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File: 58 KB, 970x862, Fuckmyass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10392817 No.10392817 [Reply] [Original]

What is a good part-time job on the weekends for a college student who already has a part-time job during the week? Preferably something I can study/watch endless amounts of cute girl animes.

>> No.10392845

lmao you have 5 8am classes? that is more than I had my whole college duration

t. business student

>> No.10392874
File: 94 KB, 703x703, 1511399387223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never be a chad business major

>> No.10392944

Nice cunyfirst NYC fag. If you’re not in lehman college you’re a fucking pleb

>> No.10392965

holy shit your Tuesdays suck ass

>> No.10392972

Drop out of college completely and pick up software development while you watch anime on the side, you fucking retard.

>> No.10393000

$5 says you have a nervous breakdown before midterms.

>> No.10393018

Hoa sen? :)))

>> No.10393026

This Queen's U?

>> No.10393053

Wow, it's nice to see many universities use the same shitty system

>> No.10393204

Lol this CUNY?

>> No.10393227

I'm 98% sure we go to the same school. I am going to find your ass on campus! haha

>> No.10393242

how many fucking contact hours are you doing?

that tuesday is pure JUST. oh wait, is that organic chem lab only happen once every few weeks?

>> No.10393404

This is every week.

If you do find my ass, please be gentle. (I'm a virgin)


Yeah, probably.

>> No.10393451

In reality though this isn't too bad. Calc and O-chem are gonna suck up most of your time but besides that you'll be fine. You a first year premed or some shit?

>> No.10393479


That schedule triggered my PTSD from sophomore year. The class schedule was identical if you switch out Biotech for BioChem.


How was your first year of PreMed? If you got below a 3.5 cumm you should just switch to the B-School now before Orgo fucks your GPA & gets you auto-dinged from prestigious internships and campus recruiting.

If things aren't going well during this semester bail out & take a W on your transcript. I tried to salvage Orgo after crashing & burning on the first two tests, but I just ended up taking away resources from BioChem which I could have pulled an A in if I hadn't prioritized Orgo over everything else.

Remember, statistically you'll be a chad B-Schooler by January.

>> No.10393650

First years take General Chemistry I & II+ General Biology I & II. I'm going into my 2nd year in a Biochem + Biotech program.
>Last year
Fall: Gen Bio II + Gen Chem I
Spring: Gen Chem II + Genetics + Biotechnology I

Yeah, biochem is coming up for me next fall.

Pretty good although I'm not a premed. I'm looking to get some research I started last fall published and next week is going to end my first internship.

>> No.10393666

Lol fucking hell. Good luck dude.

>> No.10393673
File: 171 KB, 596x577, 1502182261693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digits of the devil.

>> No.10393790


That's good, the pressure for perfect grades is slighlty less intense that way. Are you planning on pursuing a PhD or some other grad program after your Bachelor's?

>> No.10393845

Yo do you go to FAMU?

>> No.10393871

is this uwo

>> No.10393875


>> No.10393979

I imagine being a doctor must suck ass.
>Sacrifice the best years of your life to earn good goy points to emulate a model person (when deep down you're a just a soulless husk).
>Be grouped in with all the other starry-eyed faggots thinking they'll /make it/ by becoming an educated-gentry (end up a debt slave instead while Chad and Stacy get the best paying specialties) This is mostly aimed at premeds though because I am surrounded by them in my classes. I do love watching them stress the fuck out before every test.

PhD is my goal ya.

>> No.10394167


Yeah. desu Orgo fucking me in the ass was probably one of the best things that happened to me since it forced me off that track & made me realize that there were plenty of other things to do that didn't require sacrificing my 20's.

Best of luck with the grad school ambitions & if you end up not going that route, an applied background in BioStats is a good entry point to Data Science.