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10402783 No.10402783 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to fix Japan’s economy?

>> No.10402792

colonize it

>> No.10402795

nuke em

>> No.10402806

Ban bitcoin

>> No.10402808

They need more diversity.

>> No.10402813

They need a tech resurgence. They barely have any startups. Also they gotta let in all them weebs.

>> No.10402829

dont taint the holy land with your shit whitu pajeetu

>> No.10402835

More Japanese kids

>> No.10402836

2 nukes improved them slighlty. 2 more should do the trick.

>> No.10402846
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nuclear powerplant

>> No.10402856

Allow Muslim Immigrants

>> No.10402868

It's doing fine, robots and AI will pick up the slack shortly, then there'll be a cure for aging within like 5-10 years.

>> No.10402876

Fuck off achmed

>> No.10402883
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>> No.10402926

Fix the culture that requires them to spend 16 hours at work and foments a minimalist lifestyle with no spouse.

>> No.10402957

They need more working women and stay at home dads

>> No.10402964

Less corruption, population boom, reduce dependent population, no copycat neighbors

>> No.10403008
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I would trade a weaker economy for less shitskins anytime

>> No.10403118

1. Pay couples to have kids, hence promoting child birth.
2. Have jobs ready for young people, everyone not going off to college should be FORCED into a job by the government.
3. Promote activities at every work place where you will meet and do whatever with your work buddies.

That's all you need to slowly fix shit in Japan. One of the main reasons japanese people don't have kids anymore is simply because japanese males are BETA and would rather prefer being alone than to go out on weekends and find a girl to talk to. This will get changed instantly if you push them forward.
Same shit goes for the western world to be honest, not at the same scale.. but its getting there (amongst white people).

>> No.10403202

Maybe encourage women not to pursue careers and have children, and encourage men to work, is an idea they should think of.

>> No.10403265
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I like the way Snrub thinks.

>> No.10403329

Too late. Japanese females makes up roughly 40% of the japanese labor force. There's no other way than to make women work AND get kids.
Or.. they could import immigrants, but I don't think anyone wants that to happen to Japan.

>> No.10403338


Japanese people are way too risk averse and their businesses are stagnant

>> No.10403563

hard with all manufacturing going to China. They need to become innovators now, either in pharma or tech, but tech is too cornered I think.

Their best bet is to go full into their entertainment business like Korea and let that be their main export. Better anime and better games. Those two may lead into more music and movie exports

>> No.10403708

Fill the shithole with immigrants.

>> No.10404243

Colonize North America

>> No.10404291

The main reason cited for Japanese people not having kids is the economy, How do these people not have jobs? Aren't all Asians good with computers and shit? Didn't they used to be the electronics hub of the world? I think they should invade China and make them pay for stealing all of their business.

>> No.10404305

more black people

>> No.10404322

they have four jobs each paying below US minimum wage

>> No.10404329

It’s not that they don’t have jobs, it’s that their wage growth sucks, and no one wants to have a family when you are barely getting by as it is,

>> No.10404339

They have jobs. They just happen to spend 80hrs a week working in them.

>> No.10404346

It's the opposite. They have a job but it's almost a slavery by Western standards.

>> No.10404347

often they do have jobs, work culture is fucked up in japan. Work the same job for 40 years with no raise, no overtime

>> No.10404364

deregulation. holy fuck this countrt is a meme. theyve got a fucking tax and paperwork for anything you want to do and its a bureaucratic shithole. fucking japanese are so unimaginative they have amaaazing lakes all over this country and no one uses them because you need a fucking permit to swim holy fuck this place is a bubble of risk averse, unimaginative betas

>> No.10404368


>> No.10404369

Why don't they loosen up? I don't get it.

>> No.10404379

>What is the best way to fix Japan’s economy?
Mandatory nude dancing, coed classes.

>> No.10404438

Because this is what happens you combine ‘being a hard worker’ with collectivism. You get a hyper competitive culture that forces you into a salaryman position that discourages / shares failure so enreuprenership is discouraged.

It’s not even real productivity in a lot of cases, it’s working hard to show others you’re working hard.

>> No.10404451

Honoring your family is not a meme in the Asian cultures. If you don't work hard and sacrificing your life for it, you dishonor.

>> No.10404475

more gundams

>> No.10404494

I'm pretty sure they know they work too much, nobody wants to take the first step to chill out the work culture

>> No.10404671

>increase immigration of skilled workers
>decrease maximum amount of work hours per month through stricter regulation and work policies
>build more kindergartens
>tax benefits for having children
>decrease pensions for retirees

Unfortunately none of this will happen since ((((boomers)))) control Japan and young japs have given up on politics

>> No.10404704


>> No.10404713
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>What is the best way to fix Japan’s economy?
But in all seriousness, the best way is for the sun to shine once more.

>> No.10404720

Good goy.

>> No.10404722
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>> No.10404736

Open borders. Flood the country with stinky pajeets and future terrorists. It will "fix" the economy. The Japanese people may not fare so well but hey, GDP growth is priority number one am i rite

>> No.10404752

invade china? at this point china can invade japan, if it weren't for the protection of the US.

>> No.10404767


>> No.10404796

Mr. Obama?

>> No.10404805

China can just tell the US it's going to invade Japan, and good 'ol Donald will support them.

>> No.10404835

They better leave my kawaii anime land alone (T.T) yamero china-kun

>> No.10404861


This. About time they also share the enrichment.

>> No.10404877
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China can try to invade but i doubt theyd be this kawaii.

>> No.10405194

make them buy bitcoin

>> No.10405400

first one would have to make the men stop mocking women for being useless for staying at home. Also, guarantees that they won't get shitcanned after lobotomizing themselves with children for ten years.

>> No.10406071

You cannot pay someone enough. The cost of the kid outweighs the benefit of the tax break/ payment