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10391152 No.10391152 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw only 24

>> No.10391157

Better make it within the next year then

>> No.10391173

24 as well. I will

>> No.10391184


It gets worse. much worse

>> No.10391204
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Lol I am 23, by the time I am 24 I would of beaten the odds and retired by 25.

>> No.10391206

Just save up enough money to quit your wagecuck job and work fulltime on other shit.

>> No.10391251

also 24
can't wait to catch my first bass when im 30

>> No.10391257
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Still nowhere near making it
I want to go back a year

>> No.10391264

I've been out of school for 6 years
that's the amount of time I spent in high school
what have I learned in 6 years? my 18-24 felt like nothing compared to 13-18
shits fucked yo but then again I always thought I'd be dead by 20 so whatever

>> No.10391285

>only 24
bro your life is already half over

>> No.10391320
File: 3 KB, 225x225, reeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 23
>near homeless
>skinnyfat cant bench a bar
>50 cents in my bank account
>got liquidated on bitmex not too long ago

>> No.10391335

jesus, i'd tell you to kill yourself but it's too risky you'd take me serioiusly with a situation with like that.

>> No.10391348
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who fucking cares?

>> No.10391355

23 and still having a crush on that cute and friendly girl that gave me a hug a few times back in high shool
who here /pathetic/?

>> No.10391359
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hello I would like to take your virginity

>> No.10391962

Jesus. I'd let you fuck my gf desu.

>> No.10392082
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6 more years to go

>> No.10392231
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24 year old boomer here. Get home from work every day with only enough energy to fap and go to sleep.

Just a few more years and I'll radically rearange my life, I tell myself. Just a little while longer, just a little long... in the morning everything will be better

but in the morning, nothing feels right

there is not "that" joy

you either smoke on an empty stomach, or you drink to cure a hangover

and you do it again

and another time

and many many many many more times

>> No.10392241

>would of
you're never gonna make it

>> No.10392244
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d-delete this

>> No.10392260

homeless AND hugless? how did this happen? have you been playing WoW for fifteen years like elliot rodger?

>> No.10392265 [DELETED] 

tfw 28 and life is unironically great

>> No.10392268
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tfw 28 year old kissless virgin

>> No.10392275
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I don't remember posting this...

>> No.10392279

>28 year old kissless virgin
learn how to talk to people in real life

>> No.10392294
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>Just a few more years and I'll radically rearange my life
I did this for awhile and then when I started making more money I actually started to put things in action when I could have been making progress the whole time.

>> No.10392322

What's your ATH in USD?

>> No.10392353

24, ill be 25 soon. we are a nihilistic lot of boomers. we kind of remember the tail end of the 90s and life before 9/11, but not enough to completely identify with it or make sense of what came after. we came of age in the recession.

>> No.10392364

>kissed 5 girls but never fucked anyone
tfw attractive enough to make out at parties, but girls always realize how autist I am before I take them home

>> No.10392369

>tfw 24th bday

>> No.10392405

Me too friend. All my friends thought I was the ultimate chad in college because I was always hooking up with girls at parties but I could never seal the deal

>> No.10392406
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>> No.10392926
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>24 and still browsing 4chan

Youre fucked lol

>> No.10393021
File: 1.75 MB, 1280x720, Sayori_After_Story_2018-04-10_14-06-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to hang out with Sayori!

>> No.10393287

>people worrying about age when we're all gonne be injected with nanomachines in 20 years and become immortal
>thinking your life is already over in your early 20s
self-fulfilling prophecy desu

>> No.10393447 [DELETED] 


>> No.10393467 [DELETED] 


>> No.10393495

I'm 24, money has ruined my life from when i moved out at 19 till today turning 25 in a few months.

I havn't wasted time though, and have personal accomplishments in fitness. I just want to be financially stronger and get a 8-10/10 gf

>> No.10393727

Fuck, Guess I've made it at 19. Thanks for making me feel grateful. Just change the way you're doing things, nothing happens by luck, change your habits, and follow the list you just made as a to-do list, starting from smallest to biggest, and read up on each subject on "how to get..." as you go through each thing

>> No.10393784

Guys, don't worry. We will all look back at these threads and chuckle. We will remember all the crazy emotions that we had. We will remember each other even though we never met. This ones to us.

>> No.10393785

>he doesn't know

>> No.10393805

Yeah I've been here on and off for 9 years.

>> No.10394254

>lost virginity at 14
>no friends
>no gf
>no car
>minimum wage
Trust me faggots, don't obsess about your virginity. Your mind will simply create new problems to feel shitty about and you'll forget all about the "virginity problem."

>> No.10394303


unironically this or i'll kill myself

>> No.10394983
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Me in a year.
Luckily I had a job with my grandma in high school, and an actual part time job while in college. I've saved up a nice little nest egg.
Now I just need to get an actual career going. I'd advise that other anons try getting multiple streams of income going. That's what I'm working on right now.
In all actuality, I just want to find a wife for myself who looks like she could bare children. Then have lots of kids.

>> No.10394985
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I'm here to make you feel better, lads.

>Highschool dropout
>1000$ leftovers in crypto from buying LSD
>In 2015
>Never had a job
>Body is failed abortion tier, full of strange and quirky health problems since child, like the matter of over sensitive nipps unironically preventing me from playing vidya or drawing for past 5 years

>> No.10395027
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>> No.10395095

who draws with their nipples?!

>> No.10395118

pic made me cry