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10393542 No.10393542 [Reply] [Original]

What can a vet who's having trouble do to get a job? I have my masters degree in business management, interview extremely well, and have fired off over 50 applications the last month to every job within a 4 hours drive of my home, but have only received the automated 'lol no' emails that come with them. Any fellow vets here find success? Any luck?
>inb4 government jobs
I've applied but am fucking white male so it's hard to get hired
>inb4 begging
Just looking for advice on what a veteran can do to overcome the stereotypes or bias against us going into the workplace

>> No.10393551
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VETerans, report for duty!

>> No.10393593

Try to get hooked up with a veteran specific (civilian)recruiter. They're always looking for guys with your skill set. Either that or try to get in with a veterans group in your city. My buddy belongs to one in Boston and he said it was great for connections.

>> No.10393617

The economy is booming and you have a masters. Are you applying to positions too high or asking too much? I can’t imagine someone like you having that much trouble finding a job.

>> No.10393623

I just joined the VFW so fingers crossed

>> No.10393638

mainly first-line management positions, i.e. assitant managers, shift supervisors, etc.
My concentration is Healthcare Administration so it's usually at clinics or hospital departments or whatever. I have no idea either why it's been 7 months and I still don't have a job. Luckily with the GI Bill I'm getting an MBA as well, just to keep some source of income, but still, I would rather be working. Its getting to the point I'm looking at going back in, but that's the last thing I want to do.

>> No.10393642

Get a job in car sales. Military experience is actually appreciated.

>> No.10393664

I have an uncle in car sales who highly warned against it, but I'm fairly extroverted and personable so I thought I might be good at it. I one time applied and they called me within 2 hours asking for an interview the next day. Maybe I should have followed through, the nagain this was before I got my masters so maybe I'll try again.

Do you have any experience? Is it really that bad?

>> No.10393747

Eh. Idk if you're VFW is different than mine but my general experience there has been overwhelmingly negative. Its pretty much comprised of a bunch of old Vietnam vets who all carry massive chips on their shoulders because Jane Fonda sat on a double AA gun once. They're kinds fucking cunts. I would look for a more business oriented social group of guys who were in the desert instead. Or reach out to your old schools student vet office. They should have some resources for you too.

>> No.10393748

shamless self bump

>> No.10393820

intersting. I reached out to the VA and state-level veterans comission but they haven't got back to me yet.

>> No.10393864

Where are you located? A large metro area or a smaller city? That could have a lot to do with it. Also reach out to recruit military. They always have jobs lined up and those guys push hard to get vets hired as most of them are prior service themselves.

>> No.10393929

The only helpful advice before this board was to look for small businesses run by vets or hope you end up interviewing with a veteran. I hada part time job for about a year and the person interviewing me was a vet, got offered the job the next day, so that might be the key.
I'm abouta 30 minute drive from Philadelphia, plenty of jobs but also alot of competetion for said jobs, so I think it washes out.
I'm checking out recruit military as we speak. Thanks bronon.

>> No.10393940

>I've applied but am fucking white male so it's hard to get hired

I don't believe you're a vet.

>> No.10393950

I’ve had experience, and no, it isn’t bad. You can make good money, and if you move to management/finance, it’s great money.

>> No.10394123

>healthcare administration
i don't live in burgerstan but a lot of healthcare admin jobs are filled by nurses/doctors wanting to go into a desk job, or by working your way up from very low down in the organisation. Have you considered just picking up something crappy like medical reception? Once people see you aren't completely fucking retarded other opportunities will open up

>> No.10394309

Get on NEETbux I’ve heard it’s easy if you were in the military

>> No.10394481

1) sell cars for 2-4 years
2) move up to sales management
3) ????
4) Profit

>> No.10394512

>be me
>Certified White Male™
>Because Certified White Male™, love country and want to serve
>Join US Navy one year after high school
>Am Hospital Corpsman
>Muh Mortrin
>Muh Silver bullet
>Muh socks
>Muh Hangover IV
>Do muh time
>finish school
>can't find job
>Come to Laoitian Rice Cooking Forum asking for advice
>"Lol Anon I don't believe you're a vet"

>> No.10394522

Yea most of them are filled by nurses, many jobs actually require an RN license even if there's no clinical requirement, which is frustrating. I've considered going back for nursing instead of my MBA but nursing programs are so rigid and my experience as a Corpsman means I won't learn that much anyway so

>> No.10394529

I haven't applied for a job since I've been out. Been out for about 9 months.

Gonna apply to the FAA to be an ATC.

>> No.10394551

I've considered it. Filled an application with the VA on Friday.
Some NEETbux are easy, like VA disability, but others are harder to get, like VA healthcare. I applied over a year ago for a knee injury I had while in and haven't heard back yet, so I reapplied cause 3rd times the charm so next time I apply I'll be good.

>> No.10394583

Work for the VA. They hire vets more than anywhere else.

>> No.10394732

Ganbatte. Heard ATC’s have insane suicide rates for some reason, I never understood it

>> No.10394789

Dunno why. If I get to the point where I wanna kill myself I'll just quit.

Having a 6 figure salary for a little while would give me enough room to do it.

>> No.10395103

You sound like a whining pussy.

>> No.10395129

Look at government jobs like at a VA clinic, vets get preferential positioning on those.

>> No.10395159

Niggers have trouble accepting that they're handed everything.

>> No.10395240

are you me?

>> No.10395249

Do government contracting.

>> No.10395477

I think so, devil dolphin
Truth. I started saying I'm mixed race on applications, we'll see how many more hits I get as a result
Check them out, I would have to certify as an EMT but there's soem damn fine paying security contracting jobs in South Africa and Saudi Arabia, etc. 6 figures tax free for a year of work. Zeriously gonsidered

>> No.10395518

Ive been in carsales for 6 years. I quit this year and i will not be going back.
Pros - quick, easy money. No doubt. Nice cars and overall good working environmeny

Cons - deadend. Its hard to leave the industry once your in since its one of the highest paying jobs that does not need a tertiary education. Its easy to become complacent and become a reallife boomer stuck selling cars.

>> No.10395646

Firstly you need to realize being "veteran" doesn't mean anything. Just list your former job in the military on your CV like any other job and stop whining. Being an Israeli mercenary isn't special.
Secondly, do the same things anyone else would do to get a job.

>> No.10395768

About a year ago Wal-Mart would automatically accept vets. Called them up, submitted my 214, had a phone interview a few days later and was working the next week. Moving up to management is easy as fuck too. They'll accept damn near anyone who is willing to do it. I'm not sure if they still auto-hire vets but you should check it out.

>> No.10395787

kys, you and OP both

>> No.10395797

My brother did it, really good money, Saudi, Kuwait, Philippines.

>> No.10395798

OP you sound like a whiney white trash retard. No wonder you can't get hired, I'm only in your thread and I can't stand being around you.

Re enlist. Go front lines

>> No.10395802

>a vet without a job

Gosh, but you're so special. Plenty of room on the streets for your new cardboard house

>> No.10396011

t. shitskins

>> No.10396177

>Truth. I started saying I'm mixed race on applications, we'll see how many more hits I get as a result
I started saying I was latino on applications, made a huge difference.

>> No.10396291

Your resume might just need some help. Try resumes4vets.org

>> No.10396903

identify as trans or some such so u can get a quota hire

>> No.10396921

turd fling monkey style

"I'm a masculine presenting transgender lesbian going my own way."

so go larp as straight.

also you can sue when you don't get hired

>> No.10396941
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>concentration is Healthcare Administration
>has never been on the floor doing grunt work

Military doesnt count and is honestly probably a hinderence at this point. Join the VA.

>they wont hire me because of shitskins

Nice attitude. You are fucked lol. I'd rather not pay more in taxes to fund your possible VA job so you are double fucked lol.

>> No.10396970

Depending on your status coming out of the military, government jobs dont look at race/age.. but if you don’t qualify for 5/10 point veterans preference you will get passed over for jobs off usajobs.com because they have to consider disabled veterans first.. its a law..
Contact your local vocational rehabilitation office with the VA specifically.. they are the ones who help find positions fit for your skills/education/knowledge..