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10391903 No.10391903 [Reply] [Original]

The current job market is inefficient. Nothing will never change and will only get worse... until you opt out. If everyone started opting out of traditional employment, employers would be forced to actually adhere to basic supply & demand principles and adjust their wages, improve their efficiency, etc. just to remain competitive. But because you retards are all like, "Oh please I NEEEEEED this job, let me suck your DICK", then they can do whatever they want and the job market is shit.

>> No.10391927

are you kidding? employment demand is at an all time high. I could find a new job in less than a week (tech industry). If you aren't able to get the bossman sucking YOUR dick in this economy, you are truly hopeless.

>> No.10391934

thanks OP just sold 100k job apps

>> No.10391952
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done senpai

>> No.10391976

i honestly believe that if all people stopped working for a month, it would glitch the global economy.

>> No.10392010

Pathetic. It's worms like you that are enabling this garbage.
>hurr durr we require you to attach a resume
>now fill out this application where you just repeat what you wrote on the resume
>now fill out this 45 minute personality survey
>okay now for the first REAL interview!
>good job, see you at the second interview with the plant manager
>great, see you at the third interview with the CEO
>awesome, see you at the fourth interview with grandmaster creator of all of business
>O-okay anon, we'll call you!
>no, we don't care if this entire process took weeks and you spent money, time, gas, etc. just to apply for a job you statistically won't get anyways
Fucking jumping through all these damn hoops.

>> No.10392083

Who has to do all that? I've worked IT at public universities for like 20 years now and just switched jobs again like 4 months ago and this wasn't and never has been my experience?

>> No.10392098

Nice try Mr. Shekelberg. I'm not applying to your shit company and dealing with your HR bureaucracy.

>> No.10392115

I found my dream job bro's. I never ever thought it would happen. I asked the universe and I was finally wise enough to heed the signs when it answered and gifted me opportunity. Life is so fulfilling right now. I worked 14 hours last night and held zero hints of bitterness about it. A 9 hour shift of construction would leave me drained. There's hope out there brothers!

>> No.10392125

>happy about working 14 hours
What job?

>> No.10392143

lol as if. It's more like, open linkedin any day of the week, reply to the last three recruiters desperately hawking me jobs, choose the one that I like the most after interviewing.

>> No.10392147


>> No.10392150

Stop being pathetic and actually be successful

My recruitment and interview experience so far
>Headhunter sends me a message on LinkedIn or calls me directly
>Asks my background and availability
>Set up an interview. 70% of the time, the date materializes. 30% of the time, they ghost
>Sends me resources for preparing interview and shit. I don't actually read it because I already work for a living
>Day of interview, go and meet the interview. Have fun answering technical questions. I don't get most of the answers. No one really does.
>Go through 2nd round of interviews
>Usually get an offer by the 2nd week

>> No.10392203

>Have fun answering technical questions. I don't get most of the answers. No one really does.

this is the key part that autists like OP don't get. If you can talk the talk, you only need passable skills to get by.

>> No.10392213

How the fuck do I write a cover letter? I'm applying for developer jobs and my resume is fine, but I'm not getting any replies. I think the problem is my cover letter. I end up just listing my skills and that I'm a team player and all that shit but no one replies.

>> No.10392230

It's not 2011 dude. Jobs are everywhere.

>> No.10392274

In all my years, I learned that cover letters and job applications DO NOT WORK. No one actually gives a shit in HR.

Like OP, I had played the game by submitting online applications with no human responses back. Those apps are literally just there to data mine you.

If you want results, first talk to a recruitment agency. I had to learn the hard way that professional representation trumps whatever I can do on my own.

>> No.10392312

this is the most boomer post I have seen all day. fuck off

Try this:

Dear Hiring Manager:

I am a begrudging rent payer who feels like he has been forced into an existence of wage-slaving, and I will never be released from this fate except by the cool sweet embrace of death. After reviewing the qualifications for this job posting, I feel that I would be a good fit for this position. [Highlight your relevant skills here]. I am exceptionally good at ass-kissing and demeaning myself for the benefit and entertainment of managers and supervisors. I will suck your dick if you even hint that you're thinking about firing or replacing me. Here are some corporate buzzwords not listed in my resume: Team player. Corporate culture. Synergy. LinkedIn. Video conferences. Put that on my calendar.

If you would like to contact me in regards to this position, you may do so at xxx-xxx-xxxx, or by email at desperateWagie@cock.li


So did you not read my post, or is the reading comprehension too high for you? I said nothing about how many jobs there are, there are many jobs. The problem is that all of them are encumbered by a fucking retarded hiring process.

>> No.10392317

That is mostly the case when you dont have experience, can attest. Other than that its offers everywhere

>> No.10392332

>recruitment agency
Yeah no thanks. Recruiters are the skeeviest people on the planet. They're like car salesmen, but instead of trying to sell you something useful, they're trying to sell you to someone else to meet their quotas.

>> No.10392362

My interview was a tour of the machine shop right from trade school, didn't even sit down and get asked questions. was hired full time at 17/hr.

>> No.10392363

>ve their efficiency, etc. just to remain competitive. But because you retards are all like, "Oh please I NEEEEEED this job, let me suck your DICK", then they can do whatever they want and the job

non ironically aspergers here and unfortunately, you're right. I used to think you had to hit 100% of the skills listed to even apply for the job, but I know better now. Wish they told you this shit in highschool...

>> No.10392385

yeah they contacted me after placing me somewhere. I was thankful for them for the job, but come on.

>> No.10392391

They are the absolutely, gut-wrenching skeeviest people I've dealt with. I found out that one agency took a bigger cut of my income than they were supposed to. The company I work for thinks they are paying me X. My agency actually pays me X-10%.

Still, I wouldn't have got to where I'm at without the initial help from them. That's the point I'm trying to make.

>> No.10392395

>machine shop
>hourly wages
Oh, sorry, you misunderstood. I'm talking about grown-up jobs with salaries, not this highschool dropout blue-collar shit

>> No.10392462

Yeah. My ex was a recruiter.
The company they recruit for tells them how much they'll pay per hour for the job (say $20). Then they offer you as little as they can while still getting you to accept the job (say $12/h). The initial company pays the agency $20 for every hour you work, of which you end up getting 60%.

>> No.10392564

what is this? HODL meme for waggies?

>> No.10392596

I dropped out of the work force and started working for myself. I don’t give a fuck anymore. If you have the choice to mooch off of the system rather than bust your dick to be worse off than if you were just being a neet, why would I hold a normal job? I have no degree, no certifications, and I have no interest in fucking talking to people.

>> No.10392618

Yeah you get it. Smart fucking man. The system wasn't designed to exploit people, but it has since been infiltrated and broken. Now, only the most most hardcore slaves can subject themselves to it.

>> No.10392625

This lol. Sounds like something a retarded trumpie would say

>> No.10392731

Jobs that require the least bit of skill are in high employment demand.
If you think too many applicants is the problem then you can only do basic bitch burger flipping shit.

>> No.10392786

You clearly didn't even read the post, that or your reading comprehension is kindergarten-level. The issue is not the number of jobs, but the hiring process itself. Have fun demeaning yourself and jumping through hoops just to get that high-demand high-skill job! :OD

>> No.10392832

A demanding hiring process implies a higher standard, which implies it's efficient.
Did you even think this through? Inefficiency is blindly hiring based on racial quotas and other stupid shit, not having technical standards.

>> No.10392868

>just to get that high-demand high-skill job

darn, the thing that enables a successful life requires some work? shit

>> No.10392869

email was perfect, except for one thing--the sign off should read:


>> No.10393580

>employers would be forced to actually adhere to basic supply & demand principles and adjust their wages, improve their efficiency, etc.
Why do you think they're importing people from 3rd world countries idiot?

>> No.10393596

>not realizing the difference between entry level jobs and jobs for people with experience

>> No.10393621

One of the great joys in life is being obnoxious to HR cunts who try to make you jump through hoops for a job.

>> No.10393646

Whats your hourly rate work out to after those 80 hour weeks anon?

>> No.10393659


It took me a few years to figure this out. I spent quite a while working nigger tier machine shop jobs, before I woke up one day and decided I wasn't going to be a fucking slave any longer. Idon't exactly just NEET it up, though. I'm self employed, but have chillun n shiet, so I'm eligible for gibsmedats. At least I don't have to wake up every morning and kiss mr nosebergs asshole.

>> No.10393678

wrong, employers would just lobby the government to import more shitskin immigrants and pay them even less than they would have paid you to begin with.

india and china are producing more children than they know what to do with, in some areas families are producing 8-12 children, and with modern medicine (even in 3rd world countries) infant mortality is at an all time low.

>> No.10393769

You have to realise the majority of advertised jobs have no intention of hiring externally until they play musical chairs all the way down to entry level positions

>> No.10393777

They are already adhering to the laws of supply and demand.

>> No.10393835

It involves knee pads and mouthwash.

>> No.10393851
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Not as long as the US imports 1 million shitskins every year to work those jobs while you starve to death thinking you're making a difference dumb fuck.

>> No.10393902

good post

>> No.10393977

A month? Lmao if everyone stopped working for 1 day wordwide it would collapse economies. 1 month with everyone not working would literally have apocalyptic resuts

>> No.10394047

>Using social media

>> No.10394107

how's mcdonalds treating you

>> No.10394430

>I have no interest in fucking talking to people
What does this have to do with anything