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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10388865 No.10388865 [Reply] [Original]

>be early 20’s zoomer
>get middle of the road stem job
>focusing on paying off student loans first, once those are gone I’ll be 25 and can direct about 2500-3000 a month towards investments
>if I get up to 120-130k salary range several years from now I’ll be able to invest 5k a month while living extremely frugally, maybe 6-7k once I max out my earning potential
>mfw I realize even with this aggressive savings/investment plan and 7% real returns per year I’ll be a 40 year old boomer by the time I make my first fucking million

How do I cope with being a wagie?

>> No.10389003

Mostly I just abuse hookers and let everyone know my thoughts on my favorite musical pieces when they come to visit me.

I also have a raincoat that I'm very fond of that makes me feel safe.

>> No.10389037
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Go 25x long all in now, this is the bottom for BTC

>> No.10389041

Smoke some weed and stop worrying about where you think you wanna be.

>> No.10389050


Thats the problem average investment returns are like 5% per year treasury bonds even outperform the stock market over time look it up.

You should have a side business and contribute funds to something you control. Startin my shill company already and made $1000 from $20

>> No.10389060

Hey OP, I had a pension at my last job. I gave up trying when I realized that the dollar isn't going to be worth shit.

When you make your first million 1 million dollars will be the price of the average starter home. Hyperinlation is coming.

Pay the min. on your student loans and put every dime you have into crypto and help short the jew system!

>> No.10389089

>get middle of the road stem job
>get up to 120-130k salary range several years from now

>> No.10389138
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>When you make your first million 1 million dollars will be the price of the average starter home. Hyperinlation is coming.

Fellow tech wagie here, I pulled out from 401k for that reason and directed all the extra money into crypto and some other high risk high reward investment. Read up about hyperinflation and hyperbitcoinization (first mentioned back in 2014) for whats to come

>> No.10389184


Not sure what you mean... in my field (software) the average boring company will start you at 70-80k and you might progress to 140-150 after 5-10 years experience. This is base salary, and at an average company not a top paying one.