional.

>> No.10406642

But why does /pol/ exclusively jerk off to bmwf

>> No.10406659

>He thinks this counterbalances the fact that whites run the world
Top Kek

>> No.10406696

>what is invalid syllogism?

Keep on copin whitey. You undesirable cuck

>> No.10406712

Why doesn't it trouble you that without white man you'd still be running around cutting each others dicks off? In your place I'd be sitting there quietly trying to be the best I can be instead of resorting to hate and chimp outs. But what can you do... You can take a black man out of the jungle but you cannot take the jungle out of black man. Maybe with time. Let's hope.

>> No.10406735

>thinks whites run the world
>doesn’t realize the Mr. Shekelberg is currently wiping out their second fiddle

>> No.10406764
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Here you go nig nogs:



Hahahaha. Cope niggers. It's a meme.

>> No.10406767

I make about 90k a year in an extremely low cost of living state (equivalent salary is over 200k in new york) and I'm 28. Not all of biz is a bunch of poor larping teenagers.

>> No.10406781

"Black and Hispanic men receive half as many first contact emails from white women as white men do and Asian men are contacted only about one fourth as often."

"An African-American man would have to earn $154,000 more than a white man in order for a white woman to prefer him. A Hispanic man would need to earn $77,000 more than a white man, and Asian man would need, remarkably, an additional $247,000 in additional annual income."

Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Science bro.

>> No.10406799

You've done it nao 'Arry Poa. He's about to start spamming bbc cuck porn.