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10401471 No.10401471 [Reply] [Original]

You're 19 years old again. What do you do differently?

>> No.10401481


>> No.10401482


>> No.10401492


In the shitter but I'm pretty happy in the shitter so idk.

>> No.10401494

Better choose friends.

>> No.10401496

Buy bitcoin at 2010 prices

>> No.10401499

I would like to say that I would go to a real school and get the best grades but if I actually went back I would be the same complacent bitch boy fapping to loli

>> No.10401503

Drop out of college, get a job, buy BTC, and talk to more grils

>> No.10401507


>> No.10401512

Dump my gf at the time immediately

>> No.10401519

Tell my broke loser parents to fuck off for good sooner, begin saving money immediately rather than trying to help them first.

>> No.10401520

recentyl turned 19.
nothing good happened in my life in the last 8 years.
any advice?

>> No.10401523

Fuck all the chicks i've had the chance to

>> No.10401538

study crypto intensively now

>> No.10401545

Fucking this. Can’t belive I let that relationship carry on for another 3 years... also wait a couple months for satoshi to post about buttcoin

>> No.10401547

With 5k$ at 10 cents per btc, you could own 50,000 BTC. For current value of 350 million usd.

>> No.10401552


>> No.10401564

Read all of Nassim Taleb’s books and start developing skills / start businesses.

>> No.10401566

I wouldn't bang my best friends sisters, and ex-gfs. I lost four of my best dude friends by thinking with my prick. honestly gents, if you have guy friends, bros before hoes is serious.

also buy btc at 2010 prices.

>> No.10401586

Drop out of that faggy university I was forced to go and buy BTC at $300.

>> No.10401592

i'd fuck hundreds of beautiful women. i was a beautiful young man, 6'6, dark hair, blue eyes. alas i was bluepilled as fuck and weird. still managed to hook up with some of the hottest girls in my college but i was far too autistic and awkward to really be the man.

i'd also go into AI instead of studying philosophy at university, or at least double major. and i'd get a graduate degree in AI for sure.

i'd focus on music a lot more too, get really good at an instrument.

>> No.10401612

Sell in january

>> No.10401615

Honestly, I considered buying BTC in 2011 but didn't really understand what is was and wallet storage seemed too complicated so I lost interest
I considered buying for 50$, so I'd still have 500 BTC now, but I probably used those 50$ to buy a mp3 or something
Yes, I hate myself

>> No.10401630

But I am 19....

>> No.10401664


think smaller and actually try to finish some ideas, get practical knowledge about how to start a business earlier (basic finance and some law), keep friends, other than that do what i did

>> No.10401686

>i'd focus on music a lot more too, get really good at an instrument.

lol why, i did that and it feels like so much wasted time. ill add that into my original post

>> No.10401763

same story
apathetic about it though
at the time it looked like some funny internet money only used by junkies, pedophiles and libertarians
you can't knock yourself for not throwing your money at something you don't understand, that's actually a rational decision

>> No.10401916

Apart from the obvious "buy BTC or stocks before they mooned and become rich" cop out:

> take better care of my health (regular gym, no fast food)
> take TRT/testosterone injections
> focus on maintaining better relationships with my family
> focus a little less on my romantic relationship(s) and more on myself, which ironically would enhance my relationship(s) anyway
> experience love and loss a lot younger to desensitize myself to the effect
> focus on a trade or starting my own businesses, rather than going to university

>> No.10401935

Fuck more 19 year olds

>> No.10401982

Buy btc desu

>> No.10402006


>> No.10402029

Can I just stay as I am? Things went pretty well and honestly I don't think I would get as lucky as I did this time again.

>> No.10402033

focus on building a career instead of spending years playing WoW

>> No.10402049
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on Tradeogre.

>> No.10402073

I'd slaughter the nigger that fucked my ex girlfriend and burn that coal burning whore in acid. Take her life insurance policy and dump my new found money bags in crypto. The rest is history

>> No.10402084

why cant you do that now?

>> No.10402099
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I buy BTC and I get my colon checked because it was cancer. Also I lift more weights.

>> No.10402124

Study and do what I really wanted to do, not driving all my decisions from a financial perspective. 48 boomer here.

>> No.10402143

Im 19 yrs old and have 25 ethereum. Will I make it?

>> No.10402177

no longer a beneficiary to that bop. it's fine though time will nigger her for meh

>> No.10402239

I’d buy BTC at 2009 prices. Funnily enough I probably had a 5-10k usd savings at the time. Holy fuck that’s be awesome

>> No.10402280

Yeah, I bought 50 ETH and a bunch of divi stocks at 21 and now at 23 I have a business and a model gf

>> No.10402313

Buy btc under 1 cent.

>> No.10402369

>Buy bitcoin
>Let him live
>Study seriously
>Take my sport seriously
>Never go to parties
>Give up time to spend with friends I lose in a couple of years anyway.

>> No.10402399

Apart from the obvious, do enough juice and diet enough to be 200lbs with abs, dress better and be as cocky as I am now as a 30 year old boomer

Then I get to be a manslut at 19, not at 28 when I figured this shit out

>> No.10402433

Deop out of programing and go with market or business psycology. Maybe marketing.

For tou young idiots out there. If you arent top 10% in your studies, you really arent into it or you arent buildt for it. Just go to wherevwe you can become top 10%. Thats where you belong

Dont judge a fish by its ability to climb trees.

>> No.10402447


>> No.10402528

mine BTC in 2008 using every laptop i can find

>> No.10402532


I'm in this position now. Trying to find jobs and they all want me to do these crazy whiteboard examinations and I'm starting to think i'm not cut out for it.

Hopefully I can transition into something else.

>> No.10402738

I spend the next 10 years working 50 hours a week and eating ramen and buy as much bitcoin as I can. When ethereum comes out I buy as much as I can.

>> No.10402784


>> No.10402809

>dies of internal ulcers and cancer thanks to all the msg and preservatives in instant ramen after 10 years

>> No.10402810

>go to Asia
>teach English
>bang many Asian women

Oh yeah, also mine a ton of btc.

>> No.10402823

Never start drinking

>> No.10402840

Don't taste my cum

>> No.10402854

because if i had just focused on that with what i know now i'd be a famous musician instead of a 33 year old boomer lawyer

>> No.10402862

I'm 18 still so no.

>> No.10402884

Stop being so picky about who I fuck and literally fuck every girl I meet who wants to, which would have been easily a couple hundred when I was in college but I was a stuck up Chad and limited it to like 15-20. I even turned down a 10/10 because she was 16 and I handed her off to my friend. What the fuck was wrong with me?

>> No.10402887

I'm okay. It's just a ride which I cannot recommend and also just a waste of time. 2 years of life just poof.

>> No.10402895

Let's just hope I can go back a second time then.

>> No.10402906

The good news is, not much differently

The bad news is:
>Try to have sex with more women
>Put everything I had into Ethereum and Bitcoin
>Break up with my current gf when we weren't already moved in together
>Make. More. Friends.

>> No.10402959
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if 19 and have traveled back in time, invest in google, facebook, apple and amazon. i'd get a job because ive not worked all my life and i think i missed out on a lot of social stuff

if 19 but today (no time travel) i'd just make sure to party more and value my friends more. the older you get the more you need people you knew when you were young.

>> No.10403060

So much shit

Lift weights asap, move out asap, travel asap, get my motorcycle asap. Just enjoy life before you become a jaded motherfucker because it will happen eventually. No one tells you this but you literally become desensitized to everything as you age. Its hard to explain. Its like I can never be in the "moment" anymore. Music doesn't sound as good, drugs aren't as good, novelty seeking becomes more and more extreme to feel something.

>> No.10403132

imagine being 19 now and browsing this board

>> No.10403138

Fuck. all these lucky zoomers

>> No.10403244

Drop the engineering degree plan and start working instead
Although the engineering college kept me erect and comfy through 5 years so whatever

>> No.10403258


you would not

>> No.10403278

Not join the Army

>> No.10403298

So what

>> No.10403321

Dump the vidya and value my time properly.

>> No.10403324

Kill myself

>> No.10403364


>> No.10403418
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you mean YOU literally become desensitized to everything

>> No.10403427

19 for me was 3 years ago, already have regrets

>skip college, $10k wasted
>start my online business sooner
>move out and find my own apartment
>knew about bitcoin but never invested, only mined it. should have put $1k into it
>take better care of my health

I am 22 and already starting to feel time run away on me. Crypto is unironically my only shot at getting on my feet. I have major doubts about it working out

>> No.10403440
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>mfw reading this thread

>> No.10403453

oh and forgot to add: spend more time with my father because he died 4 years later

>> No.10403460

I feel genuinely sorry for those that didn't do this during their 20s. Should be required living for all Western (white) Males

>> No.10403461

Quit chasing being a chef and join the union hall instead of waiting til thirty

>> No.10403497
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Where were you when I was 19, anon?

>> No.10403506

>invest in x
is shit, because at the time being you didn't know the prices

>> No.10403507
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Don't go the route of NEETdom.
>Two years later and still a NEET (AN a no-coiner :C)

>> No.10403535

nothing, wish i browsed the chans at 19, i wouldnt be a poorfag today

>> No.10403545

Did you do it? Can you tell me more? Which country? How do you get such a teaching job?

>> No.10403555

Get a math degree instead of chemistry

>> No.10403587

Quit spending $500 a week on cocaine and not buy a 2016 Maxima platinum

>> No.10403609

join the army faster

>> No.10403624

ITT: losers who would like to change their life or buy btc/Eth

What would I change? Nothing because I'm not a faggot who hates himself for not predicting the future

>> No.10403637

You are 22 and your only hope is crypto? Do you have AIDS or something?

>> No.10403652

Assuming this exact time of the year? I think my shit wasn't JUST'd yet so I would get a fucking job ASAP.

>> No.10403658

Obviously stop playing vidya and use my gaming rig to mine early-era Bitcoin 24/7. Spend all that extra free time getting /fit/

>> No.10403668

this and sell everything I own and buy bitcoin

still join the air force though living in europe for 3 years was fucking dank

>> No.10403709

Cambodia and China. Fucked both whores and girls till I found a proper wife.

just get a BA and go. I literally walked around Phnom Penh for a couple of hours and found a job. 1400$ a month for 20 hour work weeks with a paid apartment.

China I made 3k, same style plus private teaching 100/hour

Not to mention Wechat, MoMo,TanTan slaying every other night.

>> No.10403719
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Smartest guy in the room

>> No.10403721

buy eth
then buy xrb
the real question is what to do going forward

>> No.10403768

Stop playing video games and watching anime until I get a diploma to enter a field I actually care about instead of rotting in my night shift job that's the only one I found but that is leading me to depression and panic attacks

>> No.10403807

Well done, anon.

>> No.10403857

not listen to people, but listen to myself

>> No.10404040

This is big

>> No.10404129


>> No.10404181

I'm a good looking (two young fuck buddies) reasonably wealthy ($100k in alts) PhD of math working in AI, have a flat, live in centeal Europe. Unironically the best time of my live, so there's not much.

Well of course I'd get into BTC early and I'd try to get much learner and stay there. Being lean seems about the only real requirement for pussy these days (with tinder and all), if you're not suffering from anxiety.

I learned Python rather late, so maybe I'dbe a tad more useful if I learned scripting at least before 23

>> No.10404240

That would be the year 2000, focus on making money and buying stock somewhere in 2002/03, ride that up to the end of 2007, bet heavily on the 2004,08,12, and 16 elections, buy 10,000 bitcoin when it comes out.

>> No.10404253

Would tell myself three things:
1) get fit and stay fit. All the “beauty is skin deep” bullshit is garbage. Women are shallow and horny.
2) believe in yourself. You can literally do anything for a career that you want. Don’t listen to your bullshit friends or anyone else. In fact leave your “friends”
3) around 3010 you’re going to hear about something called bitcoin buy all you can and hold on to it

>> No.10404254

buy bitcoin
max out my 401k
invest in low fee vanguard index funds
other than that i did pretty good. paid off student loan debt quickly, got my first piece of property that i'm paying off... just wish my parents weren't such idiots and could have taught me about investing (they're MAGA idiots who hoard cash, baseball cards, and silver).

>> No.10404617
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I'm the guy who did all the things corretly at 19

Now at 24 i'm a powerful neet slumlord
It's basically "Living the dream: Ultra Comfy Edition"