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10404490 No.10404490 [Reply] [Original]

ITT people that got REKT or were terribly wrong.

>> No.10404498


>> No.10404504
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>> No.10404515

hahahah fucking TA fags I hope he sees it so he can remember how much of a failure he is. I'm going to start a collection, there is just tooo much wrong TA fags in there

>> No.10404525

post the screencaps you've made of cooky faggot that were proven to be wrong.

>> No.10404542

kek renko and all the other bear shills are so transparent in their manipulation

>> No.10404544
File: 828 KB, 2260x1026, Trend lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The absolute state of TA

>> No.10404551

I had some but I lost them. Problem is, you don't really see how wrong they were by just posting the picture. You would have to overlay the current price, but it's too much work

>> No.10404558

well it worked didnt it you dumb faggot

>> No.10404577
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>> No.10404687

lel nice

>> No.10404738
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love a good rekt thread

>> No.10404765
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>> No.10404787
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>> No.10404797
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>> No.10404846
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>> No.10404914
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>> No.10404946

>normies shorting
>bottom reached
like clockwork

>> No.10404953

I bought MOD at like 4 or 5 bucks...

>> No.10404979
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>> No.10405002
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>> No.10405010


wtf does he mean?

>> No.10405033
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A few days old.

>> No.10405037
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he bought the most blatant pump and dump of the year at the top, then poloniex froze bytecoin withdraws

>> No.10405047
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>> No.10405067
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>> No.10405076


I dont know why but by the way it was written I thought he shorted and people were buying just to fuck his day up and he was calling those people "criminals"

>> No.10405088
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these guys

>> No.10405093
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>> No.10405132


>10m worth of BTC
>keeps fucking trading it

Some people will just never be happy no matter how much they get.

Also more on the NEM guy I just found from the post on bitcointalk


>> No.10405141


>> No.10405171

this thread is sad

>> No.10405188

fucking perma traders lmao

>> No.10405200
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>> No.10405207
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This is the best thread of 2018. Please keep going. Im loving this!

>> No.10405224
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let differentiate people that were scammed by exchanges from people that were confident in their positions and got absolutely rekt.
Poor guy, but what with the retarded placement of that comma?

>> No.10405225

Is that lambo getting repod?

>> No.10405243
File: 220 KB, 1267x942, just1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10405253

>illegally liquidated
Can I get a rundown.

>> No.10405261

crypto the post

>> No.10405267

gambling addiction is an hell of a drug.

>> No.10405282

If this is not LARP i would literally go to India and KYS.

>> No.10405285

>mass adoption
>the future of money

>> No.10405291

>im gonna buy when its lower
>now that it went lower, i dont have faith in the project anymore

>> No.10405337
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This is a special one

>> No.10405342

Some days I feel bad I didn't tether up at peak and lost 25%, which is still 1500% more than what I started with. Some people are down on their initial lmao

>> No.10405343


>> No.10405349
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>> No.10405357


>> No.10405361
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>> No.10405393
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>original investment was $1.5k
>peak was $240k
>current is $7k after cashing out $10k

just enjoying the ride desu, wish i paid off my student loans but oh well

>> No.10405402


>> No.10405424

Shit. When did you start? I started with ~1k on Christmas so I missed most of the big trades. Peaked at 21.5k and I'm sitting on 15k now

>> No.10405452

Top level REKTum

>> No.10405518

bought xby in may 2017 for fractions of a cent, held for ages and was rewarded when it hit over $0.80 in early jan, never sold though and it's back to like $0.03 so gg me

made my own crypto in feb this year and even through the bear market i've already made $50k by slowly selling off the dev fund, easy money if you have minimal dev skills and a lot of spare time

>> No.10405519

is that kacktus ?

>> No.10405521
File: 230 KB, 1080x1380, 20180704_011953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget that fateful day on Binance when someone or something paid 96 BTC for 1 SYS

>> No.10405537

Seems like this TA was correct...?

>> No.10405564

what exactly is going on here?

>> No.10405573
File: 458 KB, 720x711, 1530652873797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he actually paid over 1k btc for 11 sys not to mention the 13k btc for 13k sys

>> No.10405592

I see a future where idiots lose their purchasing power due to their own mistakes as a brighter one tbqh.

>> No.10405624

Good god, I did not know it got worse. Bots were a mistake

>> No.10405632

always do the opposite of what TA says unless you don't think you wanna because reasons

>> No.10405636

what the fuck even is that number? 10? 10,000? 10,000,000?

>> No.10405772
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after that I put my some ridiculous sell order on my long therm holds
you never know

>> No.10405805
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>> No.10405811

Wtf is with that guy? I was listening to whalepool when he just went into shock and left the chat.

>> No.10405962

guyse post scammed tron pajeet that was golden

>> No.10406066


>> No.10406090

It was actually wash trading to launder money. Anyone with a sensible bone in their bodies can figure out that this guy didn't accidentally burn hundreds of thousands.

>> No.10406525
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the fuck happened here?

>> No.10406551
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>> No.10406680


>> No.10406880

Holy shit, goes all in with money he borrowed..

>> No.10407218

Ah, I see. I just started setting up my mining rig in June 2017 and I sold off my eth as I got it to recoup the cost. From what I understand making a crypto isn't too hard, but I don't know what to even make it for, how to shill it, etc

>> No.10407294

requesting the greentext posted september 2017
where the canadian guy lost all of the inuits' money,
got fired from his job and got assigned to septic tank duty the rest of his life

>> No.10407431

the transactions were reversed and he got his funds back

>> No.10407762

Dude it doesn't work like that though.
Do you really think an exchange that holds those moonshots is going to let one of their customers take those gainz? LMFAO

>> No.10407801
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This one will always be my favorite.

>> No.10407915

Fucking retard still using leverage in crypto over like $100.

>> No.10408614

I can't remember if it was that same day, but another guy went long, saying he was done, and going to neck himself. He ended up making a shit load of money.

>> No.10408728
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>>10404577 >>10404738 >>10404797 >>10404979 >>10405033

>> No.10408897


>> No.10408914

did okex actually fuck him over?

>> No.10408936

what's going on here?

>> No.10409415
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