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10394757 No.10394757 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you have it and if so, have you solved it/lived with it?? I feel more braindead than I ever have before.

>> No.10394772
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join the club

>> No.10394780

What do you do all day? If you're not engaging yourself physically and mentally on the regular, your mental health will suffer for it.

>> No.10394785

smoking weed helps me

>> No.10394808

It helps you to be more of a brainlet than you actually are. Stop giving retard advice.

>> No.10394831

maybe but it really feels like it helps. and my doctor prescribed it.

>> No.10394892

cannabis opens up new novel neural pathways.

>> No.10394906

explain what brain fog is?

>> No.10394965

Ketosis solves all ills. Cheap, sensible and time tested by 200 thousand years of human history.

>> No.10394981


You are probably spending way too much time on screens

>> No.10395117

This. Brain gets sensory overload and overstretches its concentration abilities to the limit to a point when it can't cope anymore and fogs up. It fucks up your body too in the process and that creates a vicious cycle.

To make permanent change there are a few things to do - first diet. Stay away from any processed food, anything alcoholic, sweet or fired. Go on a plant based diet for a few weeks. If you smoke - stop. If you drink any kind of soda, even diet or energy drinks - stop. Make water and unsweetened quality tea your best friend instead.

Also you need to go out more, get some exercise out in the sun, just a brisk walk will do. You body needs to experience sunshine every day in order to keep hormonal balance and you also need to improve your blood circulation and that's best done by moving your ass.

Learn how to relax, meditate. It's important to learn how to empty your brain of thought every once in a while. You physical well being has a lot to do with your subconscious mind, and that part of your mind only reacts to what goes on in the conscious part of it. The problem is that the subconscious bit can't tell if the stuff that goes on in the conscious bit is real or imagined, it only reacts to it, fucking up your central nervous system and hormones in the process. If there is peace of mind, there is peace in the body too.

You also need patience, this shit won't go away overnight. In fact, changing your lifestyle this way could make you feel worse temporarily, as you body detoxes and rebalances. But it will all improve dramatically after a while, guaranteed. Just stick it out for a couple of weeks and then see for yourself.

>> No.10395122

Its caused by masturbation retards

>> No.10395135

Cured with nofap

>> No.10395269

POIS is real. There is a reason why porn is free.

>> No.10395280


Its not easy but this is the only way to do it.


>> No.10395290

In addition to what most posts ITT thread say, I'd also tell you to quit caffeine or cut it back to a smaller dose. Caffeine makes you a zombie.

>> No.10395683

Enjoy your eventual schizophrenia. I pity the poeple who will have to deal with you when that day comes.

>> No.10395699

It literally doesn't, but potheads are too dumb to accept that, and they keep getting dumber and more mentally ill.

>> No.10395744

i used to have it, completely solved by losing weight through diet change

used to weigh nearly 300lbs (only 6'0) and felt terrible, always exhausted, sweating, depressed, and tons of brain fog.

Decided to go on a ketogenic diet, cut out all carbs/sugar, no longer eat fast food, soda, processed foods of any kind, etc. Went from ~295lbs to 180lbs in less than 1 year.

>Brain fog gone
>energy at all time high
>not depressed
>more ambitious

i can't put into words how great and happy I feel now. get healthy and your brain fog will disappear. Don't do drugs, don't use alcohol, don't smoke, don't eat sugar or HFCS, don't eat junk food.

>> No.10395807
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I had 3 problems.

>I was smoking (4 years). 1 pack a day.
>I was not eating healthy.
>I was drinking alcohol on workdays.
>I was sleeping 4-6 hours per day.
>I was fapping a lot. Like 1 per day.

What helped me?

>Quit smoking on day 1. Save money and hp. Saved about 120$/month.
>Eating healthy. Buying rice with veggies and meat for 2$/kg. Save money and hp. Saved about 150$/month compared to my old habbits of pizza, fried meat etc.
>Not drinking on workdays. NOTHING. And not drinking beer. If i drink on parties, i take clear vodka shots. Saving about 50-100$/month by not drinking on workdays.
>Still sleeping 6 hours per day bcs i dont like sleeping.
>Went to a gym and currently fit. I am happy because i like what i see in the mirror.

You really need to lose bad habits which destroy you, but also cost shitloads of money. Thanks to my changes i save about 300$/month and i am more healthy. What is better for any bizlet lol?

>> No.10396244

After 10 years of drinking 3-5 stron caffes during the day I went to ZERO caffe a day. Fuck it was hard. Dwo days I was like a dead brain zombie. Ive mixed it with porn clean up. Gash was dead sleeping for two days, so I guess my body was exhausted. I quit drinking and weed 6 years ago..caffe and porn the last point of my reptile resistance.. god speed anons!!!

>> No.10396393

>Supporting your argument with some super rare condition with symptoms largely unrelated to OP.
Go back to /r/nofap or wherever you came from.

>> No.10396423

The government has been suppressing your amygdala with fluoride. They want to keep us from attaining enlightenment. At least that's what I heard on /pol

>> No.10396427

It was mostly weight loss for me as well.

>> No.10396448

Listen to this man because he is right.

>> No.10396461

>Weed causes schizophrenia
Source on this?

>> No.10396464

not cause but it can trigger it.
though didn't happen with me, i'd have it by now already.
i'm 26 and my dad was scizophrenic.

>> No.10397003
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I'll give you some advice op. I got into a pretty bad car accident and had a concussion that went undiagnosed. After the initial healing I felt sluggish and not all their, kind of how you're feeling. This sensation took anywhere from 3months to a year. I can't quite remember when I got my psyche back, but I did remember just feeling brain dead and then I felt like myself once again. What I did was exercise a lot during my brain fog period. I also did a lot of studying for school.
All in all, try to push yourself to feeling better but don't over exert yourself at any one day. Some days you might not be able to do anything and you should respect that.

>> No.10397008

Stop eating shit. Start eating proper food. Look into intermittent fasting.

>> No.10397150


They just want to stop us from figuring out they are all satan worshipping kiddie diddlers

>> No.10397160

It can also trigger panic attacks and anxiety. For some people it helps with anxiety.

Basically, it's a fucking drug and people, particularly teenagers whose brains are still developing, shouldn't be smoking it unsupervised willy-nilly.

>> No.10397162


Everyone here is full of shit OP. You don't have to give up modern comfort to cure your fog. VAPE NICOTINE. Preferably WTA. Buy a full kit for 40 bucks and limit yourself to 2ml every 3 days, use it for its after effects–which include strong ability to focus, hightened levels of thinking, and increased physical performance. You can even use it to reprogram yourself to have better habits because of its effect on your brain's reward system.
I had serious brain fog starting when I entered puberty and exacerbated by heavy pot use in college. The first time I had nicotine it was like I could finally use my brain again. It is worth trying.
Look up why tobacco became popular in the first place. It has real cognitive benefits. We're incredibly lucky we can get those without smoking.

>> No.10397172

Brother I had a concussion too. What you did is right, exercise and study. But after the concussion, you have to take like 1 week of rest. Check biophotomodulation and neurofeedback.
Also OP, food. Research macronutriments.try non processed shit. Meditate. Later on maybe intermittent Fasting, exercise.

>> No.10397190

>Two patients, in whom POIS was suspected to be caused by auto-immune reaction to their own semen, were successfully treated by allergen immunotherapy with their own autologous semen.
>They were given multiple subcutaneous injections of their own semen for three years

>> No.10397206

Yeah, inhale a neurotoxin in semi-lethal quantities. What could possibly go wrong...

>> No.10397234

This. Been on keto for over a month now I used to have brain fog so bad I'd daydream mid sentence now my mental focus is insane. Definitely changed my life.

>> No.10397248

Why don't you research it before you spout off what you assume is the truth?
I bet you think aspartame gives people dementia. Nicotine isn't what kills people it is the habitual inhalation of smoke over a long period of time, coupled with artifacts from the preparation of tobacco (in the instace of dip and to a much lesser degree snus). Study a subject before you make baseless claims.