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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10394482 No.10394482 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain how this shit works? Is this just some bullshit get rich quick scheme for poorfags?


>> No.10394920

Bump pls

>> No.10395353


Faster better clone, brand new
Free money

>> No.10395361


A clone of a clone? Are you fucking kidding me.

>> No.10395364


no dividends go to devs

>> No.10395370

faster is worse in this context
already went from 2500 hours to 2000 hours with just 4 eth in the pot
meaning anyone who gets in now is less likely to profit

>> No.10395439

2000 hours is still a lot

>> No.10395471

>can't math, the post
you need the pot to go 5x to ROI in the F3D model
4 eth took the timer from 2500 to 2000
ergo even if all the remaining time was bought, you'd only get about 16 more eth, and anyone who gets in now would barely break even
that's the best case scenario. if people just let the timer run, you're fucked
fomofive works because 5000 hours and 1 second per key lets the key scaling work its magic to raise returns. 2500 hours and 10 seconds are intrinsically flawed values, and there's no point to that clone save for conning suckers into thinking they can get early on the working formula of fomofive

>> No.10395487

Each key removes 10 seconds, but key price scales up

>> No.10395513

feels like i'm talking to a brainlet
literally addressed that point in the post you're replying to. 10s per key goes too fast for the key scaling to rise fast enough. the game will end before 20 eth in the pot and the keys won't even have doubled in price by then

>> No.10395527

Doing quick maths, it's about 110 eth for the game to end right now.

>> No.10395543

I don't understand how you retards can spend money on the 59th clone of fomo3d. 131 eth scam wow. instead you could make real money with snowdividends.com

>> No.10395861

i wonder if biz could come up with a better game?

>> No.10395933

Not necessarily better, rather more autistic. I can definitely picture aa FOMO BIZ version with overdesigned code that will communicate via chainleak nodes and have like autistic boomer memes instead of the existing team mascots.


>> No.10396030

you gamble on how long the game will go (you need about 5x of the current pot in those games to make back your investment), or if it went on long enough you can try to snipe the accumulated pot.
In this version the timer goes down for each key bought, it's currently at 188 days (down from 200 yesterday). So it accumulated 133 eth and -12 days in one day. If we assume it keeps up the tempo it's going to end in about 15 days and the pot will do at least 10x from now.
These things tend to slow down when it reaches a certain critical point where it no longer looks profitable, however this version incentivizes 'sniping' the pot closer to the end, so some later investments are guaranteed.
Looks to be still a good entry point at this stage.

>> No.10396273

This is probably the only interesting clone as it changes the rules significantly.

Anyone done the math on when a whale could buy it out and profit

>> No.10396311

guys just get in fomolightning the pot is only at 2eth rn coz new round just started

>> No.10396313

Why buy into this instead of wait for Fomo3D Quick? that shit will 10x your money in a day if you get in quickly

>> No.10396321

because it's here now

>> No.10396326

Fomo3D Quick will be here in less than 4 days.. You won't break even at this before it comes out.

>> No.10396328

I already made my money back nigga

>> No.10396332

Shit like this is why I bet the next project will be closed source.

>> No.10396356

Ponzi is the new trend? Made more from this than gains from past 6 months.

>> No.10396389

Best use case for eth..!

>> No.10396443

Worth buying in now?

>> No.10396548

Definitely. I predict that the pot will rise to at least 600 eth before the official Fomo3D Quick launches.

>> No.10396595

Other than your retarded prediction? Why should I put my money in?

>> No.10396644

Well that is up to you. IF my prediction holds, you will get your eth back and then some. If not, I probably won't make my eth back myself. I'm in the same boat too, you know, waiting for people to fomo in for those sweet divs.

>> No.10396662

i think no one knows what will happen and this is not a game but a gamble
but this game launched yesterday and will run at least for a month, yes it will slow down, but in the end a lot of people would want the pot because 135-200 eth is a lot duh
your choice anon, i did not break even yet but got a good feeling about this since it can end and my guess is that there will be a fight over the pot

>> No.10396752

Guys get in or stay poor, real FOMO gonna start soon

>> No.10396803

That rhymes, ima get in

>> No.10396954

It would take 388 ETH to buy out the pot.

>> No.10396971

What if a whale does it in two steps? Then gains divs on second buy and takes pot?

>> No.10396977

Right now? It would take 25k eth not 388 eth.

>> No.10397014

This seems better to get into. Still just 4.5 eth in

>> No.10397129

As long as this is shilled, people will FOMO

>> No.10397283

im all in!
Guys just get in the train and shill it like crazy

>> No.10397291

Keep this baby going let’s all get rich

>> No.10397418

I was making a dollar a minute yesterday when it spiked lol

>> No.10397496

200 something days left currently. Wonder how long this round will take.

>> No.10397504

If it keeps going like that, 1-2 months

>> No.10397636

Probably a month to three, but things could always go parabolic. We need to spread the word so more people are aware of this non shit clone. It’s already had more than 350 eth move into the contract in under 24 hours. Definitely the most potential of any of these clones I’ve seen.

>> No.10397850
File: 888 KB, 640x368, chinaman elevator.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the clock hits zero the game ends
>Whenever someone buys a key (puts ETH in the pot), the clock goes down
>when the game ends everyone gets a certain share of all of the ETH, depending on how many keys they own
>You get dividends for each key you own too
I made my money back but it's slow now. This is the best fomo game however, since it will end at a set time.

>> No.10397900

Never forget, it's a game!
But you can make some money nevertheless

>> No.10398119

Is it worth throwing like 500usd at it? How much dividends do you get daily?

>> No.10398157

I jumped in 1h ago and made 40% already.

>> No.10398166

EDIT: 12h ago

>> No.10398253

Bought 2k keys, let's see how it goes

>> No.10398337

It is at 130 eth already in less than 1 day, growing faster than the original fomo game, this game will end in 1 month or less for sure. Way faster for profit making than the original.

>> No.10398362

I hopped in at 40 ETH and have made just over all of it back. You can't lose anything either.

>> No.10398603

Why can't you lose anything ? You lose your keys if it's like f3d but in reverse

>> No.10398615

Also just 5 eth added to the pot in 8 hours.

>> No.10398643
File: 319 KB, 790x702, Screen Shot 2018-07-24 at 9.47.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally just clones of the original
Since the timer counts down, you want to get into the one with the biggest pot. Getting in on a copy-paste shitclone is pointless.

Play the /biz/ original:


>> No.10398851

This thing is going to be crazy when the timer goes down. Get in.

>> No.10399629

We are going at a clip of 10 eth per day, you need the quad to triple to quadruple to get your money back, with more than 100 days left
This is easy, you will be free rolling at the end when the final whale buys the pot.

>> No.10399686

what did he say to the engineers?

>> No.10399706

Agreed anon I’m already 50% back on investment in half a day this is great

>> No.10399752

A clone of a our clone watch out we may sue.

>> No.10399758

very explain. much good

>> No.10399768

You need it to triple to make all
Your money back, the it’s a free roll and you k own there are whales at the end.

>> No.10399792

Threw 1 ETH into this shit and only made $50 back the whole day.
Now it looks like it slowed down even more, I got fucking pajeet'd.

>> No.10399808

These are biz games
The team behind p3d is called JUST.
fomofive was announced here first as far as I know
Now this clone

>> No.10399813

There is about 5-10 eth a day coming in . If we have 100 days left that will be a 600 eth pot easy. You need the pot to roughly triple to make your money back

>> No.10399817

You want to accumulate as early as possible, the more you wait, the more you risk a FOMO rush that'll make keys more expensive.

This is only the first day. It'll follow the trajectory of f3d where its not a linear climb up.

>> No.10399821

http://shrimp.world/ provides free shrimp with every order of keys btw

>> No.10399884

I guess it wouldn't be profitable to do it now because it is too early - half of this eth will go to other key holders (assuming he snipes in one move) so he only gets 194 and the 137 from the current pot.
A potential sniper needs to wait for the moment when half of eth required to snipe is LOWER than the current pot.
When that happens, I expect for the game to end within days or maybe hours

>> No.10399935

This guy gets it

>> No.10400477

Wow team working hard on this, chinese site inc soon.

>> No.10400672

You can use my ref if ya want anon.
fomofive dot me/352

>> No.10400719

somebody else having problems withdrawing their gains?
and can also somebody explain me what happens when i withdraw - the keys are gone and im'm no longer in the game?
brainlet here ..

>> No.10400798

Under "vault", you will see 3 options. The first is "lockdown", which is the amount of divs in keys you will get AFTER THE ROUND ENDS. "Exit Scammed" are the keys YOU CAN WITHDRAW NOW. To do so, just hit "withdraw" and send a 0ETH transaction to the contract. This will allow you to get the "exit scammed" gains. "Bad advice" is just the ETH you get from using referral links (10% of how much the person puts in). See >>10400672
Hope that helps.